During the conversation with Guanyin Bodhisattva, Sun Wukong learned her intention, so he took advantage of her trick to rebel against the Heavenly Court, and put the Buddhist Journey to the West plan on the right track.

Otherwise, who knows what means these old ladies will use to deal with him.

Although he has achieved the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Sun Wukong knows that he is no match for Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the Buddhist Bodhisattva is a Daluo Golden Immortal!

However, his rebellion against the Heavenly Court may not be a bad thing.

As far as he knows, the Jade Emperor will send Taibai Jinxing to recruit him a second time, and make him a legitimate Monkey King, and even let him look after the Peach Garden.

This is a great job, much better than raising horses in the Imperial Stables.


The Palace of the Supreme Heaven. Guanyin

Bodhisattva went and came back,"Great Heavenly Venerable, now that Bi Ma Wen Sun Wukong rebelled against the Heavenly Court because he felt that his position was too low, everything is back on track and can proceed as usual."

The Jade Emperor was stunned, not wanting Guanyin Bodhisattva to set things right in such a short time.

Jiang Feng was also a little surprised, but soon regained his composure. I'm afraid all this is just an appearance. How could Sun Wukong, who knew the truth about the Journey to the West, be willing to make wedding clothes for Buddhism and be a tool? I'm afraid it's just to deal with Guanyin Bodhisattva temporarily.

Jiang Feng has great confidence in Sun Wukong.

However, since things are on the right track, the Jade Emperor has no reason to shirk. His dragon body shook and his face showed anger,"Send the message to Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, and Nezha, the Third Prince..."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Li Tianwang is not in the palace." Jiang Feng suddenly spoke up. He knew that Li Jing and his sons had already gone to the Lingshan Mountain in the West to have an abortion.

"Jiang Tianshen was worrying too much. If nothing unexpected happened, Li Tianwang should have returned to the palace."Avalokitesvara smiled calmly.

Sure enough, in a moment, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Nezha the Third Prince entered the Lingxiao Palace one after another.

Li Jing still had a big belly, but the difference from before was that he was radiant, vigorous and energetic at this moment.

He had drunk the abortion spring water. Although it did not make his stomach return to normal, there was no pain at all.

It would not take long before the fetus would be dissolved by the abortion spring water and disappear without a trace.

""I, your servant Li Jing, pay my respects to your Majesty!" Li Jing held the pagoda in his hand and bowed.

However, he had a big belly, and those who didn't know him would think he was Zhu Bajie.

"Li Tianwang, how is your body?"The Jade Emperor pointed at Li Jing's stomach, trying to delay the progress of the journey to the west.

Li Jing immediately replied,"Your Majesty, I am fine, please give orders!"

Although this image is embarrassing, the journey to the west cannot be delayed in any case.

He is dedicated and loyal to the Western Buddhism.

The Jade Emperor didn't know what to say, and waved his hand."Li Jing, I order you and Nezha the Third Prince to lead 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to the lower world to capture the demon monkey Sun Wukong, and there must be no mistake!"

""I obey your order!"

The Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King took the order and turned around immediately, holding the pagoda in his hand, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and was about to go down to the lower world with a heroic spirit.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his abdomen, unprecedented, almost worse than all the pain he had experienced before.

Li Jing's eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground in an instant, and the Seven Treasures Pagoda flew out of his hand.

"Ah, it hurts so much, it hurts so much, please kill me……"

Li Jing covered his stomach, rolled over and over, screamed.

His face was hideous, veins on his forehead bulged, and cold sweat poured down his body, as if he had collapsed.

All the immortals were shocked. What happened to Li Tianwang? Didn't he say he was fine?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng seemed to realize something and laughed non-stop.

If he was right, Li Tianwang was about to give birth.

""Li Tianwang, what happened to you?" The Jade Emperor asked with concern on the Emperor's Chair.

Taishang Laojun immediately stepped forward and after some investigation, his expression changed drastically,"Oh no, this is a sign that the fetus is about to be born, Li Tianwang is about to give birth!"

"What! Li Tianwang is going to give birth?"

The gods were stunned, wondering if they had heard wrongly.

A man getting pregnant was already a wonder throughout the ages, but he was actually going to give birth to a baby, this was too outrageous!

However, although it was a bit mean, some gods really had this bad taste, and wanted to see what kind of baby Li Tianwang could give birth to, to witness this unprecedented miracle.

"How is it possible? How can it be that the Buddha Tathagata’s guidance is useless?"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was also confused. This scene was completely beyond her expectations.

"Ah, you beast, stop moving, it hurts me……"

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, cried out in pain, his voice sounded like a pig being slaughtered.

"Your Majesty, you must deliver the baby for Li Tianwang immediately, otherwise, the fetus will rush around in your body and may endanger the life of the Tianwang!" Taishang Laojun said anxiously

""Quick, who knows how to deliver a baby? Hurry up and save Li Tianwang!" The Jade Emperor was also extremely anxious.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the entire Lingxiao Palace fell silent.

Most of the immortals and gods are men, how can they know how to deliver a baby?

But at this moment, a fairy maid serving the Jade Emperor stood up and said,"Your Majesty, I know how to deliver a baby, but I have never delivered a baby for a man. I don't know where to start? Where should I start to deliver a baby?"

As soon as she said this, some immortals and gods couldn't help laughing out loud. Men, you can't deliver a baby from that place!

Some immortals and gods standing on Li Jing's side were also trying hard to hold back, and almost choked out a mouthful of blood. This was really too funny!

"Ah, I can't stand it anymore……"

Li Jing suddenly roared wildly. The double pressure of his body and mind almost made him collapse, so he rushed out.

He pulled out a sharp blade from his waist and stabbed it towards his abdomen on the spot.


A burst of blood splashed, and in an instant, the entire Lingxiao Palace fell silent.

Li Jing stopped shouting, on the contrary, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Good fellow, he actually performed a caesarean section on himself, what a ruthless person!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up.


In the next moment, a red light suddenly shot out from Li Jing's bleeding abdomen.

This red light seemed to have a spirit, flashing and moving in the Lingxiao Palace, constantly jumping

""Hey! What is this?"

All the immortals and gods turned their eyes to it, and when they looked closely, they found that it was a bloody flesh ball, oval in shape, emitting a bright red light.

"The bloody ball of flesh looks exactly the same as Nezha the Third Prince when he was born!"

"I think this is another peerless genius, a pillar of the future heaven!"

"This ball of flesh is shining with precious light, it must be extraordinary!"

"Congratulations, King Li!"

"Congratulations to the Li family for adding another hero!"


The gods and immortals congratulated him and flattered him.

At this time, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, stood up, full of anger, with fire in his eyes.

He held a long sword in his hand and chopped the bloody meat ball without saying a word.


After a light sound, the bloody meat ball disappeared, and the fetus inside came into view.

However, the gods and immortals were all dumbfounded, and huge waves were set off in their hearts.

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