The fetus had two bright black eyes and was very lively, but it had four legs and was covered with a layer of short white hair. The first cry startled everyone in the room.

The cry was not like a human voice, but like a pig being slaughtered.

This was not a normal fetus, it was clearly a piglet.

"What the hell is this?"Everyone was confused and stunned.

"Are you sure this is a fetus?"

"The one that fell out of that bloody ball should be Li Tianwang's offspring."

"How could this be? I have never heard that Li Tianwang is a pig demon who transformed into a spirit!"

"Li Tianwang was previously the general of Chentang Pass, a pure human being. How could he give birth to such an evil creature?"


The gods and immortals discussed it and there was an uproar.

"ah……"Li Jing couldn't help but roar to the sky, and he was about to explode with anger.

Every word of those discussions was like a thorn piercing his heart, making him feel so painful that he wanted to die.

""Evil beast, I will kill you!" Li Jing was furious and immediately drew his sword to chop.

However, the piglet was extraordinary. Sensing the danger, it immediately moved its four short legs and ran wildly under the feet of the immortals and gods in the Lingxiao Palace, making miserable pig-killing noises as it fled.

"Li Tianwang, what are you doing? This is the child you worked so hard to give birth to. Look how cute it is. It can walk right after it was born. It will become a great man in the future!"

Jiang Feng stopped Li Jing and said with a smile on his face.

""Get out of here, you bastard!" Li Jing was furious, and then stared at Jiang Feng with hatred and said,"Jiang Feng, is this a trap you set for me? Are you playing tricks on me behind my back?"

Li Jing shouted with veins bulging on his forehead, as if he was going to eat Jiang Feng.

""Li Tianwang, you are wrongly accusing a good person. Everything should be based on evidence!" Jiang Feng waved his hands repeatedly, looking innocent.

Of course, Li Jing had no evidence, and there was nothing he could do to Jiang Feng. He could not help but snorted angrily,"I'll argue with you later!"

After that, he passed Jiang Feng and chased the piglet with his sword.


A light sound was heard, and after a lot of effort, Li Jing finally killed the piglet with his sword.


Li Jing couldn't help but let out a long breath, and instantly felt that the whole world was at peace, as if relieved.

However, just when Li Jing thought that everything was fine, the sound of pigs suddenly came again.

"Why is there a pig squealing sound?"

"It feels like there is more than one!"

"Where exactly is it?"


The gods and immortals were in a state of confusion again. Li Jing felt that his head was about to explode, but there was no other way. Even if he felt bitter, he had to deal with it with tears in his eyes.

Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw that in front of the Emperor's chair, under the feet of the Jade Emperor, that is, under the table, several more piglets appeared.

It turned out that the bloody meat ball did not disappear completely, but was chopped under the table by Li Jing's sword.

At this time, five piglets had already run out of the bloody meat ball.

Moreover, through the bloody cracks, it was vaguely visible that there were still several piglets inside.

A rough calculation showed that there were more than ten of them. This was clearly a litter of piglets! Seeing this

, the gods and immortals were all stunned on the spot, as if they were petrified, and they did not react for a long time.

Originally, it was thought that the pregnancy of Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, as a man, was already a rare story in the ages, but who would have thought that this was far more than that.

The commander-in-chief of the three armies of the heavenly court actually gave birth to the child, and it was a caesarean section. Giving birth to a normal baby would be fine, but he actually gave birth to a piglet.

If it was just one, it would be fine, but he gave birth to a whole litter of piglets, more than ten in total, this is too outrageous!

Since the beginning of chaos, the prehistoric world has taken shape, and it has been countless years, but even if all the strange and bizarre things are added together, they are not even one ten-thousandth of this one.

Even if Pangu saw it, he would probably have to praise it, the creation is really amazing!

"Li Tianwang is really a big giver. Even the old sows in the mortal kingdom of the lower world can't give birth as much as you do!"Jiang Feng couldn't help but give Li Jing a thumbs up and praised him generously.


Instantly, the whole room burst into laughter, and they couldn't hold it back, otherwise they would have suffered internal injuries.

Princess Longji hugged the Queen Mother's arm, laughing so hard that her mouth couldn't close, and tears came out.

Even the holy and noble Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but cover her face with her hands and laughed uncontrollably.

"Ah, you evil creatures, I will kill you all, die, all of you……"Li Jing was so angry that his body was shaking.

He immediately took the sword and went out, his whole body exuding murderous aura, as if he were a god of death.

"Li Tianwang, stop, stop now, why are you doing this? After all, they are all your children. Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. You are committing a sin. Stop now!" Jiang Feng tried to stop him again.

However, Li Jing would not listen. He was completely crazy at this moment.

Puff puff puff...

With blood splashing one after another, soon, those piglets were killed by Li Jing without a single one left.

This time, the entire Lingxiao Palace was completely quiet.

"Hahaha……"Seeing this scene, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, couldn't help but burst into a crazy laugh.

"Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, you are so bold that you dare to kill people at will, and they are your own children. Moreover, you killed them in front of His Majesty, staining the Lingxiao Palace with blood. What crime should you be charged with?"

"Your Majesty, how can a ruthless, cruel and vicious person like Li Jing be able to take on the important task of the Heavenly Court? Please remove him from his position and send him to the beheading platform!"

Jiang Feng suddenly stood up to complain.

But Li Jing ignored him and continued to laugh.

It doesn't matter anymore, nothing matters. Li Jing has suffered such a terrible and shameful life. How can he care about a mere position? He doesn't even care about death.

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor suddenly coughed a few times and became serious,"Silence!"

In an instant, all the immortals stopped laughing and quickly calmed themselves down.

""Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, just pretend it never happened. Anyone who disobeys will be punished for deceiving the emperor!" The Jade Emperor's majestic voice spread throughout the Lingxiao Palace. He was comforting Li Jing.

Li Jing's mood really improved, and he calmed down after a while.

"Li Tianwang, go to the lower world and catch the monkey demon!"The Jade Emperor waved his hand.

Li Jing respectfully accepted the order and left immediately.

The matter here was settled, and the court was soon dismissed. Guanyin Bodhisattva completed her mission and immediately returned to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West.

However, the hearts of the immortals and gods were extremely uneasy. They looked at Jiang Feng with unprecedented awe.

The fact that Li Jing gave birth to a litter of piglets was too bizarre and strange. Although there was no evidence to point to it, the immortals and gods were not stupid. The only one who was capable and hostile to Li Jing in the heavenly court was the God of Justice Jiang Feng.

At that moment, all the immortals and gods listed Jiang Feng as a taboo in their hearts. Even if they provoked the Jade Emperor, they could not provoke him.

Otherwise, even if they died, they would not be at peace.

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