After returning to the Miro Palace, Jiang Feng immediately began to arrange the Twelve Gods of Heaven formation.

He sat in the center, waved his sleeves, and twelve small flags appeared in the void in front of him.

Each of these small flags corresponds to an ancestor witch, namely Dijiang, Jumang, Rushou, Zhurong, Gonggong, Qiangliang, Zhu Jiuyin, Tianwu, Xizi, Shebishi, Xuanming and Houtu.

At this time, the twelve small flags gathered together, and it seemed that they had some kind of induction with each other, and they couldn't help but bloom with a bright and colorful brilliance.

This was condensed by the twelve ancestor witches with countless energy, hard work, materials and costs, and Jiang Feng didn't need to prepare any extra materials.

At this time, he concentrated his mind and calmed down, and then used his magic power and tapped his fingers.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

In an instant, these twelve small flags seemed to have spirituality, flying in twelve different directions, and finally took root under the outer wall of the Miro Palace, without anyone noticing.

In the next moment, each of the twelve small flags suddenly raised a pillar of light that reached the sky, and finally condensed into a point, combined together, and built a semicircular light shield with the Miro Palace as the plane.

This is the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation. At the top of the formation, there is an endless amount of evil spirits from heaven and earth, which is powerful and terrifying, and intertwined with twelve laws, namely time, space, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and weather. The twelve witch ancestors were transformed from Pangu's blood. Although they were born with defects and no soul, they were born to control a law, which was extremely terrifying.

Normally, the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation is not obvious, but once the murderous intent suddenly arises, it will be as powerful as thunder, breaking the sky and killing the world.

Each of the twelve ancestor witches is a supreme being at the peak of the quasi-saint level, and each of these small flags is equivalent to the full force of an ancestor witch. Combining the power of the twelve ancestor witches into a rope, and adding the power of the magic array, Jiang Feng could not imagine how terrifying the power would be.

At this moment, a token suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of Jiang Feng. It was black and square, with four large characters engraved on it: Du Tian Shen Sha.

This is the Du Tian Shen Sha Order, which can be said to be the core of the entire Twelve Du Tian Shen Sha Array, and the key to this magic array.

Holding this token, one can manipulate the entire Twelve Du Tian Shen Sha Array accordingly.

Reaching out his hand, Jiang Feng held it in his palm. In an instant, an unprecedented sense of security lingered in his heart, making him ecstatic.

With this Twelve Du Tian Shen Sha Array, his Miro Palace is as solid as a rock and cannot be shaken.

Even if it is a powerful late-stage quasi-saint, Jiang Feng has enough confidence to fight it.

In a word, as long as you are in the Miro Palace, the Saint���Jiang Feng was the absolute master, and he had the final say in everything.

After putting away the Dutian God Order, Jiang Feng smiled, and then went into the room, brewed a piece of ancient enlightenment tea, and immediately began to practice the great magical power of the Wu clan.


The Lower Realm, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguo Mountain

"Giant Spirit, listen to my order. I order you to be the vanguard and go capture the demon monkey!"

In the sky, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing led 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to come and immediately gave the order to the Giant Spirit.

""I will obey your orders!"

The giant spirit clasped his hands together and descended from the sky holding a Xuanhua axe. The moment he landed, the whole Flower-Fruit Mountain was shaken.

Sun Wukong had been ready for battle. The giant spirit was no match for him. After just three or five moves, the giant spirit was defeated and fled.

Then, Li Jing sent out Nezha, the third prince.

Although Nezha was promoted to Taiyi Jinxian, he did not use his full strength. He knew that this was just a formality.

Sun Wukong, who had read the diary, also understood this. , and he pretended to be friendly with Nezha, and also put on a show.

You know, Sun Wukong was also promoted to Taiyi Jinxian, and he ate so many immortal pills from Jiang Feng, and he also practiced the sacred fighting tactics.

If they were to fight with real swords and guns, Nezha would not be his opponent and would be defeated soon.

At present, this battle lasted for a long time, and Nezha went all out, using several magic weapons such as Qiankun Circle, Fire Spear, and Hun Tian Ling one after another.

It seemed very intense, but in fact, it was not effective, and in the end, Nezha was defeated.

""Sound the horn to call back the troops!"

When Nezha returned, Li Jing waved his hand and shouted thunderously.

The show was over, and it was time to go back and report to the Jade Emperor.

However, just as Li Jing was about to return, a sharp and cold shout suddenly came from behind,"Don't leave, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King!"

"Hmm?"Li Jing couldn't help but frowned, and turned around to see that Sun Wukong had caught up with him carrying the golden hoop.

Sun Wukong had just been promoted to Taiyi Jinxian, and was looking for someone to practice with. Moreover, during his days as Bi Ma Wen in the Heavenly Palace, he had heard that Li Tianwang had a bad temper and a big ego, so he wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"Why are you stopping me, you monkey?"Li Jing held the pagoda with one hand and put the other hand behind his back, looking down at him.

"Do you think that you can come and go as you please in my Flower-Fruit Mountain? Take a stick from me!"

Sun Wukong shouted and hit him on the head with his golden hoop.

Li Jing was not alarmed at all, and smiled calmly,"You naughty monkey, you really overestimate your own abilities. Well, this king of heaven will let you understand how high the sky is and how thick the earth is." As soon as he finished speaking, magic power surged all over his body, and with a thought, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower in his hand leaped up.

This top-grade innate spiritual treasure seemed to have spirituality, and at this moment it emitted infinite light and swelled with the wind.

However, in the blink of an eye, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower turned into a huge body, like an ancient giant mountain, majestic and imposing.

Rumble, rumble...

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower fell from the sky, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on one's head,���People felt like they were about to be annihilated.

The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain screamed and panicked, all crawling on the ground, even breathing was extremely difficult, and their eyes were full of fear.

To them, this was almost the power of heaven, and they could not resist it.

In the next moment, the Seven Treasures Linglong Tower pressed forward and took Sun Wukong in with just one encounter.

Immediately, the battle subsided and everything was calm.

"Hahaha……"Li Jing stroked his beard, laughed triumphantly, and then uttered two words lightly,"Tower!"

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower shrank instantly as if it were a part of Li Jing's body, and returned to Li Jing's hand.

But at this moment, boom!

Without any warning, a loud noise suddenly came out, shaking the heavens and the earth, originating from Li Jing's right hand.

For some reason, his Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower suddenly exploded, and then blood spurted out, blowing up his entire right arm.

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