"A small pagoda wants to suppress me, what a joke!" Sun Wukong's playful voice suddenly sounded, with disdain.

The heavenly soldiers and generals were shocked, and just as they raised their eyes, they instinctively closed them, lowered their heads, or turned their bodies away, not daring to stare.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's whole body was shining with golden light, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, making it impossible for people to open their eyes.

He seemed to be covered with a layer of golden divine light, unprecedentedly dazzling, and in his eyes, there seemed to be two balls of fire burning.

That was the blazing fighting spirit bursting out, and the endless fighting spirit burning, wanting to rush to the ninth heaven and shake the world!

At this moment, Sun Wukong seemed to have turned into a fighting god, with a surging fighting spirit and high morale, and exuding a strong self-confidence from head to toe, invincible, and his fighting power doubled.

"How, how is this possible?"Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, stared at the scene blankly, his eyeballs almost falling to the ground.

He couldn't believe it, wasn't Bi Ma Wen just a mere Golden Immortal, how could he have such a powerful aura right now, and he couldn't even hold his Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda?

This was incredible!

In the next moment, Sun Wukong's loud shout was heard again,"Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, take another blow from me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he held the golden hoop stick in his hand, which turned into a golden rainbow light, and his blood rushed into the sky, smashing down like a gust of wind and lightning.

His fighting spirit was completely ignited, and his offensive was like a violent storm, fierce and extremely fierce, bombarding Li Jing.

The golden hoop stick in his hand seemed to be free, hitting Li Jing one after another.

Li Jing's talent was not very outstanding, and the reason why he had the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian was completely because of the enlightenment of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, which helped him grow faster.

His most powerful means was the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Seven Treasures Linglong Tower, and at this time, This pagoda can't suppress Sun Wukong at all, how can it compete with this monkey?

The result is predictable. Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, was like a grandson. He was picked up by Sun Wukong and beaten and hung up. The scene was horrible, too violent and bloody.

Nezha was shocked at first, then the corners of his mouth raised an arc, and then he stood by and watched, looking like he was watching the fun.

As for the other heavenly soldiers and generals, they were also indifferent.

It's not that they don't want to help, the key is that they don't have the ability! Even Li Jing is not a match, wouldn't they be sending food if they go up?

"Bad, too bad, what the commander-in-chief of the three armies, what the pagoda-bearing heavenly king, they are just good-for-nothings, boring……"

Finally, Sun Wukong felt bored and let go of Li Jing, just like throwing away garbage.

At this time, Li Jing was beaten beyond recognition, his eyes were like panda eyes, his head was swollen like a millstone, his whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and one of his arms was blown off. Even his mother didn't recognize him. He was in an unprecedented state of embarrassment.

Upon seeing this, the giant spirit hurried forward to carry Li Jing and retreated first.

Li Jing had an urge to cry in his heart. Why was he always the one who got hurt? She was secretly pregnant by someone, and gave birth to a litter of piglets in pain. She thought that catching the monkey demon this time was a simple and easy task, but she never expected to be beaten into such a state.

After returning to heaven, Li Jing plunged into his Marshal's Mansion. How could he have the face to report to the Jade Emperor?


Xitian Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple.

Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly landed and walked forward with lotus steps.

All the Buddhists looked over there. The Journey to the West was related to the interests of all Buddhist disciples, so they naturally paid close attention.

""Venerable Guanyin, how about your trip this time?" Buddha Tathagata asked impatiently.

Guanyin Bodhisattva put his hands together, bowed, and then replied:"Report to the Buddha, the monkey has rebelled against the heaven, and Li Jing has led people to the lower world to capture him. Everything is on track."

""Very good, very good!" Tathagata Buddha nodded with satisfaction.

But the next moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva's tone suddenly changed,"But, that Sun Wukong has already achieved Taiyi Jinxian!"

"What! That monkey has only been in heaven for a short time, but he has already been promoted to Taiyi Jinxian. How is this possible?"

"How could such a big change occur?"

"This matter is of no trivial importance. In my opinion, this is by no means an accident. Someone must be secretly helping that naughty monkey and going against our Western Buddhist sect!"

"Who on earth has the guts to obstruct our Buddhist sect from carrying out the Journey to the West?"


Suddenly, the Great Leiyin Temple was in an uproar, and it was obvious that a great disturbance had been set off.

This matter was more serious than the killing of Lingji Bodhisattva. After all, Sun Wukong was one of the protagonists of the Journey to the West, playing a pivotal role. Now he had achieved Taiyi, which might affect their entire Journey to the West plan.

""Venerable Guanyin," Tathagata Buddha spoke again, his brows furrowed, and a solemn look appeared on his face. This matter concerned the Journey to the West, so he had to take it seriously."Did you find out anything during your visit? Who is against the Buddhist sect in the West?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva shook her head."There is no direct evidence, but according to my guess, it is most likely that the God of Justice Jiang Feng is behind this."

"Ever since the last time the Buddha issued a Buddhist order to kill him, this boy has held a grudge against our Buddhist sect and has always been a thorn in our side."

"Moreover, there are only a few gods in the entire heaven that cannot be calculated by us, and Jiang Feng happens to be one of them."

"He is the only candidate who has the ability to not be calculated and hates our Buddhist sect to the core. There is also the fact that Li Jing, the disciple of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, is pregnant. Various signs also indicate that he did it."

"Therefore, Jiang Feng is the most suspicious!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva explained the situation in detail.

Although Jiang Feng's actions concealed the secret, it was impossible to erase all traces.

"Jiang Feng, it's this damned God of Justice again"

"I haven’t settled the account with Lingji Bodhisattva yet, and now he comes to ruin the good deeds of our Buddhist sect!"

"But Jiang Feng has a very close relationship with Nuwa, and it is said that he is the future son-in-law of the Jade Emperor. It will be difficult for me to take action against you!"

"What should I do?"

"No matter what, Jiang Feng must be punished. If he continues to do this, it will disrupt the Journey to the West!"

"That's right, and you have to act quickly, otherwise, who knows how big the changes will be."


On the central throne, Tathagata Buddha was naturally aware of the seriousness of the problem. After listening to the opinions of the Buddhas, he could not help but slowly said:"Everyone, this matter must be dealt with in a certain way. No one and no force can disrupt our Buddhist Journey to the West."

"I will communicate with the Buddha and his mother and come up with a solution as soon as possible!"

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