"Jiang Feng, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?" Princess Longji blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Jiang Feng, her pretty face full of worry.

Jiang Feng's current state is indeed a little abnormal, his face is abnormal, his heartbeat is accelerated, and it is almost jumping out of his throat.

"Your heartbeat is so fast, have you been bewitched or injured?"

Princess Longji was full of concern. After saying this, she stretched out a jade hand to feel around Jiang Feng's body, as if looking for a wound.

Immediately, an evil fire surged up in Jiang Feng's body, instantly spreading like wildfire, eroding Jiang Feng's mind.

He stared at Princess Longji without blinking, his eyes could hardly move away, and his body was shaking. Princess

Longji's every move was stirring his heart, giving him an impulse to commit a crime.

Jiang Feng was trying his best to restrain himself, but he couldn't hold on.

He couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart. This state was not right.

""Longji, you, you go out first, I'm going to retreat!"

Jiang Feng gritted his teeth and said in a trembling voice.

But Princess Longji was not willing to leave,"How can you retreat like this?"

She didn't know what happened to Jiang Feng, and then continued:"You lie down first, I'll take care of you, don't look at me as a princess, I can take care of people."

Princess Longji's mouth was full of smiles, and she seemed to want to take care of Jiang Feng. As soon as the voice fell, she stretched out her jade hand and carefully helped Jiang Feng lie on the bed.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, just when Princess Longji was about to get up, she suddenly lost her balance and stumbled and fell on Jiang Feng.

Suddenly, her entire upper body was pressed against Jiang Feng's chest, and it was the front, separated by only a thin layer of clothes.

Thump thump...

Jiang Feng's heartbeat was like thunder, and his eyes began to become dirty, his clarity and rationality gradually faded, and finally became extremely terrifying, like a beast.


Princess Longji suddenly screamed, and then there was no sound.


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng woke up slowly.

He opened his eyes, stood up and stretched, feeling dizzy and exhausted.

"Why am I so tired?" Jiang Feng frowned, a little confused.

But in the next moment, he seemed to touch something and turned around immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's eyes almost popped out and his heart was beating wildly.

Right next to his pillow, there was actually someone sleeping, and it was a woman, a breathtakingly beautiful woman, with black hair scattered, delicate features, curved eyelashes, and skin as crystal white as mutton fat jade, but her pretty face was a little pale.

"Longji, how could Princess Longji be in my bed?"

Jiang Feng touched the back of his head, looking confused.

Soon, memories came flooding back, and everything became clearer. Although his mind was swallowed up later, he knew what happened without thinking.

There was no doubt that he had forcibly executed Princess Longji last night.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?……"

Jiang Feng grabbed his hair, a little bit unbelievable

"You're awake!"At this moment, a somewhat delicate and weak voice came from Princess Longji next to her.

She opened her beautiful eyes, and although her pretty face was a little pale, she was filled with a happy smile.

"Longji, I'm sorry, I'm such a jerk, it's all my fault, I'm sorry……"

Jiang Feng had a sad face, full of regret and self-blame.

What he did last night was no different from an animal?

However, Princess Longji did not blame him at all. Instead, she comforted him,"Jiang Feng, you don't have to feel guilty. Anyway, I, Longji, will marry you. Sooner or later, I will be yours. Sooner or later, we will be together."……"

Princess Longji, on the other hand, was very open-minded. She consoled Jiang Feng and made him feel relieved and less guilty.

Seeing this, Princess Longji immediately asked,"Jiang Feng, when will you marry me?"

Jiang Feng was suddenly confused.……"

"What do you mean? Don’t you want to marry me?"Princess Longji's pretty face suddenly fell, and her beautiful eyes were sparkling.

She gave her most precious things to Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng had such an attitude and was hesitant. Any woman would be heartbroken.

Jiang Feng hurriedly said:"Longji, that's not what I meant. I'm thinking about which day would be the most suitable for the wedding!"

"Really?" Princess Longji wiped away her tears and burst into laughter. Suddenly, the sky and the earth lost their color, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

""Which day do you think is best?" Princess Longji asked.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say,"It won't be long before it's Her Majesty's birthday. Then there will be a Peach Festival to entertain the bigwigs from the Three Realms and Six Paths. Why not set it on this day to have a double happiness and receive blessings from all parties!"

"Great, you are so thoughtful. Let’s set it on this day!" Princess Longji cheered and jumped for joy, as happy as a child.

""Okay." Jiang Feng nodded.

Although he and Nuwa had not yet resolved the issue, he and Princess Longji were in this situation now, so he had to do this. This was a man's responsibility.

If he continued to shirk responsibility with various excuses, he would really be a beast.

The Peach Festival was the limit of his delay.

"I want to tell my mother the news so that she can prepare in advance. Princess Longji smiled and prepared to get up.

But when she moved, a trace of pain appeared on her pretty face.

""What's wrong, Long Ji!" Jiang Feng asked hurriedly

"No, I, I can't seem to get out of bed." Princess Longji frowned.

Jiang Feng understood instantly,"Oh my God! Am I that strong?"

"You are simply a beast!" Princess Longji rolled her eyes, with a look of resentment on her face.

Jiang Feng was even more puzzled. This shouldn't be the case. His condition was obviously not right last night. What went wrong?

After thinking it over and over again, Jiang Feng's eyes finally lit up and he suddenly realized,"Wudao Tiandan, it's the problem with Wudao Tiandan. It seems that I put too much Chunyang grass."

"Yes, that must be the case.……"

Jiang Feng had always succeeded in refining the elixir once and for all, but this time something went wrong and such a result occurred. However,

Jiang Feng was also thankful that it was Princess Longji. If it was any other fairy, the consequences would be disastrous!

""It's bad, it's bad, something bad is going to happen, no, I have to go out!"

Jiang Feng screamed in shock, because he suddenly remembered that there was a Heavenly Enlightenment Pill in the gourd of pills stolen by Sun Wukong.

He had Princess Longji to help him release the effect of the pill, but what about the Great Sage Sun Wukong?

The Heavenly Enlightenment Pill was of extremely high quality, and even he couldn't bear it and needed to vent to release the effect, let alone Sun Wukong.

"There won't be any big trouble, right?"

Jiang Feng became more and more worried, and immediately got dressed and got up.

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