Just as he was about to put on his clothes, Jiang Feng suddenly realized that there was no clothes left. They had already been torn into pieces, including Princess Longji's.

Princess Longji was shy and complained, and she buried her head in the quilt.

Jiang Feng quickly changed into a clean and tidy Taoist robe and walked out the door.

"Boss, you finally woke up!"

Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang were already waiting outside, ready to be deployed at any time.

"Finally!" Jiang Feng was stunned, and then asked in confusion:"Xiao Wu, how long have I slept?"

"Three days and three nights, three whole days and three nights! Boss, you are so strong!" Zhao Xiaowu gave Jiang Feng a thumbs up in admiration.

"It took so long? Alas, it's all because of the elixir. I must improve it in the future!"

Jiang Feng sighed, and then he galloped and headed straight to the Monkey King's Palace.

Not long after, Jiang Feng arrived at his destination, but he didn't hear any movement outside.

So, Jiang Feng sneaked in like a ghost.

Before he was about to approach Sun Wukong's bedroom, Jiang Feng vaguely heard a sobbing sound, which seemed to be a woman's

"Fairy Zixia, please stop crying. This matter is all my fault. I don't know why.……"

"Oh, this is really weird, what is the problem? It's really confusing"

"But don't worry, I will definitely be responsible for you. From today on, you are my woman.……"

In the bedroom, Sun Wukong talked endlessly to a fairy who was crying bitterly, and consoled her.

"Fairy Zixia! This monkey actually killed Fairy Zixia!"Jiang Feng's eyes widened. Sure enough, there was a mess.

"Really? Monkey, are you sure you will take responsibility for me?"Suddenly, Fairy Zixia stopped crying and asked with a burning gaze.

Sun Wukong immediately raised three fingers and swore to the sky.

Fairy Zixia was delighted, but then showed a worried look,"But the heavenly rules do not allow intermarriage. If the queen knows about it, I'm afraid we will be doomed."

"It doesn't matter, let's just love each other secretly, only God and the earth know about it, and you and I know about it."


"Wow! I didn't expect that a small mistake of mine would actually help Sun Wukong and Fairy Zixia to be together."Jiang Feng was full of surprise.

There was a marriage between the two, but according to the Journey to the West plan formulated by Buddhism, this situation would never be allowed to happen.

In this way, Jiang Feng felt that there was nothing wrong with the Monkey King Sun Wukong and Fairy Zixia being together, as long as it was not the development trajectory formulated by Buddhism, anything would be fine.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel relieved and returned to the Miro Palace.

In the next few days, Jiang Feng took good care of Princess Longji and ordered Fairy Nishang to use the best ingredients to make the most valuable soup to nourish Princess Longji and help her recover her vitality.

After breaking through that bottom line, the relationship between the two became closer, just like a sweet couple, which was enviable.

Three days later, Princess Longji recovered as before.

Walking out of the room, she was wearing a purple fairy dress, radiant, energetic, with a happy smile on her face, and even more beautiful.

Jiang Feng hugged her, and under a pavilion in the middle of the lake, he leisurely admired the beautiful scenery. From time to time, there was a burst of laughter, which was extremely sweet.

"Okay, Jiang Feng, I haven't been out for a long time. I have to go to Yaochi to find my mother, so that she won't worry. And we have to prepare for our wedding."

Princess Longji stood up and broke free from Jiang Feng's arms.

Jiang Feng stretched out his big hand and pulled her back into his arms."Dear Princess, where are you staying tonight?"

Jiang Feng said with a smile, which seemed to have some bad intentions.

Although he fought for three days and three nights last time and caused the fact, the drug was too strong and drowned his mind. He hardly enjoyed the whole process.

"Of course I'm going back to my Qingluan Palace." Princess Longji blurted out

"What did you say? Respected Princess, I will give you one more chance!"

Jiang Feng stretched out a big hand and pointed it at Princess Longji's buttocks, his eyes full of threats.

""Okay, okay, stop making trouble. Isn't it okay for me to listen to you? I'll come back to you when I'm done. Are you satisfied now?"

Princess Longji seemed to have changed into a different person, understanding and gentle.

It was hard to imagine that the princess who was usually a little arrogant and willful and fearless also had such a feminine side, gentle as water and obedient.

Perhaps, this was the power of love!

"That's more like it!" Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Princess Longji left in a hurry. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, Jiang Feng would become dishonest and delay the important work.

Most importantly, she was a little out of control. However

, as soon as she walked out of the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Jiang Feng flew over and held her in his arms.

"Jiang Feng, what are you doing? Can you stop being so impatient? Didn't I say I would be back? Wait until the evening, okay? I will listen to you and let you do whatever you want.……"Princess Longji rolled her eyes.

Jiang Feng was stunned and said quickly:"Longji, that's not what I meant. I want to protect you. There is murderous intent here!"

Jiang Feng looked serious and serious.

"Murderous intention?" Princess Longji frowned.

How could this be possible? This is the Heavenly Palace. Both she and Jiang Feng are respected and important. Who would dare to come here to assassinate?

Jiang Feng did not explain too much. He shouted to the void in front of him,"Friend, come out!"

The Miro Palace is arranged with the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation. No one below the saint can enter his mansion quietly without being noticed.

No one can hide from Jiang Feng.

"Hey! It's interesting that you can actually sense my presence.���"Same as usual!"

A surprised voice was heard, and in the next moment, a figure appeared in the air in front of Jiang Feng.

He was wearing a monk's robe, with a restrained and deep aura, which was hard to fathom. He was emitting golden light and faintly revealed the radiance of Buddha nature, as if he was a Buddhist.

At this moment, he looked down at Jiang Feng, with the cold murderous intent in his eyes naked, without any concealment.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Princess Longji realized that what Jiang Feng said was true. At that moment, her expression became more solemn than ever.

Because she couldn't see through this person at all, and she couldn't detect his existence beforehand. If the other party wanted to attack, she might not even know how she died.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be the Peacock King of Buddhism!"At this moment, Jiang Feng relaxed and said calmly.

Although it was the first time they met, Jiang Feng was very familiar with many masters of Buddhism, so he was sure of it.

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