As the ceremonial officer's voice fell, the whole Yaochi suddenly became noisy, as if a pot had exploded.

"Oh my god! Goddess Nuwa came to congratulate in person!"

"It seems that Jiang Feng, the god of justice in heaven, holds a very important position in the heart of Nuwa!"

"This is natural, otherwise, Nuwa would not have disregarded the face of Buddhism and forcefully wiped out Lingji Bodhisattva."


The gods and immortals were talking about it, and their eyes were all directed to the entrance of the palace.

I saw that Nuwa was dressed in white clothes that were whiter than snow. Although she was just an incarnation, she was still extremely noble and had a transcendent temperament, as if she was above all living things and was sacred and inviolable.

Beside her was Princess Jiuhuang.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother hurriedly stood up and went to greet her with a smile.

At this moment, in front of Nuwa, the Buddha of the West, the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, the Emperor Qinghua of the East, the Emperor Changsheng of the South, the head of the Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect, Guangchengzi, and the man who was destined to be a god, Jiang Ziya, all became foils and lost their luster. The

Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother felt very honored. Since the first Pantao Conference, it was the first time that one of the six saints came to congratulate them. This was a great honor.

And all of this came from Jiang Feng.

However, at this moment, Jiang Feng was extremely nervous and nervous.

Everyone knows that he and Nuwa are very close, but few people know that their fates are tied together by a marriage talisman.

The relationship between Nuwa and him is that of a man and a woman that is hard to explain.

However, now that Jiang Feng is marrying Princess Longji in public, how would Nuwa feel?

Although their marriage has not really come together, after experiencing the first contact, Nuwa's heart is more or less a little moved by Jiang Feng.

Now that Jiang Feng has turned around and married another woman, if he angers Nuwa, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even though Jiang Feng is no longer the same as before, his Taoism is profound, and he has many magic weapons to protect him, he is still vulnerable in front of Nuwa.

Soon, with the greeting of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, Nuwa stepped forward.

""Greetings, Her Majesty!" Jiang Feng greeted in a panic. On such a happy day, he could not smile at all. He was a little overwhelmed.

His heart was beating wildly, and it was even about to jump out of his throat.

Nuwa stared at Jiang Feng, her expression calm, neither happy nor angry, and it was impossible to guess her inner world.

But in the next moment, Nuwa suddenly smiled, opened her cherry lips, and said softly:"Congratulations on your wedding!"

Her voice was like a lark, melodious and lingering, like large and small pearls falling on a jade plate, crisp and pleasant, like the sound of nature.

When it fell into Jiang Feng's ears, he instantly felt that this was the most beautiful sound in the world, without a doubt.


He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, a huge stone in his heart fell, and his mood was as if he had ascended from hell to heaven.

Although it was just four simple words, it showed the intention of the goddess Nuwa. She was not here to make trouble, but came here specially to congratulate.

Jiang Feng thought too much about everything. The goddess Nuwa was a saint with a big heart.

Then, the goddess Nuwa also sat down, and the marriage ceremony of Jiang Feng and Princess Longji was also held. Soon, this Peach Festival entered its climax.

Many immortals and gods feasted one after another, toasted each other, talked happily, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly lively.

In the center of Yaochi, it seemed to have become a dance floor, led by the fairy Chang'e, and accompanied by eighteen fairies. Under the soothing fairy music, Dancing gracefully, swaying gracefully.

The charming figure and enchanting dancing skills all touched the nerves of many immortals and gods, making them unable to take their eyes off.

At this time, Jiang Feng and Princess Longji should have been sent to the bridal chamber, the bride's veil was taken off, and they were frank with each other.

However, Jiang Feng knew that something big might happen next. If the Western Buddhist sect knew about the monkey's recent situation, they would not give up, so he stayed here on purpose.

Besides, he and Princess Longji had already torn off the fig leaf, and they had been frank with each other for many times. Now it didn't matter.

Just when the immortals and gods in Yaochi were happy, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who had sneaked out, came to the Peach Garden as soon as possible.

The area of the Peach Garden is extremely large. Even if Guanyin Bodhisattva can completely cover it with her divine thoughts, she can't detect the trace of Sun Wukong, so she can only look for it carefully in person.

Finally, after walking around for most of the circle, Guanyin Bodhisattva found the figure of the Monkey King Sun Wukong on a lush peach tree in the deepest part.

"Why is this monkey still in the Peach Garden?"Bodhisattva Guanyin frowned deeply, took a closer look, her pupils widened instantly, her face showed an extremely incredible look.

This monkey was not alone on the peach tree, beside him, there was also a fairy in a purple fairy dress accompanying him.

The two even held hands, and the fairy leaned her head on Sun Wukong's shoulder, her pretty face was filled with a happy smile, and her mouth was saying ambiguous words, they were inseparable.

There is no doubt that this fairy is Fairy Zixia.

Seeing this scene, Bodhisattva Guanyin was stunned on the spot,"What is going on? How did this monkey get involved with the fairy in the sky, and their relationship is so ambiguous? What on earth happened……"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was confused, with ten thousand questions in his mind, and he could not figure it out.

After being stunned for a moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva could not help but step forward and ask:"Sun Wukong, do you know that today is the birthday of the Queen Mother, and the Yaochi is holding a Peach Festival. The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother did not invite you. Aren't you angry? Don't you have the urge to make a scene at the Peach Festival?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva encouraged him to correct the mistake as soon as possible and return the Journey to the West to the plan.

However, Sun Wukong said without even raising his eyelids:"What a scene, I'm in love, I don't have time!"

For Sun Wukong, who has already achieved the Golden Immortal, the so-called Peach Festival is no longer of much benefit to him.

On the contrary, it is better to take advantage of this gap to spend time with his beloved Fairy Zixia.

The two are now in a passionate love period, and nothing is more important than accompanying each other.

Besides, making a scene at the Peach Festival would give others an advantage, giving the Buddhist sect and the Heavenly Court ample reason to arrest him. Only a fool would make a scene!


When Guanyin heard this, she was shocked and horrified. Even her soul was trembling.

She had calculated everything, racked her brains, thought about it, and thought about it, but she never thought that the reason why the Monkey King Sun Wukong did not go to the Peach Festival was because he was in love!

This was simply a fairy tale, too outrageous!

"Bodhisattva, I, We……"

On the peach tree, Fairy Zixia saw Guanyin Bodhisattva and quickly fell to the ground, looking flustered and at a loss.

Their secret love affair was discovered by someone, the consequences were disastrous!

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