"Fairy Zixia, don't be afraid. With me here, no one can hurt you!" Sun Wukong also jumped down from the tree, holding Fairy Zixia's jade hand to comfort her.

Obviously, the Monkey King Sun Wukong was a little bit arrogant.

After all, he was just a monkey, how could he live forever and endure all the time?

Now that he has achieved the Golden Immortal of Daluo, he feels that his wings are hard and he has the qualifications to challenge the strong men in the heavens, so he doesn't care and exposes his true nature.

But Fairy Zixia is still uneasy. She is in love with the monkey Sun Wukong, which violates the rules of heaven. Can't the heaven tolerate her?

In addition, as one of the important people destined by heaven to obtain scriptures, the Western Buddhist sect will never allow Sun Wukong to fall in love with anyone.

Whether it is the Heavenly Court or the Western Buddhist sect, they are two super behemoths, and Fairy Zixia can't help but be terrified!

At this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva was still stunned in the same place, as if petrified.

The scene before her had such a huge impact on her that it completely deviated from the trajectory of her journey to the West. For a moment, she was at a loss. After a long time, Guanyin Bodhisattva came back to her senses and then disappeared instantly.

This matter was of great importance and she could not make a decision. She had to report it to the Buddha immediately.


Yaochi was boiling with excitement. The immortals and gods talked about ancient scriptures, toasted each other, and enjoyed the singing and dancing. It was extremely lively and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly joyful.

But at this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva came in quickly, in a hurry, and then whispered a few words to Tathagata Buddha and other Buddhas.

In an instant, Tathagata Buddha, Dipankara Buddha, Maitreya Buddha and others were all shocked and horrified.

Even with their Buddha's concentration and character, it was difficult for them to remain calm and not show their emotions.

The news brought by Guanyin Bodhisattva was too shocking.

So, just when the immortals and gods gathered together, Dipankara Buddha stood up angrily and shouted at the Jade Emperor in an extremely cold voice:"Great Heavenly Venerable, why do you go back on your word and betray your faith? Ignore my Buddhist plan to travel to the West?"

His attitude was so high and mighty, and he was completely questioning, not taking the Jade Emperor seriously at all.

As soon as the words fell, the entire Yaochi suddenly became quiet, a dead silence, and no sound was heard.

All the immortals and gods sensed the raging anger emanating from the body of the ancient Buddha, and they were afraid that the situation was not good!

"Sure enough, what is coming will come!" Jiang Feng was not surprised at all, but a smile appeared on his lips. He had already made all the preparations.

The Jade Emperor was stunned and frowned, not understanding where the anger of the Ancient Buddha came from.

After a pause, he couldn't help but say:"Why did the Ancient Buddha say that? I have always kept my word, how could I go back on my word?"

"Why didn't the monkey Sun Wukong cause a big disturbance at the Peach Festival? Why did the situation deviate so far from our Buddhist plan?" The ancient Buddha Ran Deng asked again.

"this……"The Jade Emperor frowned, and then responded calmly:"Perhaps something went wrong with the Buddhist plan. After all, plans cannot keep up with changes. But I always keep my promises, and I will never break my promises."

The Jade Emperor insisted, vowed, and refused to admit that he had anything to do with it.

In fact, it really had nothing to do with him. He still doesn't understand what happened.

"If that is the case, Great Celestial Venerable, why did the Great Sage Sun Wukong fall in love with Fairy Zixia and flirt with her in the Peach Garden?" Guanyin Bodhisattva then asked

"What! Sun Wukong and Fairy Zixia are in love?"The Jade Emperor was dumbfounded, his eyes almost popped out, he was extremely shocked.

His expression was definitely not acting or pretending, but a real psychological feeling.

"No wonder the monkey didn't disturb the Peach Festival, it turned out that he was in love. Great, the son-in-law's trick is really great!"The Jade Emperor couldn't help but give Jiang Feng a thumbs up in his heart.

"Ha ha……"Then, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He couldn't close his mouth in a very ungraceful manner. After a long time, he said:"Ancient Buddha, are you mistaken? How can a monkey have a man-woman relationship? This is too absurd!"

"Yes, this is impossible," Queen Mother Wang also echoed,"Fairy Zixia is my personal maid. She is so beautiful that she can make fish sink to the bottom of the water, geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide in shame. How could she be interested in a monkey? This is obviously nonsense!"

"Ancient Buddha, Bodhisattva, today is a great day for my heavenly court, please don't make such jokes, we can talk about it later!" Taibai Jinxing cupped his hands and persuaded with a smile.

The other immortals also did not believe it and were skeptical. It was too outrageous that Sun Wukong fell in love with a fairy!

However, the faces of the Buddhists were extremely gloomy and ugly.

""My Lady, Great Celestial Venerable, what I saw with my own eyes, how could it be false? If you don't believe me, you will know it at a glance!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was extremely confident, and then raised her hand, and a ray of Buddha light appeared, forming a mirror in the sky above Yaochi, in which the scene of Sun Wukong and Fairy Zixia being affectionate on the peach tree just now was presented.

This was not some mysterious calculation technique, but Guanyin Bodhisattva used her magic power to depict what she saw and heard into an image, just a small trick.

After watching it, the whole hall was shocked, and the expressions of the immortals and gods suddenly changed, unbelievable

"Is this really true?"

"It’s incredible that a monkey actually had an ambiguous relationship with a fairy in the sky and fell in love with her!"

"What on earth is this Fairy Zixia trying to achieve? It's really hard to understand!"


"Great Celestial Venerable, what else do you have to say?" The ancient Buddha Ran Deng called him the Great Celestial Venerable, but he acted bossy and showed no respect at all!

"This, I have no idea, how could this happen?"The Jade Emperor frowned, refusing to admit that he had anything to do with it.

The Buddha of Burning Lamp had no other choice, after all, he had not caught any evidence.

After thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but say:"In this case, please ask the Great Heavenly Venerable to order that this demon monkey Sun Wukong be demoted to the mortal world, and then send heavenly soldiers and generals to capture him."

The most urgent task is to get everything back on track first. As for the cause of the incident, it will not be too late to investigate and consider it later.

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but show embarrassment,"But Sun Wukong has been guarding the Peach Garden conscientiously and has never caused a big disturbance in the Peach Festival. I have no reason to demote him to the mortal world and send troops to capture him, right?"

The Jade Emperor would naturally not do as the Buddha of Burning Lamp wished.

The Buddha of Burning Lamp couldn't help but ask back,"This monkey is in love with Fairy Zixia, which seriously violates the heavenly rules. Isn't this a reason?"

The Jade Emperor's heart sank. The words of the Ancient Buddha Dipankara left him speechless and unable to shirk his responsibility.

If he did not do as he was told, it would be clear that he was going against the Western Buddhist sect and violating the great trend of Heaven.

Just as the Jade Emperor was about to obey, the God of Justice Jiang Feng suddenly said,"Wait, they are not guilty!"

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