
At the same time, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva spurted blood from their mouths one after another, their breath weakened, and their faces turned extremely pale.

The golden body was destroyed, and under the guidance of the mind, an invincible force surged in, causing them to be injured on the spot, and their blood surged in their bodies.

This time, Sun Wukong used all his strength, transformed into the Supreme God of War, and displayed his invincible magical power, the Golden Eye of War, and actually defeated the three Bodhisattvas of the Western Buddhist Sect in a row. He was extremely powerful.

"This, how is this possible?"

"This naughty monkey actually defeated the three Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. His strength is so terrifying!"

"Who taught this disciple? Who taught him the Dharma?"

"Even if a saint were to teach everyone everything he knew, the progress shouldn't be so rapid, right?"

"Yes, this is comparable to Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven!"


The immortals and gods were all shocked, so shocked that their souls were trembling.

Even Jiang Feng's eyes flashed with surprise. He had never thought that the Fighting Saint Art was so powerful!

The faces of the old bald donkeys in the Western Buddhist sect were uglier than ever before, especially the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, whose expression was extremely gloomy, so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

He was still hoping to obtain a huge amount of heavenly merit after the successful completion of the Journey to the West, so as to go further and even become a saint high above.

However, at the moment, this monkey Sun Wukong was so powerful that the three Bodhisattvas under his sect were not his opponents. Instead, he vomited blood on the spot and was injured internally. How could he still travel to the West?

"This is definitely not taught by Bodhi Patriarch. Who is behind this? You monkey, explain it to me clearly!"The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp roared ferociously, like a madman.

Not to mention him, even the Tathagata Buddha could not remain calm when seeing this scene, but was in a state of confusion.

Because this completely disrupted his plan. As soon as the voice fell, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp suddenly took action.

This monkey is too rebellious. If he is not suppressed and disciplined at this time, how can he be subdued in the future?

The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp made a move, and in an instant, the situation suddenly changed, and the stone was broken.

He still stretched out a bony palm from his sleeves, and then slapped it down fiercely at Sun Wukong.

His palm was extraordinary. It was another supreme magical power of Buddhism, the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm created by the Taoist Jie Yin.

In an instant, there was an infinite amount of Buddha light flashing, illuminating the heavens and the worlds. , making the entire Yaochi transparent.

And in that big palm, many strange visions appeared vaguely, there were three thousand Buddhist kingdoms, more than ten Buddhas, one hundred Bodhisattvas, thousands of Arhats, tens of thousands of Vajra, and hundreds of millions of Buddhas, presenting a prosperous Buddhist kingdom.

And, accompanied by the mysterious chanting of scriptures, the Buddhist sound continued to chant, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, spreading throughout the four seas and eight wildernesses, as if possessing a strange magic power, assimilating everything, and saving all living beings.

Originally according to the plan, the Tathagata Buddha used this magical power to subdue the Monkey King Sun Wukong and suppressed him under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years.

It is obviously a bit of a waste of talent to deal with Sun Wukong, who is only in the realm of Golden Immortal, but the Tathagata Buddha's intention is to Demonstrate the majesty and power of Buddhism, so as to better tame Sun Wukong.

However, now, when the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp displays this magical power, it is still extremely powerful and overwhelming.

He is one of the Three Thousand Guests of the Red Dust, a great man of the same era as Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu. He has been immersed in the realm of quasi-saints for an unknown period of time, and now he is activating the highest magical power of Buddhism, the Kingdom of Buddha in the Palm. The horror is enough to imagine.

Not to mention the Golden Immortal, even ordinary quasi-saints are almost dead under the palm of the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp.

In an instant, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven Sun Wukong felt the tremendous pressure coming madly, suppressing the boiling fighting blood in his body, and unable to maintain the peak state of the God of War. The difference between the two The gap is too big, like the difference between heaven and earth, not enough to be counted by reason.

Even if Sun Wukong tried his best, he could not contend.

At this moment, he held the golden hoop, but encountered the pressure of a mountain, his forehead was bulging with blue veins, and his body seemed to be broken apart.

Jiang Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink fiercely. These old bald donkeys in the Western Buddhist sect are really shameless. They have always been arbitrary and wanton.

However, facing the thundering attack of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, he was helpless.

If it was in his Miro Palace, Jiang Feng might have the power to contend, but in this Yaochi, he couldn't intervene at all. Just when Jiang Feng was anxious and at a loss, the Jade Emperor who had been watching the excitement on the central throne suddenly moved.

""Randeng Buddha, you are too presumptuous!"

The Jade Emperor shouted angrily. For the first time, he took such a tough attitude towards Western Buddhism.

Jiang Feng's careful planning caused the Journey to the West to deviate seriously. How could the Jade Emperor sit idly by and let Randeng Buddha take action to bring everything back to the starting point?

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and stamped it.

The Jade Emperor Haotian was recommended by the Three Pure Ones to sit on the supreme position of the Three Realms. He was somewhat unworthy of the name. Many creatures in the Three Realms and Six Paths looked down on him and called him a puppet of the saint.

Over the years, the Jade Emperor has been keeping a low profile and obeying the saints in everything. Fu Zhao dared not disobey in the slightest.

However, if we ignore his own strength because of this, we would be making a big mistake.

You know, the Jade Emperor Haotian is the doorman of Hongjun Daozu. Although he is not a direct disciple, he has been with Hongjun Daozu for countless years, and he has also received a lot of guidance from him.

Moreover, he is also a congenital creature, existing in the early days of prehistoric times, and even witnessed the Longhan Calamity with Hongjun Daozu. He can be said to be a living history book.

In terms of seniority, he is even higher than the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, and his strength is even more profound. It is predictable.

Because of the protection of Daozu Hongjun, no matter who it is, they would not dare to conflict with Haotian for the sake of face.

Therefore, he has never experienced a world-shocking war, and no one knows how strong he is, including the Queen Mother Yaochi. At this moment, the golden light was dazzling and the aura was mighty. The Jade Emperor raised his hand and sacrificed the Haotian Seal given to him by Daozu Hongjun.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and it is also a spiritual treasure of merit. It inherits the destiny of heaven and earth, suppresses the heaven, and is immortal for all eternity.


In an instant, in the Haotian Seal, there was A loud and clear dragon roar suddenly sounded, and it was so powerful that it could reach all directions.

This was a golden dragon of luck, based on the magic power of the Jade Emperor, and blessed by the luck of the immortals and gods in heaven, and it carried an infinite and vast force, suppressing it with great force.

Boom boom boom... the sound of shocking explosions continued to be heard, continuously, shaking the entire thirty-three heavens, and it was endless.

It was visible to the naked eye that under the impact of the golden dragon of luck, the prosperous Buddhist country was constantly being destroyed, crushing with overwhelming force, and nothing could resist it.

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