In an instant, the endless chanting disappeared, and the three thousand Buddha kingdoms were shattered and vanished, as if they had never appeared.

The Jade Emperor showed his strength for the first time in public, shocking everyone. With just one seal, he easily broke the supreme magical power of Buddhism, which was incredibly powerful.

"Ancient Buddha Dipankara, this is Yaochi, the Heavenly Palace, not your home. No matter whether it is the Monkey King Sun Wukong or the Fairy Zixia, they all belong to the Heavenly Palace, and it is not your turn to interfere!"

"Quickly release Fairy Zixia, otherwise, all previous agreements between Buddhism and me regarding the Journey to the West will be invalidated!"

The Jade Emperor spoke in a cold tone, with a strong threat in his words, and unprecedented domineering and strength.

Everyone was stunned, with an incredible look on their faces. Is this still the submissive Jade Emperor? How come he seems to have become a different person? He actually dared to openly challenge the Western Buddhism and use the Journey to the West as a threat. This is too shocking! When the Monkey King Sun Wukong and Fairy Zixia saw this scene, they were both shocked. They never thought that the Jade Emperor would stand up and protect them like this!

"you……"The expression of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng stagnated, his face was uncertain, and he was at a loss for a moment.

He couldn't just let Fairy Zixia go. If he did, wouldn't it prove that the Western Buddhist sect was scared?

On the side, the Tathagata Buddha sat cross-legged with his hands flat on his knees, like a flower, but at this moment he couldn't help but clench his fists, and the veins on them bulged.

He never thought that the situation would develop to this point. The Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, actually went against his usual behavior and ignored the general trend of the Heavenly Dao to become an enemy of the Western Buddhist sect.

This was something he could not tolerate. After the Conferred God Calamity, the Western Buddhist sect had grown unprecedentedly, and as the Lord of the Great Leiyin Temple, all living things in the Three Realms and Six Paths were in awe and respect, and regarded his orders as decrees, and dared not disobey.

It can be said that he is more like the Lord of the Three Realms than the Jade Emperor, both in terms of status and power.

He never took the Jade Emperor seriously, but now, everything seems to have changed.

For a moment, Tathagata Buddha had a strong urge to take action.

If he had not taken into account Hongjun Daozu, he would not have hesitated at all.

In the Three Realms and Six Paths, any troublemaker who is hostile to Western Buddhism must be destroyed in body and soul and cease to exist.

But at this moment, the goddess Nuwa, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke,"Ancient Buddha Dipankara, why bother with a small fairy?"

The goddess Nuwa's voice was soft and calm, but no one dared to ignore its deterrent power.

Her words were also an obvious statement, and she undoubtedly stood on the side of the Heavenly Court.

Tathagata Buddha frowned, his expression was a little gloomy, but the goddess Nuwa also gave him a way out.

Otherwise, today's events might be difficult to end.

""What Nuwa said makes sense. The ancient Buddha Dipankara was just impulsive."

Buddha Tathagata smiled calmly, and then waved his hand. Fairy Zixia broke free from many restraints and flew to the outside of Yaochi Palace.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up and he quickly flew forward to catch Fairy Zixia.

Obviously, the situation has been temporarily eased due to the intervention of Nuwa.

But the hatred between the two sides has been formed, and it is impossible for them to get together and force a smile.

After a brief pause, Buddha Tathagata stood up and said,"Great Heavenly Venerable, Nuwa, this Peach Festival is coming to an end. I have brought congratulations from the Western Buddhist sect, so I will take my leave first." After the voice fell, without waiting for the Jade Emperor to reply, Buddha Tathagata led a group of Buddhists to leave together.

Just as they were about to leave Yaochi, a lazy and ambiguous voice suddenly came out,"Wait a minute, Buddha Tathagata, why don't you stay for a while and discuss how to deal with the monkey? This matter has not yet come to a conclusion, how can you just walk away, aren't you afraid of delaying the journey to the West?"

The person who spoke was Jiang Feng. Since the two sides have almost torn their faces apart, and Nuwa is here, Jiang Feng will naturally seize the opportunity to expand the results of the battle and squeeze the value of the Tathagata Buddha.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Provocation, this is a naked provocation!

This Jiang Feng is really bold and ignorant of life and death. All the Buddhists are already angry, but he still wants to provoke like this. Aren't you afraid of playing with fire and getting burned?

If the Western Buddhas really go crazy regardless of everything, I am afraid that even Nuwa and the Jade Emperor will find it difficult to calm them down.

"Oh my goodness, here he comes again! My son-in-law is good in every way except that he loves to die!"The Jade Emperor was terrified and his hair stood on end. The

Western Buddhist sect is powerful, and this is not just talk.

If they really throw away all constraints and start a killing spree, the current foundation of the Heavenly Court will not be able to withstand it.

Upon hearing this, Tathagata Buddha suddenly paused.

Even with his concentration, he was almost mad with anger and fury.

For many years, Western Buddhism has never been provoked like this, and it was a provocation directed at him. This was simply like digging the dirt on Tai Sui's head and plucking the hair on the tiger's head. He didn't want to live!

But in the end, Tathagata Buddha still held back.

"No need, we will deal with this matter later!"

After leaving a word, Tathagata Buddha led the crowd away.

His voice was very calm and indifferent, but everyone could hear the forbearance and anger hidden in it.

Obviously, under this calmness, there are huge waves, which will eventually erupt and hit the shore.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by the Tathagata Buddha and obtained the Supreme Level Treasure Box. Do you want to open it?"

The system's crisp and pleasant voice echoed in Jiang Feng's mind.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. He definitely gained a lot from this Peach Festival.

The two old bald donkeys, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp and the Tathagata Buddha, are more terrifying than each other, and are definitely not inferior to the Peacock King Kong Xuan.���How could the system rewards these two people received be bad?

With the departure of Western Buddhists and others, the Peach Festival gradually came to an end, and the gods and immortals said goodbye and left.

However, this Peach Festival was very different from the previous ones, and it was definitely far-reaching and enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

The Heavenly Court was contrary to its usual behavior and actually confronted the Western Buddhists. They almost tore their faces and turned the world upside down.

Some powerful people with keen spiritual perceptions vaguely smelled that the sky seemed to be changing, and the Heavenly Court was no longer the same as before, and it must not be ignored.

As the Journey to the West approached, the evil spirit between heaven and earth gathered more and more, which seemed to indicate that a bloody storm was about to come.

Yao Chi, after sending off Zhenyuan Daxian and Nuwa Niangniang one after another, Jiang Feng did not stop and went back home as soon as possible.

"System, quickly open those two supreme treasure chests!"

After returning to the room, Jiang Feng couldn't wait to communicate with the system, his eyes were burning and full of expectations, unprecedented.

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