Jiang Feng was not surprised, this was completely reasonable.

Yang Jian had hated the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother for who knows how long, and it was an established fact that his mother was suppressed in Taoshan, and it was impossible for him to change his attitude just because of Jiang Feng's words.

Then, Jiang Feng told the truth,"You should know something about the Western Buddhist sect. Under the guise of saving all living beings with great compassion, I don't know how many sinister and cunning things they have done behind the scenes."

"The reason why Western Buddhism can have the current scale is mainly due to the shameless and thick-skinned Zhunti Jieyin."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian couldn't help but frown. He agreed with Jiang Feng's cognition of Western Buddhism, but he was confused by Jiang Feng's mention of Western Buddhism at this time.

Jiang Feng continued:"When the Heavenly Court was established, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother ascended the throne with the Fu Zhao of Hongjun Daozu. The Western Buddhism was afraid that the Heavenly Court would become bigger and stronger and seize the merits and fortune, so they made trouble everywhere to hinder the development of the Heavenly Court."

"Your father Yang Tianyou is actually a Buddhist disciple. He was ordered by Tathagata Buddha to pretend to be a mortal, seduce your mother Yao Ji, fall in love with her, and even marry and have children with her, which seriously violates the Heavenly Law."

"At that time, the Heavenly Palace was just being built, the Jade Emperor had just accepted the Conferred God List, the regime was extremely unstable, and the Heavenly Laws had just been established. However, your mother openly violated the Heavenly Laws at this time."

"If the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother do not deal with it, it will be a slap in their own face, and they will lose their prestige and dignity in front of the gods in the heaven. If it were you, what would you do? Would you ruin the future and fate of the entire heaven because of the mistake of one person?"

"No, it's impossible, this is impossible, my father is an ordinary man, how could he be a Buddhist disciple?"

Yang Jian kept shaking his head, he was a little agitated and couldn't accept it for a while.

Jiang Feng saw this and said,"Your mother Yao Ji is the sister of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. She grew up in the Zixiao Palace with her. She is very advanced in Taoism and extraordinary. She has also seen the world. Do you really think that an ordinary mortal can attract your mother and make her deeply infatuated with him?"

"Whether what I said is true or not is actually not difficult to determine. You can tell where your father Yang Tianyou is buried at a glance!"

"At the foot of Taoshan Mountain."

After a short pause, Yang Jian took Jiang Feng to the lower world and soon landed at the foot of Taoshan Mountain.

There is a solitary grave here, and in front of the grave there is a tombstone with five large characters engraved on it: Tomb of Yang Tianyou.

Back then, the Jade Emperor was furious when he heard the news, and slapped Yang Tianyou to death in the Lingxiao Palace. Later, Yang Jian buried him here personally to accompany his mother Yao Ji.

At this time, Jiang Feng used his delusion-breaking divine eyes to break through delusion and penetrate the origin. He saw through the situation in the tomb at a glance, which was completely consistent with his cognition, but Yang Jian did not have this ability to penetrate.

So, Jiang Feng raised his hand and shot out a divine light, which blew up Yang Tianyou's tomb on the spot.

""What are you doing?" Yang Jian roared, and clenched his fists.

His father Yang Tianyou died tragically, and his life was miserable. However, he could not rest in peace even after his death. His grave was blown up. As a son, how could he tolerate this?

""Yang Jian, don't be angry. Look, what is that?"

Jiang Feng pointed at Yang Tianyou's grave.

Yang Jian's expression froze. Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Turning his head, he saw a round bead shining with golden light in his father's grave, illuminating all directions.

The light was very strange, with some kind of attribute, unique, and it was the real Buddha's light.

"This is……"Seeing this scene, Yang Jian's whole body froze.

Jiang Feng flicked his finger, and the round Buddha light bead in the graveyard floated slowly in front of Yang Jian as if guided,"This is a Buddhist relic, you should know what it means."

Buddhist relics are formed by the condensation of many Buddha powers in the body of Buddhist disciples after their death, and only the high monks of Buddhism can have relics.

In other words, what Jiang Feng said was true, Yang Tianyou was indeed a disciple of Buddhism, and everything was directed by Buddhism behind the scenes.


Yang Jian took the relic, clenched his fists tightly, the blue veins on his fists bulged, and there was a crisp sound of bones cracking.

Then, his fists loosened again, and then he knelt on the ground with a plop, and roared to the sky.

"Mother……"Yang Jian cried loudly and was hysterical.

Faced with the established facts, Yang Jian had to believe that his father Yang Tianyou was a Buddhist disciple, but his mother suffered because she was plotted against by the Western Buddhist sect and was suppressed in Taoshan, lonely and helpless, without seeing the sun.

"Buddhism, I, Yang Jian, will never coexist with you from now on!"

Yang Jian swore fiercely, his face more solemn than ever before.

""Brother, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

At this moment, a light and pleasant voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a graceful figure came quickly. She was wearing a red dress, with a beautiful face, holding a long sword in her hand, heroic and graceful.

Although it was the first time they met, Jiang Feng was not unfamiliar with her. The young and beautiful girl in front of him was Yao Ji's daughter, Yang Jian's biological sister Yang Chan.

Seeing Yang Chan coming over, Yang Jian hurriedly calmed down, thought again and again, and told Yang Chan the cruel truth.

After a long time, the brother and sister calmed down a little.

"Third sister, come here, let me introduce you. This is Jiang Feng, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall of Heaven. He told me the truth and promised to release my mother so that our family can be reunited."Yang Jian pulled Yang Chan to Jiang Feng and introduced him.

"Yang Chan greets Palace Master Jiang, thank you Palace Master Jiang!"

Yang Chan immediately bowed and greeted obediently.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile,"Sister Yang Chan, you are being too polite. I'm afraid you don't know that I have already married Princess Longji and become the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother."

"Your mother is the sister of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. You and your second brother Yang Jian should call Princess Longyan your sister, and I am your brother-in-law. We are actually a family!"

Hearing this, the brother and sister looked at each other, stunned at first, and then smiled at the same time, as if they had reached some consensus, and then they bowed to Jiang Feng and said,"Hello, brother-in-law!"

"Ha ha……"Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh heartily, ecstatic.

Since crossing into this primitive world, he has been alone and helpless, but now, he has a sense of home and his own relatives.

"My two brothers and sisters, you are not calling me brother-in-law for nothing, I have gifts for you."

"Here, one gourd of elixirs for each of you, take it!"

Jiang Feng was never stingy with his relatives.

He waved his hand and took out two gourds of elixirs. He had refined a lot of elixirs in the past few days.

In the gourds, there were his latest version of the Heavenly Enlightenment Pill, the Six-Turn Golden Pill, and other strange and bizarre elixirs, and even two drops of the ancestor witch's blood.

The brother and sister took the gourds and felt the heavy weight in their hands. When they opened them, all kinds of strange fragrances came to their noses, and a burst of precious light flashed. There were hundreds of elixirs. They couldn't help but smile and were very happy.

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