"Second brother, my brother-in-law is so generous. He gave out hundreds of pills at once. This is much better than when you were training under the disciple of Jade Ding Zhenren of the Chan Sect!"

Yang Chan held a gourd of pills, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and she cheered.

Speaking of Chan Sect, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say something more,"Erlang, in fact, when you first joined the Chan Sect, you were just used by the Chan Sect as a pawn to complete the Conferred God Tribulation."

"How huge was the Chan Sect in the past, and how protective was Yuanshi Tianzun! If they really wanted to be good to you and save your mother Yao Ji, how could the Jade Emperor stop them?"

Hearing this, Erlang Shen Yang Jian was stunned again, and after thinking carefully, he found that it was just as his brother-in-law said.

However, he didn't suffer any loss, so he didn't care too much, but he would not be as grateful to Chan Sect and Jade Ding Zhenren.

"Thank you for your advice, brother-in-law!" Yang Jian clasped his fists in thanks. Jiang Feng waved his hand,"It doesn't matter, we are family, and as your brother-in-law, I must let you live clearly. You can't always be kept in the dark and be manipulated by others."

"By the way, Erlang, my brother-in-law has a magical skill here, called Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth, if you practice it to perfection, you can transform into a prehistoric beast Taotie, swallowing the sky and the earth, and be omnipotent. I wonder if you are willing to learn it?"

Yang Jian's eyes sparkled, revealing a strong desire,"Yes, Erlang, I am willing, please teach me, brother-in-law!"

In order to rescue his mother Yao Ji, he practiced hard these years, but the Jade Ding Zhenren only treated him as a chess piece, and the teachings he gave him were very limited, so he could only practice to the Golden Immortal. A good cook cannot cook without rice. The former Six-eared Macaque was also gifted and had a deep foundation, but no one taught him, so he only stayed at the Golden Immortal for a long time.

Right now, for Yang Jian, in addition to rescuing his mother Yao Ji, the most desired thing is to improve his cultivation.

Jiang Feng nodded, and soon taught him the Heaven-Swallowing and Earth-Devouring Domination Skill, which was deeply engraved in Yang Jian's mind.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chan's beautiful eyes also flashed with fiery color. How could she not want to obtain such a magical skill?

"Third sister, my brother-in-law doesn't have any Taoist methods suitable for women to practice, but," Jiang Feng's tone suddenly changed, and then he said:"My brother-in-law does have a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, called the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow, which can be given to you!"

Jiang Feng naturally couldn't favor one over the other for the brother and sister.

He took out the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow, erased his own soul mark, and then handed it to Yang Chan.

He now has several top-grade innate spiritual treasures in his hands. In terms of attack power, the Immortal-Slaying Sword, one of the Four Swords of Zhuxian, is sharp enough, so the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow is dispensable.

""Brother-in-law, you are so open-minded, my good brother-in-law!"

Yang Chan was overjoyed. She threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms and gave him a big hug.

Jiang Feng was stunned. This little girl was so plump and carefree.

Then, Yang Chan took the Sun-Shooting Bow and kept playing with it, almost dancing with joy.

She heard that the Sun-Shooting Bow was the bow used by Hou Yi, the great wizard in the early prehistoric times, to kill the nine golden crows in the ancient demon court.

While the brother and sister were happy, Jiang Feng raised his hand and used his great magical powers to split the Peach Mountain and rescue Yao Ji.

Suddenly, the family of three reunited, hugged each other, cried with joy, and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Aunt Yaoji!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help but step forward and break the silence.

Yaoji is the sister of the Queen Mother, so Jiang Feng should really address her as such.

""Erlang, Chan'er, what's this?" Yao Ji asked in confusion.

After being suppressed in Taoshan for a long time, she looked pale and a little haggard, but she still couldn't hide her peerless elegance and elegant and quiet temperament.

At that moment, Yang Jian and Yang Chan explained, and Yao Ji suddenly realized and understood everything.

Then, the few of them chatted for a few more words, and Yao Ji decided to settle down in Taoshan and recuperate for a while. When her body recovered, she would go to the Heavenly Palace to see the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Yang Jian and Yang Chan decided to stay to accompany their mother, and at the same time, they devoted themselves to cultivation and tried their best to improve their cultivation. After the matter was settled, everything was completed as Jiang Feng expected. He said goodbye and returned to Miro Palace, and then plunged into the room to refine Pangu's blood in seclusion.

Compared with the blood of the ancestor witch, Pangu's blood is more domineering and brutal. If you are not careful, you may explode and die.

However, Jiang Feng has now killed the good corpse and achieved the quasi-saint, so he is quite confident to refine it.


At the same time, in the Western Buddhist sect, the Great Leiyin Temple.

The Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle returned from the Miluo Palace last time and told the Tathagata Buddha all about his encounters in the Heavenly Palace with the Peacock King. After that, there was no movement.

This silly eagle was still guarding the Eight Treasures Merit Pool as usual.

This Eight Treasures Merit Pool condenses the merits and fortune of the Western Buddhist sect. It is of great importance. It can be said to be a forbidden area of the Western Buddhist sect. No one is allowed to enter without permission.

At this time, in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, there are eight huge merit golden lotuses flashing precious light, swaying and gorgeous.

This merit pool water has infinite magical uses. If you are baptized in it, you can wash away the lead, remove impurities, promote cultivation, and see the nature of the mind.

As for these eight merit golden lotuses, they are related to the fortune of Buddhism, and no one has ever used them.

At this moment, for some reason, one of the merit golden lotuses withered inexplicably, and the light dimmed in an instant, the branches were withered and yellow, and it was obvious that it had lost its vitality.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Golden Winged Peng Eagle could not help but shrink. His heart was beating wildly and he could not speak clearly."What on earth is going on? What happened?" The

Golden Winged Peng Eagle was terrified and felt that a disaster was about to happen.

At this moment, a huge Buddhist voice resounded through the sky."Dapeng, what on earth did you do to cause the Golden Lotus of Merit to wither and shake the fortune of our Buddhist sect?"

"No, I don't know, Buddha, it's none of my business."

The Golden-winged Peng Eagle waved his hands repeatedly, panicking.

But the Tathagata Buddha didn't care, and immediately stretched out a huge Buddha palm, like an eagle catching a chick, and instantly grabbed the Golden-winged Peng Eagle from the Eight Treasures Merit Pond to the Great Leiyin Temple.

"Golden-winged Dapeng, you are so bold as to disturb the fortune of my Buddhist sect!"

"One of the golden lotuses of merit has withered. What on earth have you done? Tell me the truth!"

"If you can't even guard the Eight Treasures Merit Pond properly, what use do we in Buddhism have for you?"


Faced with the rebukes from the Buddhist disciples, the Golden Winged Dapeng almost cried, but he could not explain it clearly.

Finally, the Buddha Tathagata made a decision and said,"Dapeng, I will investigate the specific cause of this matter."

"But no matter what, you have failed to guard the Eight Treasures Merit Pond. Considering your hard work over the years, you can escape the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living punishment!"

"From today on, you will be banished to the Lion Camel Kingdom on earth. When you have accomplished enough merit, you can return to Buddhism!"

"The Lion Country on earth!" Hearing these words, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle could not help but be greatly moved.

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