The order of the Tathagata Buddha was the highest law in the Great Leiyin Temple, which could not be questioned or refuted. On that day, the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle left the Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven and was banished to the Lion Country and Lion City on earth.

However, as luck would have it, as soon as he arrived here, he met two familiar faces, the mounts of Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Lingya Fairy and Qiushou Fairy.

""Lingya Fairy, Qiushou Fairy, why are you here in Lion City?" the Golden Winged Peng Eagle asked in confusion.

"Alas, just because I broke a teacup, I didn't expect that I would anger the Bodhisattva and be banished to the lower world. What a big deal! It's really puzzling."

"Don't mention it, I just made a small mistake that is not worth mentioning. But don't you think it's a coincidence? The three of us were demoted to the mortal world at almost the same time, and all in this Lion Camel City. This is a bit strange!"

Lingya Fairy and Qiushou Fairy complained for a while. Even they felt that this matter was a bit unusual.

The Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle's pupils were wide open, because all this was exactly the same as described by the God of Justice Jiang Feng.

"The Western Buddhist sect is really using me as a pawn and wants me to become a victim of the Journey to the West. They are so sinister and vicious!"The Golden-winged Peng Eagle suddenly realized and believed Jiang Feng's words.

However, he then fell into deep thought,"But what can I do? If I disobey the Tathagata's order, the Western Buddhist sect will not let me go."

"Among the three realms and six paths, only the Heavenly Court can compete with the Western Buddhism. However, the Justice God Jiang Feng has made a big mistake this time. He secretly trained the Monkey King Sun Wukong into a Daluo Jinxian, which seriously deviated the trajectory of the Journey to the West. The Western Buddhism will definitely not let it go."

"Let's see if Jiang Feng can escape this disaster. If he can survive, I will visit him later."

The Golden Winged Peng Eagle's mind flashed, and he immediately made a plan in his mind. He planned to stay in this Lion Camel City first, wait and see, and make a decision after seeing how the situation develops.


Lingshan Mountain in the West, the Great Leiyin Temple.

After the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle was demoted to the mortal world, the expression of the Tathagata Buddha immediately became solemn.

They had just returned from the Peach Festival, and their moods were heavier than each other.

After a brief pause, the Tathagata Buddha took the lead and said,"Everyone, the current trajectory of the Journey to the West has seriously deviated. The intention of the Heavenly Court to obstruct our great development in the West is obvious. The situation has reached an extremely serious level. This Buddha will set off for the Pure Land of Bliss to discuss and make decisions with the Buddha Lord and the Buddha Mother."

As soon as the voice fell, the Tathagata Buddha immediately set off and personally went to the Pure Land of Bliss in the depths of the endless chaos.

He used his great magical powers to break through the chaos. Not long after, a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark void.

Here, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and there is a faint sound of mysterious Zen chanting. The music is so touching and touching, as if it is a paradise on earth.

This is the Western Buddhist temple in the depths of the endless chaos, the Pure Land of Bliss.

Soon, two figures appeared in front of the Tathagata Buddha.

One was fat and the other was thin. Both were wearing golden monk robes. Their bodies were filled with infinite Buddha light, illuminating the heavens and the worlds, as if they were going to assimilate the entire prehistoric world.

They were the founders of the entire Western Buddhist sect, the Jie Yin Taoist and the Zhunti Taoist.

"Tathagata, I already know your intention. What do you think?"Zunti Taoist asked first.

Tathagata Buddha immediately replied,"In my opinion, although the Heavenly Court has a clear attitude, the support behind it must be the God of Justice Jiang Feng. Otherwise, the Jade Emperor would not have the courage to obstruct the Journey to the West."

"The culprit of all this is Jiang Feng, this anomaly in the ancient world. If he is not eliminated, our Western Buddhist sect will never have peace, and the Journey to the West will never be able to proceed normally."

"Therefore, I think that Jiang Feng must be eradicated at all costs, regardless of the consequences, and without delay."

At the end, the Buddha Tathagata's face was grim, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"That's right," Zhunti Taoist nodded in agreement,"This anomaly in the ancient world must be eradicated as soon as possible. As long as Jiang Feng dies, everything will return to the right track and will be under the control of my Western Buddhist sect."

"Buddha Mother is wise!" Tathagata Buddha looked happy, but then frowned and asked:"However, what about Nuwa?……"

Even though Jiang Feng is making rapid progress and is extraordinary, and even the Peacock King, who is the first person under the Saint, has been defeated, he is still not good enough in front of the huge Western Buddhist sect.

The only thing that Tathagata Buddha fears is Nuwa.

""Don't worry," At this moment, the Taoist Jie Yin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke up,"We two will keep an eye on Lady Nuwa. If she dares to make a move, we two will never stand idly by."

"Anyone or any force that dares to obstruct the Journey to the West will have no choice but to die. Tathagata, go back and prepare to eliminate this anomaly as soon as possible. Make sure there is no chance of failure."

"Disciple will obey the command!"

The Buddha looked overjoyed, and immediately returned to the Great Leiyin Temple to organize forces.


Heaven, Miro Palace.

After enduring countless pains, wasting countless wills, and tormenting for countless hours, Jiang Feng finally got his wish to refine a drop of Pangu's blood.

At this moment, he was full of energy, vigorous, and stronger than before. His lines were almost perfect, solid and powerful. With every breath, every swallow and spit, there was a burst of vigorous power, like a prehistoric beast, extremely fierce.

After thoroughly refining this drop of Pangu's blood, Jiang Feng achieved a rapid improvement. His Nine Revolutions Profound Art crossed a great realm, directly from the fifth to the seventh, pushing the Nine Revolutions Profound Art to the state of great success, unprecedentedly powerful.

Now, his body has been further strengthened, comparable to the best innate spiritual treasures.

Except for extremely sharp, attack-oriented, and extraordinary magic weapons like the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, Jiang Feng dared to use his body to fight against any other best innate spiritual treasures with his bare hands.

It can be said that his physical body has reached the unparalleled realm, and it is superb. It has reached the peak below the saints, and it is extremely terrifying. Even if the twelve witch ancestors who are best at physical bodies reappear in the world, Jiang Feng is not inferior at all.

His bare hands are the best magic weapon.

In addition, Jiang Feng has absorbed a lot of laws in Pangu's blood, all of which are transformed into his own magic power using the Hongmeng Creation Sutra. What makes Jiang Feng most excited is that in this Pangu's blood, there is actually a trace of the law of force. The law of force is unparalleled in the world. It is the first of the three thousand great laws. It is the source of all forms of power. It is mysterious and unpredictable.

It is precisely because of the control of the law of force that Pangu God can create the world and kill the three thousand chaotic demons, thus creating the prehistoric world.

However, this law of force is the most profound. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever successfully comprehended it. It is difficult to even get started, including the six great saints of heaven.

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