For ordinary quasi-saints, even if they can refine Pangu's blood essence, they can only digest the majestic blood essence energy in it. Jiang Feng not only did that, but also absorbed the law and used it for himself. This is the mystery of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra.

His utilization rate of Pangu's blood essence is almost 100%.

However, he has only had some superficial understanding of the law of power, and is still a long way from comprehending the entry.

The law of power is too mysterious and profound, and only one drop of Pangu's blood essence is not enough to carry it.

But if there is enough Pangu's blood essence, such as 20 to 30 drops, 30 to 40 drops, then it is not impossible for Jiang Feng to comprehend the law of power.

After digesting this drop of Pangu's blood essence, he made rapid progress again, but he did not plan to refine the second drop of Pangu's blood essence while it was hot, because he did not have the time.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Feng took out the diary and wrote down the complete version of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art on it. He also secretly used means to give dozens of drops of the ancestor witch's blood that he had obtained before to the Monkey King Sun Wukong to train him again.

Nowadays, even if the Western Buddhist sect does not have enough direct evidence, they can tell that it was Jiang Feng who trained the monkey.

This has long been spread in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and it is no longer a strange thing.

The reason why Jiang Feng still chose to teach Sun Wukong in secret and use the mother-child diary is mainly to shield the secrets of heaven and not let the prehistoric heaven catch the handle.

The prehistoric heaven is supreme, but it is not a living being with a soul, and it does not have such a complicated thinking.

It has its own specific way of operation, just like a signal detector, monitoring the world.

And shielding the secrets of heaven can just cover up its signal detection, so that it will not be noticed by the heaven.

The Western Buddhist sect knows that he disrupted the journey to the west and violated the trend of heaven, and Jiang Feng still has enough confidence to deal with it.

But if the Heavenly Dao finds out and is caught, and angers the Heavenly Dao, and then sends down the Heavenly Power, then Jiang Feng will die without a burial place, and his body and soul will be destroyed, and even the Goddess Nuwa cannot save him.

After doing all this, his wife Princess Longji brought him good news. His father, the Jade Emperor, ordered people to collect a lot of materials.

Jiang Feng was ecstatic. With these materials, all the Zhoutian Star Banners could be made. At that time, the Zhoutian Star Array, one of the four great fierce arrays in the prehistoric world, would also reappear in the world.

Without stopping at all, Jiang Feng retreated again and began to refine the Zhoutian Star Banner without stopping.

Last time, he had already refined most of it, and with the previous experience, plus the more advanced cultivation, Jiang Feng became more handy and faster in refining.

Not long after, the total of 365 large Zhoutian Star Banners and 14,800 small Zhoutian Star Banners were all refined.

Standing up, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. Now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

These Zhoutian Star Banners need to be inserted into the corresponding stars, so that they can be connected to each other, forming a whole, combined into a formation, and exert the power of shaking the heavens and the earth.

The Emperor Ziwei controls all the stars, so this matter still needs his consent.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately stood up and went to the Ziwei Palace on the 30th Heaven.

"Jiang Feng has met the Emperor Ziwei!"

In the palace, Jiang Feng bowed and saluted. On the central throne, the Emperor Ziwei sat upright. She was wearing a purple imperial robe and a crown. She was extremely graceful and naturally exuded the aura of a superior. She was noble yet elegant.

This transcendent temperament was no less than that of the Queen Mother. The Emperor

Ziwei was one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world. He was a great figure of the same era as Ran Deng and Zhen Yuanzi, but he did not belong to any sect.

Jiang Feng came here this time to test the waters and see what the current position of the Emperor Ziwei was.

Even if he was not so loyal to the Jade Emperor, as long as he did not lean towards the Western Buddhism, it would be fine.

If he could remain neutral, fulfill his responsibilities, and live up to the four words"Emperor Ziwei", Jiang Feng would be very happy.

"God of Justice, you just got married, why don't you stay at home with the princess and enjoy your world of two? What do you want to do with me?"

Ziwei Emperor said with a faint smile.

Her voice was clear and gentle, and she did not show any hostility towards Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then he said straight to the point:"Emperor Ziwei, I don't come to you for nothing. I have a spell here, which requires the mobilization of the power of the stars to be completed. I hope Emperor Ziwei can cooperate"

"Once this formation is completed, it will become the protective formation of our Heavenly Court, which is of great significance for protecting the safety of the Heavenly Court."

Hearing this, Emperor Ziwei frowned,"What kind of formation actually needs to mobilize tens of thousands of stars? As far as I know, there is only the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation of the ancient demon court..."

Emperor Ziwei is knowledgeable and instantly thought of this.

Jiang Feng did not hide it and nodded,"Yes, it is the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation."

Emperor Ziwei's beautiful eyes lit up, with an undisguised surprise in them, and she looked at Jiang Feng with a new eye.

She originally thought that Jiang Feng's current achievements were entirely due to the help of Nuwa, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

She did not hesitate too much, and smiled and said,"Since it is a protective formation that can protect the safety of the Heavenly Court, how can this emperor refuse?"

"Take this Ziwei Order, and you can call upon thousands of stars at will!"

Jiang Feng took the Ziwei Order and smiled happily. He never thought that things would go so smoothly.

"Thank you, Emperor Ziwei!"

Jiang Feng thanked him sincerely, and then he did not stay for long, and immediately began to arrange the Zhoutian Xingdou formation.

With the Ziwei Order, his power was equivalent to that of the Ziwei Emperor, and he could mobilize���Tens of thousands of stars.

Not long after, Jiang Feng inserted 365 large Zhoutian star flags on the corresponding main stars, and 14,800 small Zhoutian star flags on the corresponding secondary stars. In an instant, this huge protective formation was arranged, tens of thousands of stars were faintly connected together, and the endless power of the stars continued to gather and then sublimate to form the power of the Zhoutian star formation. The whole was very deep and quite murderous.

Although the power of the current Heavenly Court cannot match the power of hundreds of millions of gods and demons, its power is absolutely vast and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. In this way, he would be more confident in dealing with the Western Buddhist sect.

During this period, the Western Buddhist sect was also preparing intensively.

According to the spies of the Heavenly Court, the Western Buddhist sect was surprisingly calm during this period, but the more so, the more it proved that the murderous intent was strong.

Jiang Feng already had a faint feeling of a storm coming.

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