On this day, Jiang Feng was meditating in his mansion. Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the sky, emitting circles of Buddha-like halos, accompanied by a vast and majestic aura.

Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes,"These old bald donkeys are coming!"

He knew it very well, and he couldn't help but clench his fists, but instead felt eager to try.

He was also fully prepared for this invasion of Western Buddhism. This time, he wanted to see what these old bald donkeys had.

""Husband, are you okay?"

Jiang Feng was about to leave when Princess Longji suddenly pulled his arm and said with great concern.

Last time, the Western Buddhist sect sent the Peacock King, who was the first person under the Saint. This time, he came openly and did not hide from the eyes of others. He was definitely aggressive and organized a more terrifying force. She couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, Longji, your husband is an anomaly in the ancient world, one of the ones who escaped from the Great Dao, how could he be so easy to kill?"

Jiang Feng smiled and gently stroked Princess Longji's hair to comfort her.

In the outside world, the Buddhists came in droves, passing through the South Gate of Heaven, without landing or reporting, but actually passed straight through, along the thirty-three heavens all the way up, straight to the Lingxiao Palace. The

Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother naturally noticed it, and immediately led the civil and military officials to wait outside the palace.

Not long after, the Buddhists appeared in sight. There were four in total, namely the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, the Buddha of the East, Maitreya Buddha, the Happy Buddha of Dingguang, and the Buddha of Juliusun.

In order to deal with Jiang Feng, the Western Buddhist sect actually dispatched four Buddhas, each of which was a well-known quasi-saint existence, with a thick aura, as powerful as a prison.

""Randeng Ancient Buddha, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to start a war with the Heavenly Court?"

The other party was aggressive and obviously had bad intentions, so the Jade Emperor would naturally not be in a good mood.

"Great Celestial Venerable," the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp sat cross-legged in the air, clasped his hands together, and acted in a sanctimonious manner,"I am not here to start a war with the Heavenly Court, but just to ask you to hand over Jiang Feng."

"Jiang Feng is an important official of the Heavenly Court and my son-in-law. What does it have to do with you? How can I hand him over?"The Jade Emperor would naturally not agree. His attitude was unprecedentedly firm and tough.

Since the relationship has been torn apart, there is no need to pretend to obey as before.

"Jiang Feng, this boy, has committed a heinous crime. He disrupted the Journey to the West and violated the great trend of Heaven. He even possessed the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, a fierce and strange treasure of Heaven that was incompatible with Heaven. This was the magic weapon of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou. Jiang Feng may have been demonized. If he is not killed, he will probably become the second Luo Hou!"

The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp was high above, with a calm face, like the ruler of the prehistoric world, ruling the world, domineering and strong, and not allowing disobedience


At this moment, a burst of crazy laughter suddenly rang out. It was Jiang Feng who flashed over."What a joke! What is the general trend? Is obeying your Western Buddhist sect the general trend? If I really violated the general trend of heaven, heaven would have destroyed me long ago. Why would I need you to be the law enforcer!"

"Furthermore, the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin is indeed a fierce and strange treasure of the Heavenly Dao, but how can it be a Heaven-Suppressing Coffin in my hands? I have never used this magic weapon to suppress and kill anyone."

"As far as I know, over the years, your Western Buddhist sect has sent a large number of disciples to search for the lost God-killing Spear, the Twelve-Rank World-Destroying Black Lotus, and the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin of the Demon Ancestor Rāhu. How do you explain this?"

"As for saying that I have become a demon, that is even more nonsense. In my opinion, you are the insidious, cunning, despicable and shameless villains who are under the guise of saving all living beings. You are more like the demons!"

Hearing this, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng was not angry,"You are so eloquent, but today, no matter how much you talk, no matter how much you argue, you will still die."

In his eyes, Jiang Feng was already a dead man, so why bother to argue with a dying person, it was meaningless

""Ancient Buddha Dipankara," the Jade Emperor spoke again, his voice colder than ever before,"Even if Jiang Feng did something wrong, it is not the turn of you Western Buddhists to point fingers, don't make the mistake!"

"Great Celestial Venerable, killing Jiang Feng is the will of my Buddhist Dharma. I am not here to negotiate with you in a friendly way."

After the words fell, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng's eyes became fierce and he suddenly attacked.

He stretched out a large palm like a dry bone, and displayed the great magical power of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. In an instant, it was surging with the wind and turned into a huge palm. For a moment, infinite Buddha light shone in all directions, and accompanied by the sound of Zen chanting, it suppressed Jiang Feng in a mighty manner.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of loud noises was endless. Under the explosion of such a huge force, the space was overwhelmed and shattered like glass, layer by layer.

Facing the supreme magical power of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, Jiang Feng felt as if a piece of heaven and earth was pressing down on him, like a mountain pressing down on his head, which made him feel an indescribable sense of suffocation.

Even though he had achieved the status of a quasi-saint, he was still powerless in the face of the supreme existence of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, who had already reached the peak of the quasi-saint, and felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

However, on the side, Yu The Great Emperor naturally would not stand idly by.

With a thought, he sacrificed the Haotian Seal, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, on the spot. In an instant, a golden dragon of luck suddenly appeared in the world, and the dragon's roar was high and loud, condensed as if it had materialized, and rushed forward fearlessly.

After a battle, all energy disappeared into thin air, and the two were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

The ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp looked calm, and followed closely behind. He clasped his hands together, moved his lips, and silently chanted a spell.

Immediately, around him, dozens of round beads that were as dazzling as crystals suddenly rose up. They were crystal clear, but the aura was extremely vast. There was a faint sound of waves hitting the shore, implying an overwhelming momentum.

If you count carefully, you will find that there are a total of twenty-four round beads, each emitting five-colored light, which can engulf a person's spiritual consciousness and five senses. It is extremely terrifying.

""Twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu!" Jiang Feng's pupils shrank fiercely. He understood that this time, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng was serious and would put him to death at all costs.

These twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu were originally obtained by Tongtian Sect Master from the Treasure Cliff, and then given to his disciple Zhao Gongming. However, in the Conferred God Calamity, Zhao Gongming was defeated, and these twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu fell into the hands of the Taoist Ran Deng.

Later, Ran Deng converted to Buddhism and used the supreme Buddhist Dharma to refine these twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu and turn them into his own.

Now, he sacrificed with all his strength and evolved twenty-four Zhutian, which can mobilize the power of the four seas and increase its power by dozens of times, far surpassing the supreme magical power of the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm.

At this moment, the twenty-four Zhutian pressed down, the stone broke the sky, the universe was turbulent, the whole heaven was shaking, and the civil and military officials were even more dead.

The souls were all out, and the whole body was cold, as if facing the god of death.

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