In this regard, the Jade Emperor did not move, without the slightest fear.

Although Ran Deng practiced both Buddhism and Taoism, he was powerful, but he was not a pushover.

In the next moment, three magic weapons appeared out of thin air in front of the Jade Emperor.

They were the Haotian Seal, the Haotian Mirror and the Haotian Sword.

They were taught to him by Hongjun Daozu before he ascended the throne of the Jade Emperor.

They were all top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor went all out.

His magic power surged all over his body, and his momentum rose steadily, rushing straight into the sky, as if he had set off a stormy wave, vast and magnificent.

Under his impetus, the three top-grade innate spiritual treasures bloomed with the most brilliant brilliance.

The Haotian Sword slashed out a sword beam that was tens of thousands of feet long, sharp and unmatched, cutting through the void.

The Haotian Mirror reflected a pillar of light that reached the sky, breaking through the sky and ejecting all attacks.

The Haotian Seal was like the Buzhou Immortal Mountain, suppressing it with great force, and the dragon roar shook the ten directions, which was unstoppable.

In a flash, the world turned into a sea of energy, with divine light soaring into the sky, hazy and invisible.

Both of them fought with all their might, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to split, and the sun and the moon to turn upside down. However, both were powerful and had great magical powers, so it was difficult to tell who would win.

At this time, Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha from the East, suddenly made a move.

He was wearing a monk's robe, exposing his breasts, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, twisting them from time to time, and always grinning with a smiling expression. At this moment, he was still like this, looking harmless and approachable, but his moves were killing moves, trying to kill people.

Maitreya Buddha has two magic weapons that are famous in the three realms, namely the human race and the golden cymbals. During the Journey to the West, his disciple Huang Mei Tongzi used these two magic weapons to give Sun Wukong a headache.

At this moment, he shook his sleeves, and the golden cymbal suddenly shot out as if it had a spirit, and then it rose up in the wind, and the golden light was extremely bright, covering Jiang Feng like the sky and the sun.

This golden cymbal was extremely terrifying, and it actually had the effect of blocking space. In an instant, under the coverage of the golden cymbal, all the civil and military officials, including Jiang Feng, felt as if their bodies were imprisoned and could not move.

At the critical moment, the Queen Mother came to the rescue in time.

She stretched out her jade hand, took a silver hairpin from her coiled hair, and then flicked her finger.

In an instant, the silver hairpin quickly broke through the air.

Its speed was extremely fast, piercing through the clouds and mist, leaving a long tail flame, like a galaxy, carrying the power of the vast sea of stars.


There was a crisp sound of metal clashing, and the golden cymbal of Maitreya Buddha from the East was pierced by the silver hairpin and knocked back.

The Queen Mother's movements seemed relaxed and comfortable, but her power was extremely huge.

She is the mistress of the Three Realms, and also the doorman under the seat of Taoist Hongjun. How could her strength be inferior? The Buddha from the East twitched his eyebrows, and then took out the human bag. The Queen Mother was not to be outdone, she jumped up, took out the plain flag of the Cloud Realm, and then fought fiercely with the Buddha from the East in the sky.

""Jiang Feng, no one can save you today, take this Buddha's palm!"

Suddenly, a cold laugh came from the side fork, icy and piercing, making people shudder.

Another Buddha made a move.

Jiang Feng stared at it, and it turned out to be the Dingguang Happy Buddha.

This person was originally a disciple of the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian, and served as one of the seven immortals, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, but he rebelled during the Conferred God Tribulation. At the most critical moment, he ran away with the Six Soul Banner, the core magic weapon of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, which led to the great defeat of Jiejiao and laid the foundation for its defeat.

He was originally a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but because he defected to the Western Buddhist sect, and because of his betrayal during the Conferred God Tribulation, he was defeated. Because of his great meritorious service during this period, he was reused.

In addition to his relationship with the Tathagata Buddha, he not only enjoyed some heavenly merits, but also underwent baptism in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, thus being reborn, completely transformed, promoted to a quasi-saint, and named Dingguang Happy Buddha.

As soon as he finished speaking, he covered Jiang Feng with a palm, his eyes full of murderous intent.

This palm was half black and half white, with yin and yang energies flowing in it, mysterious and unpredictable. Wherever it passed, the space collapsed everywhere, as if it was made of paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

After entering Buddhism, Dingguang Happy Buddha studied Buddhism and created Happy Buddha. In fact, this Dingguang Happy Buddha was a flower thief.

When he was a disciple of Jiejiao, he was unruly, bullied the weak, and forced dual cultivation. After becoming a Buddha in Buddhism, he did not restrain himself at all. Instead, he practiced the Happy Zen method more crazily, absorbed Yin to replenish Yang, and comprehended the Yin-Yang Law.

Among the three thousand great laws, the Yin-Yang Law ranks very high, but Dingguang Happy Buddha only took a small path, which was not worthy of being in the hall of elegance. Until now, his attainments in the Yin-Yang Law are only at the level of small success, just barely entering the hall of elegance..

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and he didn't care.

The ancient Buddha Dipankara and the Maitreya Buddha are called the Buddha of the past and the Buddha of the future in Buddhism. Together with the present Buddha Tathagata, they are called the Three Buddhas. They are the backbone of Western Buddhism and are all unfathomable quasi-saints.

If he were to face them, Jiang Feng would have almost no chance of winning. But if it was this Dingguang Happy Buddha, it was still unknown who would win.

Dingguang Happy Buddha's cultivation was not achieved through down-to-earth practice, but was forcibly promoted. In Jiang Feng's opinion, he was just strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

"Come on, I want to see what you old bald donkeys can do to me!"

Jiang Feng looked up to the sky and roared wildly, his voice was like a huge bell, spreading in all directions, radiating domineering power.


He stomped his feet fiercely, and countless bricks and stones in front of the Lingxiao Palace shattered. At the same time, his body floated in the air and soon rose to the middle of the sky.

Facing the terrible Yin-Yang Happy Palm of Dingguang Happy Buddha, Jiang Feng actually put his hands behind his back, motionless as a mountain, and let it suppress him.

"What! Is Jiang Tianshen crazy?"

"Was he frightened by Dingguang Happy Buddha?"

"This is the great magical power displayed by a Buddha. Does he think that he is the body of the ancient witch?"


Seeing this scene, all the civil and military officials were shocked.

Even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother could not help showing their worry. They knew that Jiang Feng's progress was so fast that it could not be judged by common sense, but it was a bit too arrogant to do so.

At the moment, they wanted to lend a hand, but they were held back by the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp and Maitreya Buddha, and they had no time to split up.


Not long after, a shocking roar was heard, the sky shook, and the Buddha of Dingguang Joy slapped Jiang Feng's body firmly with one palm, and the whole Lingxiao Palace shook three times.

However, Jiang Feng still stood in the air, his face did not change, his brows did not frown, and he seemed to be unharmed.

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