"Are you sure these are two Buddha statues from Western Buddhism? Why do they look like two stray dogs?"

"This Jiang Feng is so terrifying. Even if he is the reincarnation of a chaotic god or devil, he can’t be so powerful!"

"Neither the two Buddhas could suppress him, and instead he was chased and beaten. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, would you dare to believe it?"

"No wonder the Heavenly Court has a clear attitude and dares to go against Western Buddhism. With such a monster, who can defeat it in the future?"

"This is probably the reason why the Jade Emperor has the confidence to stand tall!"


For a time, all the beings in the three realms were talking about it, filled with all kinds of voices, all of them were shocked and horrified.

Jiang Feng's growth was too outrageous, completely beyond their cognition and understanding.

Seeing this scene, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were more confident and confident. With such a powerful son-in-law, why worry about the future of the Heavenly Court?

In the sky, Dingguang Happy Buddha and Juliusun Buddha ran away with their heads in their arms, embarrassed to the extreme, wishing they could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

They were of such status and position, but now they were beaten into such an embarrassing state, which made them a little embarrassed.

The most annoying thing was that they couldn't escape back to the West Heaven directly, which would be a disgrace, so they were at a loss for a while and didn't know what to do.

Although Jiang Feng had an overwhelming advantage and could beat the two Buddhas, it was not so easy to kill them.

Unless they use up all their mana and suppress them in the Heaven-suppressing Coffin when they are not prepared, this method does not seem very realistic. These two old bald donkeys are not fools.


Suddenly, Jiang Feng was chasing and killing, and a bright red color appeared in front of him.

Looking up, Jiang Feng saw a large sea of fire rushing towards him.

This sea of fire was overwhelming, covering half of the sky, and it was still expanding, like a spark that spread all over the prairie, and it was out of control.

Chi chi chi...

The flames were bright red and burned extremely vigorously, instantly causing the temperature of the entire heaven to soar. Even at an extremely long distance, the immortals in the heaven felt extremely hot, as if they were placed in a large copper furnace and baked, and they felt like they were about to be burned to death.

They were horrified and hurriedly used their mana, controlled the magic weapon, and set up a defense circle to protect themselves.

Jiang Feng could not help but frown. This flame was extremely terrifying. It burned everything. Even the immortal energy floating around the heavenly palace became its fuel. It even burned the space layer by layer and broke inch by inch, as if it wanted to burn the entire prehistoric world.

This power was so terrifying that it was comparable to the innate fire, and it was comparable to the sun's true fire that the demon emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taitian were born with.

And above this endless sea of fire, Jiang Feng clearly saw a person.

This person was wearing a fiery red robe, and the cloak behind him fluttered without wind, looking majestic and domineering.

He looked obviously old, with white hair and beard, and wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were full of power and filled with strong anger.

The most striking thing was that there were two dragon horns on its head, shining, and it seemed to be a member of the dragon clan.

His aura was thick and vast, shocking the thirty-three heavens above and the eighteen levels of hell below. It was extremely terrifying, comparable to that of the ancient Buddha Burning Lamp.

As soon as he appeared, he used his ultimate killing move, his eyes locked onto Jiang Feng, and the murderous aura around him almost condensed into substance.

"Who is this person? He is obviously not a Buddhist disciple, why does he want to kill me like this?"

Jiang Feng was confused, his eyes flashing with thought,"He has two dragon horns, could he be a member of the dragon clan? But the dragon clan has declined to the extreme, who else would have such a pure and terrifying dragon clan aura?"

Jiang Feng's mind flashed with a bright light,"Zhulong, you are the younger brother of Zulong, Zhulong!"

"Yes, it is me. You have quite a good eye

, kid!"Zhulong, the man in the fiery red robe, replied immediately, confirming Jiang Feng's guess. Upon hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but be shocked. This man was very important.

In the early days of the prehistoric times, the three innate tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn were competing for supremacy, and among them, the strength of the innate dragon tribe leader Zulong was the strongest.

However, Zulong also had a younger brother, Zhulong. However, because he liked to practice, he often hibernated in the endless chaos, so he missed the Longhan catastrophe and survived.

It can be said that he is the only pure dragon alive in the prehistoric world today.

The innate dragon blood in the bodies of the current Four Seas Dragon Kings has long been too thin. In the early days of the prehistoric times, I am afraid it would be inferior to some hybrid wild dragons.

Jiang Feng never thought that at this moment, it was this lord. A terrifying existence jumped out.

This Zhulong was of a very high generation. As early as the early days of the prehistoric times, he could dominate one side and be a big shot in the world. At that time, even the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Dipankara Buddha, etc. had to stand aside and were not good enough in front of him.

The most important thing is that Jiang Feng sensed a familiar breath on this Zhulong.

He thought about it carefully and suddenly realized that when he got a part of the remnant of the innate treasure Chaos Bell from the fairy Chang'e, he used his heart to sense it after refining it, and instantly realized that the remaining remnants were in the Southern Continent.

But because of his lack of strength at the time, he did not dare to take it rashly.

Now, Jiang Feng finally understood that the person in the Southern Continent who held the remnant of the Chaos Bell and made him so terrified was the person in front of him, Zhulong.

"In the past, I thought about how glorious and prosperous our Xiantian Dragon Clan was, dominating the world. Even the Xiantian Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan combined were afraid of us."

"Now, times have passed and the world has changed. How could my Xiantian dragon clan fall to this point? We are actually commanded by a small heaven like you and have to obey your orders to make things like making clouds and rain. It is such a shame and humiliation!"

Zhulong twisted his voice, as if it was squeezed out from between his teeth, full of anger and frightening.

Because of the appearance of Zhulong, Jiang Feng had to stop chasing him. Dingguang Happy Buddha and Juliusun Buddha finally breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the powerful Zhulong, a smile appeared on their lips,"Old Dragon, you are finally here!"

Hearing this, Jiang Feng frowned. This Zhulong seemed to be instigated by the Western Buddhist sect.

But then, he was relieved. This has always been the style of the Western Buddhist sect, reversing black and white, and not distinguishing right from wrong.

At present, the dragon clan of the four seas has declined to the extreme, far from the prosperity of the early prehistoric times. If it had not been supported by the Heavenly Court and cared for by the Heavenly Court, I am afraid that the dragon clan would have been extinct and removed from the prehistoric world. However

, this Zhulong has been dormant for who knows how long, ignoring worldly affairs, and still cannot see the current situation of the three realms and six paths clearly, and cannot distinguish

"Our dragon race has an innate noble bloodline and is born to be the master. Any invader who dares to ride on our dragon race will only die!"

Zhulong suddenly roared, and then controlled the endless sea of fire to swallow Jiang Feng.

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