Zhulong's sleeves fluttered, and infinite magic power poured out, which turned into a combustion aid, making the flame more vigorous.

In a flash, the endless sea of fire spread over, covering the sky and the sun, and instantly swallowed Jiang Feng.

This flame is the innate magical power of Zhulong, called Zhulong Holy Fire. Its power is comparable to the innate fire, burning everything, and it is extremely terrifying.

Jiang Feng suddenly felt a terrifying high temperature coming, as if to melt his entire body.

He slashed out the Immortal Killing Sword and hit the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, but it was of no avail.

The endless sea of fire has a wide range, even the space can burn, and it cannot be extinguished or suppressed unless the source is cut off.

In desperation, Jiang Feng immediately raised the Lidi Yanguang Flag, opened a protective light shield, and protected himself inside.

Chi Chi Chi...

In the next moment, countless tongues of fire invaded, and they were like ferocious prehistoric beasts, colliding with the protective light shield, making continuous sounds.

The Lidi Yanguang Banner is one of the five innate flags. It is mainly for defense, and can make all evil retreat and be invulnerable to all kinds of attacks.

However, the cultivation of this Zhulong is too profound. He is definitely a quasi-saint peak existence, and it is extremely terrifying. Under the continuous burning of his Zhulong Holy Fire, the protective light shield began to shake violently, and it became thinner visibly with the naked eye. It was obvious that it could not hold up.

"My goodness, this old dragon is so terrifying that it can't even protect the Flame Flag!"

Jiang Feng was shocked, but he was not panicked.

He had carefully prepared for this battle for a long time, how could he be defeated by such a small trick?

With his mind racing, Jiang Feng used all his strength to control the Flame Flag, and his body kept sinking, falling towards the direction of Miro Palace.

"You little bastard, still want to escape? Let's see how long you can hold out?"

Zhulong stood above the endless sea of fire, looking down from above, with an arrogant look, looking down on the world.

As soon as the voice fell, he swung his sleeves again, and put all his strength into making the endless sea of fire more vigorous, more blazing and hot than ever before, evaporating all the immortal energy of the entire thirty-third heaven.

Jiang Feng remained unmoved, and slowly descended under the envelopment of the sea of fire, and soon arrived above the Miro Palace.


At this moment, the protective light shield of the Lidi Flame Flag could no longer hold on, and instantly shattered into pieces, disappearing into smoke. The Lidi Flame Flag also dimmed, and from the top of Jiang Feng's head It fell down.

Jiang Feng immediately put away his hand and took out a token, which was the Dutian Shensha Order.

In the sky, seeing Jiang Feng's protective shield broken, Zhu Long's eyes lit up. This was a great opportunity to kill the enemy.

Without any hesitation, he swooped down and covered it with a mighty palm. The surroundings were surrounded by blazing holy fire, carrying the might of the sky, as if to flatten the entire Miro Palace.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but raise a curve at the corner of his mouth. Zhu Long's actions were completely under his control.

In an instant, Jiang Feng controlled the Dutian Shensha Order. , instantly activating the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation of the Miro Palace.

Suddenly, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky, and the wind and clouds suddenly changed.

Above the Miro Palace, endless evil spirits from heaven and earth gathered, dark and gray, like leaden clouds, extremely thick, covering the sky and the moon.

And at the very center of the top, a towering giant suddenly appeared. He was ten thousand feet tall, standing upright, indomitable, majestic and noble.

Although his figure was very blurry, only an outline could be seen, but that kind of aura was supreme, as high as the sky, as heavy as the earth, It was extremely terrifying.

This was the weakened version of the Pangu phantom condensed by the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation. As soon as it appeared, all the immortals and gods were terrified and almost couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

And in the next moment, the Pangu phantom suddenly moved. He raised his hand and gently extended a finger upward.

His movements were simple and direct. It looked extremely slow, like a turtle's pace, as if a century had passed, but the aura was extremely terrifying, firmly locking onto the target. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you can't avoid this finger.

"Who is this? Why do I feel so scared? Impossible, this is impossible. In this age when saints don’t appear, no one in the three realms and six paths can give me this feeling.……"

Zhulong was shocked at first, then shook his head frantically, and refused to believe it.

Then, he slammed down with his palm, colliding with Pangu's shadow.

Jiang Feng watched closely.

After refining a drop of Pangu's blood, he understood a little about the supreme law of power, so at this moment he realized that the mysterious law of power was contained in the light finger of Pangu's shadow.

Although it was just an ordinary finger, it was full of power, vast and boundless, with the power to pull up the mountains and the spirit to overwhelm the world, as if Pangu, the great god, was holding the axe of creation, splitting three thousand chaotic gods and demons with force, and creating the prehistoric world.

As strong as Zhulong was, in front of this finger, it seemed extremely small, like an ant, simply hitting a rock with an egg, overestimating its own strength.

At this moment, the entire 33rd heaven was divided into two halves, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

One half was raging with flames, a bright red, and hot, while the other half was pitch black, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you, fierce and terrifying.

But in the next moment, the fiery red color gradually dissipated, and as time went by, it became faster and faster, and soon it was swallowed up by the blackness of the dust.

And the endless sea of fire also disappeared, without even a spark, as if it had never appeared.


At the same time, in the sky, Zhulong was hit by a finger, and instantly felt like he was hit hard. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. His body could not be controlled for a while, and he immediately hit the ground with his chest covered.

This is the power of Pangu's phantom. Even Zhulong, the brother of Zulong who was born before heaven and earth, could not resist it.

After this finger was pointed out, Pangu's phantom also disappeared without a trace, and the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Array fell into a re-accumulation, but Zhulong had suffered injuries and lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Jiang Feng had rich combat experience. Seeing this scene, he immediately sacrificed the Heaven-suppressing Coffin and went to suppress Zhulong.

As long as this old dragon is suppressed in the coffin, no matter how powerful you are, you must bow your head and be submissive.

"Haha, Lao Long, you never expected that you really think you are invincible."

""For your old age, as long as you are willing to submit to me and serve as my mount and footman, this god will not only not kill you, but also wish your dragon clan a comeback!"

Jiang Feng grinned.

His words were not only to exploit the value of this old dragon and use the system to obtain rewards, but he really wanted to take this Zhulong as his mount.

Like Nuwa, taking the princess Jiuhuang of the Xiantian Phoenix clan as a mount was a very cool thing, and it also demonstrated her prominent and noble status.

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