Obviously, Jiang Feng wanted to repeat his old trick and suppress Zhu Long like he did with Peacock King.


Hearing this, Zhu Long, who was lying on the ground after being pointed at by Pangu's phantom, hadn't even recovered his breath when Jiang Feng spit out blood again.

He was Zhu Long, the younger brother of the dignified Zulong, with pure dragon blood flowing in his body. How noble he was. However, now Jiang Feng threatened to take him as his mount. This was simply a great shame!


At this moment, Zhu Long's fiery red pupils could not help but shrink fiercely, because the sky suddenly darkened, and a black coffin fell from the sky and suppressed him.

Zhu Long was startled. At this time, his blood was churning in his body. He suffered trauma and his magic power could not be used for a while, making it difficult to deal with it.

More importantly, he was deeply aware of the horror of this coffin. This was the heavenly evil treasure Zhentian Coffin, which actually brought him a sense of crisis of death.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng's eyes were hot.


However, at the critical moment, a figure suddenly shot over at an extremely fast speed.

Just when Zhu Long was about to be suppressed, this figure reached out to help with the force of thunder, pulled Zhu Long away, and let him escape.

"Lao Long, are you okay?" Dingguang Happy Buddha asked with concern. The person who attacked was him.

""No." Zhulong shook his head, but he was obviously still frightened. It was too thrilling just now. If he was not careful, the consequences would be disastrous.

Seeing this, Dingguang Happy Buddha couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then stared at Jiang Feng and said triumphantly:"Little bastard, do you think that this Buddha doesn't know your tricks? With this Buddha here, you can't succeed!"

""Damn it!" Jiang Feng clenched his fists, veins popping out, and a raging fire surged in his body.

He was about to succeed, but this Dingguang Happy Buddha ruined his plan, which made him unbearable.


Suddenly, a high-pitched and loud dragon roar sounded, extremely sharp, piercing the sky and shocking all directions.

It was made by the Candle Dragon. He roared to the sky, his hair loose, his eyes turned red, like crazy, and the dragon roared for nine days.

The huge sound wave was visible to the naked eye, turning into an energy ripple, with the Candle Dragon as the center, spreading in all directions. Wherever it passed, it crushed all tangible substances into powder, destroying everything, unstoppable.

And in the next moment, a huge breath rose from the Candle Dragon.

He transformed, and a fiery red dragon suddenly appeared, hundreds of thousands of feet huge, like a rolling mountain. The ridge is majestic and magnificent, with a magnificent momentum that stretches as far as the eye can see.

He is covered with a layer of fiery red dragon scales, which sparkle in the sunlight. The scales look extremely hard and solid as a rock.

He has nine dragon claws, and each claw is like a sharp sword, reflecting the icy metallic luster, indestructible and unstoppable.

His head is like an ancient sacred mountain, and his eyes are like a Lingxiao Palace, with flames rising inside, full of anger.

At this moment, he was hovering in the sky, soaring above the nine heavens, with awe-inspiring divine power, but his huge pupils were staring at Jiang Feng, and the terrible murderous intent was almost condensed into substance, which was frightening.

Zhulong actually changed his original form and revealed his true form as a giant dragon. This is his most powerful combat form. Whether it is magic power or physical body, it is enough to look down on the world, and there are few rivals.

"You lowly reptile dared to offend my dignity. I will make you wish you were dead, wish you were alive!"

The fiery red dragon spoke in human language, and his voice shook the sky, full of anger.

Then, he used his extreme speed to swoop down from the sky, and rushed towards Jiang Feng with a heart full of anger.

Although the bodies of the innate dragon clan are not as outstanding as those of the witch clan, they should not be underestimated. Moreover, around the candle dragon, there was a blazing holy fire, accompanied by lightning and thunder, full of destructiveness, as if it was going to overturn the entire heaven.

That kind of momentum, that kind of strength, that kind of divine power, was extremely terrifying and indescribable, as if it had traveled through the universe. It condensed the mysteries of heaven and earth, and shook the heavens and the earth.

Although it was only aimed at Jiang Feng, the gods and immortals in heaven could not help but retreat one after another, panicking to the extreme.

At this moment, Jiang Feng also sensed a great sense of crisis. This old dragon was too terrifying. He had a feeling that even if he used Pangu's phantom again, it would be difficult to subdue it.

If he was hit by it, it would be no less than the pressure of the entire thirty-three heavens. Even if he didn't die, he would lose half his life.

However, Jiang Feng was not too worried, because he had not yet used his strongest killer.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Zhulong and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At the moment when the system voice came out, suddenly, a layer of khaki barrier suddenly formed in front of Jiang Feng, connecting the sky and the earth, as if creating a small world, separating him from the outside world and protecting him firmly in it.


In the next moment, the fiery red dragon transformed by Zhulong rushed over and hit the khaki barrier.

A huge sound came out, and the air waves rushed into the sky. All parties were shocked, as if the three realms of heaven, earth and man collided together, the sky shook, and it was like the end of the world.


Immediately afterwards, a fragmented sound came out, and the khaki barrier was overwhelmed and collapsed on the spot.

However, the fiery red dragon also shot back, and a faint hissing sound came from its mouth. The huge body obviously lost its center of gravity, was knocked dizzy, staggered, and lost its direction.

"What! Zhulong was actually knocked away?"

"Who set up this barrier? It's incredible that it has such terrible power!"

"There is such a powerful person in my heaven. Who is he?"

"Could it be that Taishang Laojun took action?"


The gods and immortals in heaven were talking about it and there was an uproar.

However, Jiang Feng saw that the old man Taishang Laojun was holding a whisk in his hand and never moved, looking like a bystander.

Jiang Feng was sure that it was definitely not Taishang Laojun who was helping him. This old man was the good corpse of Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Heaven, who was responsible for monitoring the Heavenly Court and would not interfere in such matters.

""Old Dragon, you bullied my brother Jiang, have you ever asked me if Zhen Yuanzi agreed?"

Suddenly, a steady and loud voice came out.

In front of Jiang Feng, a man appeared out of thin air. He wore a purple gold crown, a worry-free crane cloak, a golden ribbon around his waist, and a pair of cloud shoes. He looked like a boy and had a beautiful face. It was Zhen Yuan Daxian, the master of the Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, who was a sworn brother of Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed. With Brother Zhen Yuan coming to support, even Zulong's younger brother Zhulong would not be so presumptuous!

At this moment, in Zhen Yuan Daxian's hand, there was a yellowed ancient book. Jiang Feng knew very well that this was Zhen Yuanzi's trump card, the Book of the Earth.

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