Seeing this, Jiang Feng's pupils shrank fiercely, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

At the beginning, the ultimate goal of the Conferred God Calamity was to enfeoff 365 righteous gods to the Heavenly Court, so that the Heavenly Court could grow stronger and better manage the Three Realms and Six Paths and maintain the good operation of the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, in theory, the Conferred God List and the God-beating Whip are both things of the Conferred God. After the Calamity, they should be handed over to the Jade Emperor for management.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun only handed over the Conferred God List, and the God-beating Whip was still in Jiang Ziya's hands.

Facing the saint Yuanshi Tianzun, the Jade Emperor had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

But now it is different. As a member of the Heavenly Court and the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor, Jiang Feng could not stand this and was bound to ask for it back.

At this time, a bright light suddenly shot out, coming from the Jade Ding Zhenren beside Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Feng looked closely and saw that he was holding a long sword in his hand. With a light stroke, he cut through the space, with extremely amazing killing power.

"The Juexian Sword is actually in the hands of Jade Ding Zhenren!"

Jiang Feng was overjoyed. Now, three of the four swords of Zhuxian have appeared in the world.

The Luxian Sword is in his hands, the Xian Sword is in the hands of Juliusun Fo, and the Juexian Sword is in the hands of Jade Ding Zhenren. Only the Zhuxian Sword is still missing.

"Well, today I will take back the Xianjian Sword and Juexian Sword. I may be able to set up a real Zhuxian Sword Formation in the future!"

Jiang Feng was full of expectations for this. The Zhuxian Sword Formation was the first of the four great killing formations in the prehistoric world. It was the most terrifying and could even kill saints.

In the past, during the Conferred God Tribulation, Tongtian Sect Master set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation at the Jiepai Pass and displayed his divine power. It took the combined efforts of Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Daode, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the four saints of the Western Buddhist sect, Jieyin and Zhunti, to break it. Its terrifying power was evident, far surpassing the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and the Twelve Dutian Shensha Formation.

"Jade Ding Zhenren, Jiang Ziya, you two robbers, the Juexian Sword and the Divine Whip belong to our Jiejiao and the Heavenly Palace. Don’t you have the slightest shame in holding them in your hands?"

"This god commands you to return the property to its original owner immediately, otherwise, you will be annihilated and never reincarnated."

Jiang Feng was arrogant, with infinite star power, and he was invincible, unprecedentedly domineering and powerful.

"You are dreaming!"

Jade Ding Zhenren hit back coldly. As soon as he finished speaking, he put all his strength into the Juexian Sword, and then slashed out a sword light like the Milky Way, shaking the sky and the earth.

Jiang Feng's words were not exaggerated at all. The Juexian Sword originally belonged to the Jiejiao. It was natural and reasonable for the thing to return to its original owner. However, this Jade Ding Zhenren was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He jumped up and down in an instant, full of murderous intent.

On the side, Jiang Ziya did not speak, but responded with action.

He raised the God-beating Whip and chanted a spell.

In an instant, the God-beating Whip seemed to have a spirit, falling from the sky, showing the power of the sky.

There were endless laws intertwined on it, mysterious and unpredictable, and it smashed towards Jiang Feng's head.

The God- beating Whip was originally a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

After the Conferred God Calamity, as a Conferred God, it has endured infinite merits of the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, it is also a merit spiritual treasure, and it is superior to the top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

It should not be underestimated.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Jade Ding Zhenren and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Jiang Ziya and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

Two clear reminder sounds from the system sounded in Jiang Feng's mind.

Jiang Feng had no time to care about anything else, but he was very happy. So far, he has obtained five supreme treasure chests. Even if it ends here, he has gained a lot.

While Yu Ding Zhenren and Jiang Ziya were taking action, the other four were not idle either. They would act at the same time and attack Jiang Feng.

Guang Chengzi once again controlled the Tianfan Seal, using all his strength to suppress Jiang Feng frantically.

Juliusun Fo gritted his teeth and swung the Xianjian in his hand. At that moment, a white streak of tens of thousands of feet long shot out, revealing its sharp edge, slashing the sky and destroying the earth.

"Buddha said that there must be light in this world. But how can the light of a spark be compared with the radiance of the sun?"

The Tathagata muttered, and then he flicked his finger, and a Buddhist relic suddenly floated out.

He didn't know how long he had spent on refining this relic, which was no less than a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. At this moment, it was shining brightly.

Moreover, it became bigger and bigger, and in an instant it was like a real sun, emitting infinite light and heat, and then crushed towards Jiang Feng, as if to evaporate him directly.

The Thousand-Handed Tathagata sat cross-legged in the void, he was as still as a mountain, with his hands clasped together, his lips moving, and he silently recited scriptures.

Then, behind him, hundreds of huge hands suddenly extended out, like the tentacles of a prehistoric beast. The gods and ghosts were shocked and wept, and they also surrounded Jiang Feng.

He used the highest magical power of Buddhism, called the Tathagata Palm, but the Thousand-Handed Tathagata strengthened it with his unique talent.

At this moment, a thousand Tathagata Palms came out, and Jiang Feng was as small as an ant in front of them, vulnerable to a single blow, and could not be compared.

At this moment, the six quasi-saints attacked together, and all of them went all out, trying their best to kill Jiang Feng.

For a moment, energy overflowed, and divine light rushed into the sky, dimly illuminating a corner of the endless chaos, which was extremely terrifying.

The immortals and gods in the heavenly court watched this scene, and they all secretly clenched their fists. Cold sweat.

The most nervous one among them was the Monkey King Sun Wukong. These days, he vaguely guessed that the mighty man behind the diary might be Jiang Feng.

The Western Buddhist sect unanimously believed this, and there were also such rumors everywhere in the heavens. Coupled with Sun Wukong's inference, it can be basically determined that Jiang Feng secretly taught him everything and trained him to become a Daluo Jinxian to change his fate.

However, he was not a fool. Since Jiang Feng had been teaching him secretly and didn't want to make it clear, he would not be stupid enough to take the initiative to point out this relationship.

But now, seeing Jiang Feng being besieged by six quasi-saints, his heart couldn't help but... The rage was so strong that it reached his throat.

The reason why Jiang Feng was surrounded and killed like this was closely related to him.

If Jiang Feng was killed on the spot by the Western Buddhist sect today, then he, Sun Wukong, would not be able to change his fate and would never escape from the palm of the Buddha.

Therefore, Sun Wukong was worried and scratched his head. He wanted to help with the golden hoop, but it was a battlefield belonging to the quasi-saints. He was not qualified to intervene and could not help at all.

However, even if Jiang Feng fought against six quasi-saints alone, he was still fearless. Instead, his eyes were burning with a blazing fighting spirit and high morale, shocking the thirty-three heavens.

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