At this moment, Jiang Feng's magic power surged all over his body. Under his control, tens of thousands of stars above the thirty-three heavens flashed the brightest light, dazzling to the extreme.

Under the connection of the Zhoutian Star Banner, a large amount of star power poured into Jiang Feng, as if the sea embraced hundreds of rivers, vast and endless.

For a moment, Jiang Feng's whole body was radiant, as if he had become the center of the entire prehistoric world, attracting everyone's attention, making the sky and the earth pale, and the sun and the moon dim.

And in his chest, suddenly, a deep black light formed, floating up and down, vaguely rotating around a certain point in the center.

Its speed was getting faster and faster. At first it was like a tornado, then it was like a chaotic storm, and finally it almost formed a big black hole.

Moreover, this big black hole seemed to be constantly expanding and swallowing.

Around Jiang Feng, the space collapsed like tofu, and the broken space fragments all merged into Jiang Feng's body and were swallowed by the big black hole in his body. Not only that, even the light became distorted.

That time and space seemed to no longer exist, and turned into chaos again.

In the next moment, a surging breath spread out from the big black hole. It changed drastically, expanding for a while, and then shrinking sharply, and it kept going back and forth, as if a black hole explosion was about to occur, refining the world.


With a loud bang, the black hole exploded completely, and from Jiang Feng's chest, one star after another rushed out.

Each star was condensed by infinite star power, as if it was materialized, thick and heavy, shocking the thirty-three heavens above and the eighteen levels of hell below, terrifying to the extreme.

As the six quasi-saints attacked fiercely, the stars rushed forward one after another as if they were free, continuously and endlessly.


At the moment when the two sides touched, the stars suddenly exploded, shaking the sky and the earth.

The power was no less than the self-explosion of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, which was extremely terrifying.

However, these six quasi-saints were extraordinary, either holding magical weapons or possessing terrible great magical powers, so they could still cope with it for a while. However

, Jiang Feng spewed out thousands of stars in an instant, and the offensive was like a violent storm, fierce and chaotic, and people could not breathe.

The self-explosion of one or two top-grade innate spiritual treasures could be dealt with, but how could thousands of them explode continuously?

In an instant, the six quasi-saints changed color, but in just a few dozen breaths, they turned from offense to defense.

Among them, Guangchengzi was a mighty being at the peak of Quasi-Saint, with the most profound cultivation, and could barely cope with it.

Jiang Feng was not too surprised about this. What surprised him the most was Jiang Ziya.

He was actually the most relaxed one.

Jiang Feng looked up, and saw a cloud of fairy air lingering on Jiang Ziya's head.

There were five-colored lights shining in the sky, and fairy music resounding throughout the universe. Moreover, there were countless golden lamps, golden lotuses, necklaces, and pendant beads falling from the sky, like dripping water from the eaves, continuously and in an endless stream.

It was precisely because of its protection that Jiang Ziya was as strong as a rock, inherently invincible, and never suffered any harm.

"My goodness, Yuanshi Tianzun actually passed on the Clouds of All Heavens to Jiang Ziya!"Jiang Feng was extremely shocked. He never thought that the Yuqing Saint Yuanshi Tianzun valued Jiang Ziya so much.

The Clouds of All Heavens were transformed from the righteousness in the heart of the great god Pangu. They were mainly for defense and were almost comparable to the innate treasures. If you had it, you would be invincible. When you sacrificed it, you could make all evil retreat and be invulnerable.

After Hongjun Daozu merged with the Heavenly Dao, he gave this treasure to Yuanshi Tianzun for self-defense, but now Jiang Ziya was using it to protect himself.

However, the other four were more It was exhausting.

The strength of Juliusun Buddha, Dainichi Tathagata, Qianshou Tathagata and Jade Ding Zhenren were similar. As time went by, one star after another exploded, and they could no longer hold on.

In such a strong duel, each attack consumed a lot of energy and required full effort. Even they were not exhausted.

After just a few dozen rounds, the four were struggling and clearly at a disadvantage. After a brief pause, Jiang Feng immediately turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards Juliusun Buddha.

He wanted to take back the Xianjian Sword.

""Give it to me!"

Jiang Feng smiled calmly, and his magic power surged, and he performed the art of the universe in his sleeves.

His sleeves fluttered, as if a chaotic tornado rushed out, and immediately swept directly to the Xianjian sword in Julusun Fo's hand.

Julusun Fo was busy dealing with the stars in the sky at this time, so how could he have the mind and spare energy to deal with Jiang Feng.

So, in just a glance, the Xianjian sword flew out of his hand and fell directly into Jiang Feng's hand.

Under the sweep of the huge power of Hongmeng and the power of the stars, Julusun Fo's soul imprint on the Xianjian sword was instantly wiped out.


Juliusun Fo looked at his empty palm, his pupils suddenly widened, and his heart began to beat wildly.

""Asshole, give me back the Xianjian Sword!"

As if his life force was lost, Juliusun Buddha screamed like crazy, his expression was ferocious, and his face was almost distorted.

Boom boom boom...

However, in the next moment, several stars bombarded in succession, hitting Juliusun Buddha accurately.

A series of explosions were heard, and the world was in chaos, as if it had returned to chaos and everything returned to its original state.

After a long time, under the mysterious rules of heaven, the space was constantly repaired, and soon it was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Although the quasi-saint has the ability to tear the space, this kind of damage can be repaired by the rules of heaven, otherwise, the three realms would have been pierced long ago. However

, if the supreme saint takes action and tears the space, then even the rules of heaven will find it difficult to repair, or even impossible. Repair.

This is also the reason why Hongjun Daozu restricted the six great Heavenly Dao saints from descending to the Three Realms and Six Paths, and why everyone below the saints is an ant.

No matter how powerful the power of the quasi-saints is, it is within the scope allowed by the Heavenly Dao rules, and it can never hurt the origin of the Heavenly Dao.

But the power of the saints is different. It can cause damage to the origin of the Heavenly Dao, so it must be restricted and confined.

At this moment, after everything was calm in that world, the figure of Juliusun Buddha disappeared.

A group of immortals and gods rubbed their eyes, looked carefully, and finally locked their eyes on the ground.

There, Juliusun Buddha was lying in a pool of blood, with only a skeleton left, and the flesh and blood exploded, which was horrible to look at.

As for the primordial spirit, it had long been shattered, and the whole body and soul were destroyed, and the soul was scattered.

After Dingguang Happy Buddha, Juliusun Buddha also followed in his footsteps and fell on the spot.

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