However, after a few rounds, Zhulong was ridden by Dijiang, who had transformed into a giant, and was beaten madly. The

Zhulong Holy Fire, which was enough to burn down the space, seemed to be tickling Dijiang when it touched him, and could not cause any damage.

Facing Dijiang's fierce attack, blood splattered in the sky, and dragon scales kept falling off, even with a large piece of flesh and blood, which looked horrible.

Zhulong howled miserably, and this scene was just like when Nezha pulled out the tendons and skinned the third prince of the dragon clan.

In the end, Zhulong suffered great trauma, fell from mid-air, and was pressed to the ground by Dijiang, and could only survive with a dying breath.


At this time, Jiang Feng hurriedly offered the Heaven-suppressing Coffin and suppressed Zhulong inside.

First, collect the old dragon. There will be plenty of time to deal with him in the future, and there is no need to worry that he will not obey.

At this point, the entire heaven has completely calmed down, and this war has finally come to an end.

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Holy Mother Wu Dang, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the eldest brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, and other powerful people all have bright smiles on their faces and are extremely excited.

However, the hearts of the sentient beings in the three realms are extremely complicated, and there are many...

"Oh my god! This battle ended just like that. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, who would have guessed that it would end like this?"

"I had long guessed that Western Buddhism would make a big move, and sure enough, this day arrived as expected, and it was earth-shaking. Western Buddhism dispatched a total of six Buddhas, and also joined forces with the disciples of the orthodox school, the ancient demon prince Lu Ya Taoist, the Bai Ze Demon Saint, and even Zulong's younger brother Zhulong. What a powerful force!"

"Yes, there were twelve quasi-saints. Who in the Three Realms and Six Paths could resist them? Almost all of them would die! However, Jiang Feng survived miraculously. Not only that, the Western Buddhist sect actually lost three Buddhas. The loss was heavy. It was simply a loss of both the wife and the army!"

"Anomalies in the prehistoric world are anomalies in the prehistoric world. It is beyond reason. In such a short time, he has grown to this point. It is so terrifying! What kind of geniuses and heroes are in front of him, they are not even qualified to carry his shoes!"

"In addition to his own strength, this boy actually has such a wide network of contacts. It would have been fine if it was just Holy Mother Wu Dang, but even the Great Immortal Zhen Yuan and Di Jiang stood up for him. He even set up the lost Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. It's incredible!"

"What is this? This is a great fortune. In my opinion, this Journey to the West catastrophe is not destined by heaven to make Buddhism flourish, but Jiang Feng flourishes."

"It makes sense. The Western Buddhist sect was well prepared. Even with such a large force, they still failed to kill Jiang Feng. Given time, how much will he grow? It's not impossible for him to kill a saint!"

"In my opinion, from now on, the world will change drastically, and the Journey to the West will be completely overturned. I'm afraid even the Heavenly Dao will not be able to sit still!"


Beautiful, it's a great job! These demons in wolf's clothing in Western Buddhism should have been dealt with long ago. These sanctimonious bald donkeys, who talk about great compassion and benevolence, morality, and morality, have done countless insidious, cunning, despicable and shameless things behind the scenes. It's never too much to kill as many of these scums as you can!"

"The Heavenly Palace has completely risen and can compete with Western Buddhism. It has nothing to fear. This is a good thing, a very good thing!"

"If you don't make a sound, you'll be shocked! The Heavenly Palace is like a sleeping lion awakening, and it is no longer the same as before!"


For a time, all beings in the three realms were talking about it, as if a pot had exploded. The sky and the ground were boiling, and a great uproar had been set off, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

In the Lingshan Mountain in the West, there was the Great Leiyin Temple.

The Tathagata Buddha sat on it, and Amitabha, Liuli Medicine Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the Eight Vajra, the Five Hundred Arhats, the Three Thousand Jie Di, hundreds of millions of Buddhas, etc., were all paying close attention to the battlefield in the heavenly court.

At this moment, the entire Great Leiyin Temple was dead silent, and you could hear a pin drop. The atmosphere was unprecedentedly heavy and depressing, almost making people breathless.

The Tathagata Buddha on the high seat has always been a person who does not show his emotions, and has cultivated the skill of nourishing qi to the highest level, but at this moment, his old face could not help but show a decadent look, a gray and ugly look, as if he had eaten a dead mouse.

He had never thought that the task of killing Jiang Feng today would fail.

They made sufficient preparations and organized a force that could kill any quasi-saint, but man proposes, God disposes, and they shot themselves in the foot, killing three Buddhas, causing the power of Buddhism to be greatly reduced.

"What should I do?"

The Tathagata Buddha was gloomy and looked as if water was about to drip out of his face. He was completely at a loss.

On the one hand, how could he explain to the Buddha Lord and the Buddha Mother?

On the other hand, the mission failed, and Jiang Feng was not dead. What about the Monkey King Sun Wukong? What about the Journey to the West?

The Tathagata Buddha was in a state of confusion and had no idea what to do.


In front of the Heavenly Palace

""My husband, how are you? Are you injured?"

When the battle subsided, Princess Longji rushed over immediately and threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms, asking with concern.

At this moment, she no longer had the image of a noble and proud princess as usual, but was completely a young wife who was worried about her husband's safety.

"Don't worry, my lady. How can these few rotten fish and shrimp hurt me?"Jiang Feng laughed triumphantly.

Princess Longji's heart finally settled down.

"Fellow Taoists, please go to the Lingxiao Palace for a chat!"

At this time, the Jade Emperor suddenly spoke up and invited them warmly.

The elder brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, Zhenyuan Daxian, and Wudang Shengmu naturally would not refuse, and were invited to the Lingxiao Palace one after another.

The Queen Mother ordered Taibai Jinxing to set up a banquet immediately to celebrate.

Such a great victory today, defeating the Western Buddhist sect and raising the power of the Heavenly Court, is worth celebrating!

Jiang Feng put away the Zhentian Coffin and followed him into the Lingxiao Palace.

The Eastern Qinghua Emperor Yun Zhongzi and the Southern Changsheng Emperor Nanji Xianweng saw this scene with cold expressions and anger in their eyes, but in the end they could only retreat.

Without the invitation of the Jade Emperor, they naturally would not join in the fun, and besides, the two sides were not in the same camp at all.

At the same time, on the other side, the Northern Ziwei Emperor and the Western Gou Chen Emperor also witnessed the entire battle.

The Ziwei Emperor looked at Jiang Feng's back, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded frequently.

"The young are formidable! From now on, the Three Realms will not be peaceful!"

Emperor Gou Chen sighed.

In front of the Lingxiao Palace, the Monkey King Sun Wukong grinned from ear to ear, and was so happy.

Jiang Feng's victory also meant that his backer was not defeated, and he still had a chance to change his fate.

In the depths of the endless chaos, in the Wa Palace, the goddess Nuwa was also paying close attention.

"I thought I would need his help, but he solved it by himself. He is worthy of being the man of my destiny."

Nuwa whispered in her heart, smiling like a flower.

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