"Haha, it feels so good. It feels so good. I haven't had such a satisfying fight in a long time. It feels so good.……"

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Wu clan's eldest brother Di Jiang was ecstatic and laughed.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but stand up and raised a glass of wine,"Thank you all for your help. Jiang Feng toasts you a glass."

After saying that, Jiang Feng raised his head and drank it all.

""Okay, okay." Dijiang waved his hand nonchalantly, and then picked up the wine pot and drank wildly.

The Wu clan were all generous and honest people. In addition to their warlike nature, they also liked to drink.

The nectar brewed by the Queen Mother was the best in the world, which completely blocked Dijiang's mouth and made him drink endlessly.

""Master, you are too serious. The Master's safety is related to the future and prosperity of our Jiejiao. As a disciple of Jiejiao, how can Wu Dang sit idly by and watch?"

Mother Wu Dang clasped her hands together, showing great respect, as if she was to Master Tongtian.

Zhen Yuan Daxian also stood up, holding a glass of wine,"Brother Jiang, why do you say that? You and I are sworn brothers, and we are as close as brothers. Your business is my business."

Seeing this scene, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were very happy.

The three people in front of them are all supreme beings at the peak of quasi-saints, each more terrifying and more terrible than the other.

Originally, they had nothing to do with them, but now because of their son-in-law Jiang Feng, they were equivalent to being tied to the chariot of the Heavenly Court, making the Heavenly Court stronger than ever.

After a few glasses of wine, Jiang Feng seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked with concern:"Brother Zhen Yuan, how is Senior Hong Yun?"

"Thanks to my great blessing, Hongyun's soul has recovered. I also rebuilt his body a few days ago and he is alive again. But your Three Lights Divine Water has been used up, and Hongyun needs to practice again before he can recover to his previous peak state."Zhen Yuan Daxian replied.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile,"That's great. By the way, brother, I have some elixirs here, which will be of great benefit to Senior Hongyun's recovery. Please bring them to him for me."

Jiang Feng immediately prepared a gourd of elixirs and handed them over.

Although it is unlikely that these elixirs can restore Taoist Hongyun to his original state and return to his peak, it is more than enough to recover to the Golden Immortal in a short period of time.

Taoist Hongyun did not die in the true sense, nor did he reincarnate. His cultivation foundation and experience have been deeply imprinted in his soul, which is much faster than normal cultivation.

Zhen Yuan Daxian was not polite either. He shook his sleeves and put the gourd of elixirs into his pocket.

"What what!" At this time, the Jade Emperor seemed to understand something and asked in shock:"You mean, Taoist Hongyun, the Taoist Hongyun who has a life-and-death friendship with Zhenyuan Daxian, is still alive?"

"That's right!" Jiang Feng nodded."In the past, Taoist Hongyun was besieged by several ancient masters and was eventually killed by Patriarch Kunpeng. But in fact, he suffered a heavy blow and was not really destroyed."

"By chance, I had the honor to meet Senior Hongyun, and I soaked his soul with the Three Lights Divine Water, and handed it over to the care of Zhenyuan Daxian. Now he has finally rebuilt his body and is alive."

Jiang Feng did not tell the real reason why Taoist Hongyun survived, because it involved the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

This is the foundation of the Tao and the secret of becoming a saint. Taoist Hongyun was killed because of this. Now, of course, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. I am afraid that Wuzhuangguan will face a larger lineup than the one that killed Jiang Feng today.

""That's great! Taoist Hongyun is a good man in the Three Realms. It would be a pity if he died. Heaven has eyes, Heaven has eyes!"

The Jade Emperor smiled, his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

Taoist Hongyun is one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world, an absolute ancient power, and is no less than the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Now Jiang Feng has saved him, and when Taoist Hongyun recovers, it is equivalent to adding another peerless ally to the Heavenly Court. The Jade Emperor is naturally happy.

Now that he has torn his face with the Western Buddhist sect, he is almost offended to death. The Jade Emperor dreams of strengthening the Heavenly Court.

Then, the Jade Emperor generously donated some innate peaches and treasured elixirs to help Taoist Hongyun. Recover.

Although there were not many people at this banquet, it was a happy occasion, filled with laughter and joy.

It was not until the next morning that the banquet came to an end.

In order to look after Hongyun, Zhenyuan Daxian left early.

The eldest brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, was drunk and staggering back to the underworld.

But before leaving, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and his body shook to dispel the alcohol. He said to Jiang Feng solemnly:"Brother Jiang, there is a bad situation I have to tell you. The demon prince Lu Ya Taoist and Bai Ze Demon Saint have escaped."

"Ran away? How is it possible?" Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, somewhat unbelievable.

The demon clan and the witch clan are almost natural enemies, and they are like fire and water and cannot coexist.

In the ancient times, the demon clan ruled the sky, and the witch clan ruled the earth. The two major clans fed on each other. They rubbed against each other constantly and fought endlessly on weekdays, and then the witch-demon catastrophe broke out.

Previously, the witch clan's eldest brother Dijiang ran into the Taoist Lu Ya and the Bai Ze Demon Saint. It can be said that the enemies met and were particularly jealous. That kind of hatred came from the blood and bones and could not be resolved.

Moreover, according to Dijiang's character, it would be strange if he didn't tear these two people apart.

And the subsequent battle situation was also obvious to all. Dijiang's physical body was unparalleled, and his pair of iron fists were invincible in the world. He chased Lu Ya Taoist and Bai Ze Demon Saint and beat them violently, presenting a completely one-sided situation. It was easy to kill them.

However, now, Dijiang said that these two people ran away, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, they were rescued. I tortured them until they were on their last breath. When I was about to kill them, a gray divine light suddenly appeared and rescued them at the critical moment. Even I couldn't catch their trace and it was difficult to track them."Di Jiang frowned and said

""What!" Jiang Feng was even more shocked, his eyes almost popped out.

Emperor Jiang was in charge of the law of space, and his attainments in this field were superb. Except for the saints, he was unrivaled. Now even he could not be found. This was too weird!

"Could it be that a saint is secretly helping them?"The Jade Emperor guessed.

Although the saint's true body cannot be manifested in the Three Realms and Six Paths, it is completely possible to rescue Lu Ya Taoist and Bai Ze Demon Saint with just one clone.

The saint is high above, majestic and boundless, and unfathomable. Even a single clone is full of mystery and extraordinary.

"But which saint is willing to help them? Zhunti, Jie Yin, or Nuwa?" The Queen Mother was confused.

Di Jiang shook his head,"None of them, I feel like it's the demon Di Jun who is doing it in secret!"

"What! The demon emperor Di Jun is still alive?"

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, Jiang Feng and Princess Longji all opened their pupils wide and almost dropped their jaws in shock.

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