"I'll give you one last chance, as long as you are willing……"

"Get lost! I, the old dragon, would rather die than be your mount. Just give up on this idea!"

Before Jiang Feng's voice fell, Zhulong roared fiercely, looking like he would rather die than surrender.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Zhulong twice in a row and have obtained two supreme treasure chests. Do you want to open them?"

At this time, the system's clear and pleasant voice came out in Jiang Feng's mind, louder than ever before.

Instantly, Jiang Feng was ecstatic and cheered.

The system gave Jiang Feng the opportunity to get rewards after being rejected three times. Now, in Zhulong's body, its surplus value has been squeezed out by Jiang Feng.

"If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. It's not a big deal. Is it a big deal?"

Jiang Feng left a few words lightly, then put away the Zhentian coffin and returned to the room.

There will be plenty of time to deal with this old dragon in the future, but now it is more important to do business.

In the bed, Princess Longji vaguely heard Jiang Feng's voice and was stunned and full of confusion.

She thought Jiang Feng was going to do something important, but she never thought that he was just teasing the old dragon. What kind of medicine is this gourd selling?

Just when Princess Longji was about to ask, her lips were suddenly blocked, and then there was a whimper, and she was lost and sank into it.

After tossing for a long time, Princess Longji was overwhelmed and sank. Shen fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Feng was still vigorous and energetic. Taking this opportunity, he couldn't help but check the huge gains brought by the Western Buddhist sect's mobilization of troops to kill him.

This was also his most abundant harvest, unprecedented, with eight supreme treasure chests.

The supreme treasure chest was already the top reward. In the past, each of them could open some rare and amazing treasures. Now there are eight of them. How amazing the reward would be, Jiang Feng couldn't imagine it at all.

In the process of communicating with the system, he couldn't help but have a burning gaze, his heart was full of anticipation, and his body was shaking with excitement.

"Congratulations to the host for opening eight supreme treasure chests, and obtaining the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Hunyuan Golden Bowl, a pot of Three Lights Divine Water, a tripod of the mother energy of all things, a Chaos Divine Thunder Art, a Xuanhuang Immortal Sutra, an Eternal Heaven Sutra, a master-servant contract, the middle part of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, ten drops of Pangu's essence and blood, and eight million great virtues!"


For a moment, Jiang Feng's breathing was a little rapid, and he was almost knocked unconscious by this pie falling from the sky.

This kind of reward was really too generous, almost beyond Jiang Feng's expectations.

First of all, there was the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, which was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

It was originally the magic weapon of Yunxiao Fairy, the leader of the Three Fairies.

During the Conferred God Calamity, she used this magic weapon as the core to set up the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation.

The twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect entered it, and none of them could escape.

They were all cut off from the top of their heads, and the five qi in their chests were closed.

All their lifelong cultivation and Taoism turned into nothingness, and the horror of its power was evident.

For this reason, the leader of the Chan Sect, Yuanshi Tianzun, couldn't stand it, so he took action himself, regardless of his status, bullying the weak, and even joined forces with the Taoist master Laozi to break the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation.

Fairy Yunxiao was also suppressed by Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Morality, at Qilinya with the Qiankuntu. In the process, her magic weapon Hunyuan Jindou was also knocked away and disappeared.

Jiang Feng never thought that it would fall into his hands.

"It seems that the hope of Jiejiao's revival is destined, and all this is God's will!"Jiang

Feng couldn't help but raise a curve at the corner of his mouth. Now, Fairy Yunxiao has almost recovered. In time, if the three fairies can make further progress and use the Hunyuan Golden Bowl to set up the Nine Bends of the Yellow River, I am afraid that even if a quasi-saint enters, his cultivation will be abolished.

Needless to say, the second treasure, the Three Lights Divine Water, is the first divine medicine in the prehistoric world. Jiang Feng used it to pull Fairy Yunxiao and Taoist Hongyun back from the brink of death.

The third reward, the Mother Qi of All Things, made Jiang Feng's eyes light up.

What Is it the mother energy of all things?

There are various kinds of energy between heaven and earth, such as primordial energy, immortal energy, demon energy, chaotic energy, Taoist energy, etc., but all these energy have one source, which is the mother energy of all things. The mother energy of all things is mysterious and wonderful. It is the origin of all things in heaven and earth and even all energy. It can create all things, evolve all energy, and has various wonderful uses.

It is as majestic as the sky, as thick as the earth, and full of mysteries. Just a wisp of it can collapse space. Its weight is so terrifying that even ordinary quasi-saints cannot hold it.

"Oh my god! This mother energy of all things is a treasure that is no less valuable than Pangu's blood!" Jiang Feng was filled with shock.

And this time, there were ten more drops of Pangu's blood. With these rare things, Jiang Feng felt that his body could achieve another leap forward, and he would be no less powerful than the Wu clan's eldest brother, Di Jiang.

""I've become rich. This time I'm really going to be successful!"

Jiang Feng's mouth was grinning from ear to ear, and he was so ecstatic that he couldn't say anything more.

The next few rewards were some scriptures, which could obviously be used to train subordinates. After Jiang Feng had a general understanding, he already had a candidate in mind.

Among them, his Hongmeng Creation Sutra was also upgraded, with the middle part.

This Hongmeng Creation Sutra is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. He had only practiced the lower part before, and just this made him a Daluo.

As for breaking through to the quasi-saint, it was completely brought by the system, but now with the following explanation of the exercises, Jiang Feng will definitely be able to go to the next level and achieve a qualitative transformation.

The last two rewards also filled Jiang Feng with surprises. The first is the master-servant contract. This contract is mainly of the nature of beast control. It must be signed between humans and beasts, and it is dominated by humans.

Once signed, the other party will become your servant, 100% loyal, and will never betray you forever.

Because the signing of this contract directly locks the Yuanshen Zhenling, it is subject to the infinite power.

The Great Dao protects the other party.

Once the other party has a rebellious heart and has the idea of betrayal, then the Great Dao will instantly wipe out the other party, and the body and soul will be destroyed.

Even the true spirit will no longer exist, and the person will never be reborn.

The Great Dao is the supreme rule of the universe that is above the prehistoric heavenly way.

It is domineering and boundless.

Even if the person signing the contract is a saint, the other party can only obey unconditionally, otherwise, he will also face the ruthless annihilation of the Great Dao.

In front of the supreme universe Great Dao, the saints of the prehistoric world are no different from ants.

The last reward is eight million Great Dao merits. Just hearing these words, Jiang Feng was so excited that he couldn't describe it.

Merit is a rare and heaven-defying treasure in the prehistoric world. In a sense, it is more precious than Pangu's blood.

After the Conferred God Calamity, the Four Saints and Three Religions completed the killing calamity and successfully passed it. They all obtained a corresponding amount of merits, which enabled them to be promoted. They are incomparable. The

Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect and Jiang Ziya are the best examples.

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