The twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect were all destroyed in the Nine-bend Yellow River formation, but after the Conferred God Tribulation, they relied on the merits of the Heavenly Dao to recover as before, or even go further.

As the man who was destined to be conferred a god, Jiang Ziya gained a huge amount of merits. He was only a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he ascended to heaven in one step and directly jumped to the Quasi-Sage.

Otherwise, with his mediocre talent, he would never be promoted to the Quasi-Sage in this life.

Merit is the most precious thing in the prehistoric world, unparalleled, it can be said to be omnipotent, with various magical uses, even saints will fight for it and fight to the point of bloodshed.

This time, the Journey to the West Tribulation is also the case. The Western Buddhist sect attaches so much importance to it and does not allow anyone to destroy it, because of the merits of the Heavenly Dao.

If the Journey to the West Tribulation is successfully completed, the Western Buddhist sect will reap endless merits of the Heavenly Dao. By then, the Western Buddhist sect will be the only one and become the first major force without any dispute. It is not impossible to dominate the prehistoric world and even assimilate the entire Three Realms and Six Paths.

However, this is only the merit of Heavenly Dao, and what the system rewards Jiang Feng with at this moment is the merit of Great Dao.

Great Dao is far superior to the prehistoric Heavenly Dao. There is no doubt that the merit of Great Dao is more magical than the merit of Heavenly Dao.

This is the most precious reward.

However, Jiang Feng has no idea about the eight million merits of Great Dao, and he doesn't know what level it is.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to give half of the merit of Great Dao to Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

This time, the Western Buddhist sect's plan to kill him failed, but it will definitely not give up. After regrouping, the Western Buddhist sect will definitely have the next move.

But no matter what, it must be aimed at him or Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

Therefore, while improving his own strength, he must also take this monkey into consideration.

The stronger his strength is, the more thorough the subversion of the Journey to the West will be.

In fact, Jiang Feng wanted to train Sun Wukong into a saint and smash the entire Leiyin Temple with one stick, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability yet.

At that moment, Jiang Feng immediately turned the four million Dao merits into the Merit Divine Water, and then he repeated the old trick and placed it in the Peach Garden, waiting for Sun Wukong to discover it himself.

The Merit Divine Water is a tangible manifestation of Dao merits, so it is easier for Sun Wukong to absorb and refine it.

It is just like the Eight Treasures Merit Pool of Western Buddhism. If you soak in it and undergo baptism, you will undergo a reborn transformation.

After doing all this, Jiang Feng also immediately closed his eyes and began to digest the four million Dao merits.

In the room, Jiang Feng shook his hand and threw out a tripod, turning the remaining four million Dao merits into the Merit Divine Water.

For a moment, the whole room was bright, golden and dazzling.

The Merit Divine Water looked like liquid gold, with a noble and mysterious aura, supreme and incomprehensible.

Without stopping at all, Jiang Feng plunged in and began to absorb it to his heart's content.

In an instant, it can be clearly seen that the golden-colored water of merit and virtue is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it penetrates into Jiang Feng's body through the pores on the surface of his skin and is refined by him at a very fast speed.

This refining speed is extremely fast, like light and electricity, which is incredible.

The value of the water of merit and virtue is higher and more mysterious than the jade of creation, but the speed of refining and absorbing is also faster.

This is not because of Jiang Feng himself, but it just reflects the mystery of the merit of the great way.

Because it is completely pure and does not contain even a trace of impurities, anyone can refine it unimpeded, as long as you are willing, there will be no obstacles.

Even a pig, if soaked in this water of merit and virtue, can take off instantly and ascend to heaven in one step.

After about a cup of tea, half of the water of merit and virtue in the cauldron has gone down.

At this time, Jiang Feng's body was shaken, and a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

He has a handsome face and a jade-like spirit. He is very similar to Jiang Feng, as if they were carved from the same mold.

However, his expression was extremely cold, his eyes were fierce, and he was vaguely bloodthirsty, like a great demon.

""Meet the deity!"

The man faced Jiang Feng, clasped his hands together, and looked extremely respectful.

That's right, it was the evil corpse that Jiang Feng had just killed.

However, in this short moment, Jiang Feng's cultivation level has reached a higher level. He killed the evil corpse and reached the mid-stage of the quasi-sage.

This speed is comparable to the system's direct reward of a three-corpse clone tailored for Jiang Feng.

Moreover, when the merit water enveloped his entire body, Jiang Feng felt that his mind was clear and bright, and his thinking speed was accelerated by dozens of times.

Even in front of him, it was like an illusion, as if a door to a new world had been opened, showing the vast universe, the great world, the middle world, the small world, and the countless stars in the sky.

And between the operations of these worlds, they are connected to each other, check and balance each other, but also depend on each other, vaguely forming a large network, full of mystery, extremely incredible

"This, is this the law of the three thousand great ways?"

At a certain moment, Jiang Feng seemed to have sensed something, and his heart was instantly shocked, horrified.

It turned out that in this great way of merit, there was the secret of the law of the three thousand great ways. The world he felt was not illusory, but was explaining how the law of the three thousand great ways operated and how to manage the entire universe.

Jiang Feng comprehended it carefully and soon noticed something unusual.

It turned out that the laws he had comprehended before were not the real laws of the great ways. To be precise, they were not the complete laws of the great ways, but only the laws of heaven in the prehistoric world.

Take a single water law for example. Even if it is comprehended to perfection and reaches the pinnacle, it is still different from the real water law of the great way.

Because the laws of heaven in the entire prehistoric world are incomplete, even if they are fully comprehended, they are only in the The perfection of the prehistoric world is only perfection in a narrow sense.

However, even the saints of the Heavenly Dao can only do this, and cannot comprehend the true laws of the Great Dao.

Because the prehistoric Heavenly Dao is like a wall, isolating the prehistoric world from the outside world and the entire universe, there is no chance to comprehend the true laws of the Great Dao.

Unless you jump out of this world, achieve transcendence, break the wall of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, and truly come into direct contact with the Great Dao of the universe, you can comprehend it.

However, Jiang Feng can take a shortcut by directly obtaining the merits of the Great Dao with the help of the golden finger of the system, and comprehend the secrets of the laws of the three thousand Great Daos, so as to gradually improve his own laws.


At this time, the merit water in the tripod was exhausted, and beside Jiang Feng, another figure jumped out.

He actually cut out his own corpse!

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