Although the Heavenly Dao Fierce Treasure Zhentian Coffin is comparable to the innate treasure, it is mainly a magical weapon for trapping. Unlike the Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, it is mainly used for attack and can kill people without any cause and effect.

If Jiang Feng had previously made breakthroughs with the help of the great Dao merits, and even reached the entry level in the attainment of the law of force, which was a transformation like a rebirth, then now that he has obtained the acquired merit treasure Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, it is the icing on the cake, adding wings to a tiger, making his combat power even greater.

Now, although he is only a quasi-saint in the late stage, he is not afraid of the mighty ones at the peak of the quasi-saint, and it is not a big problem to suppress them. At present, he is more powerful than ever before. He doesn't take the Zulong brother Zhulong, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, Jiang Ziya, the Southern Emperor of Longevity, and the Buddha Tathagata seriously.

Even if it is the three corpses of the saint, Jiang Feng has the confidence to compete with them.

""Your Majesty, Queen Yaoji and her two children, Yang Jian and Yang Chan, are outside the door asking for an audience!"

At this time, the Four Saints of Jiulong Island came to report.

"Erlang's family is here!"

Jiang Feng said suddenly from a seat nearby, and was instantly overjoyed.

At this moment, his eyes were shining, and there was no trace of his previous drunken look!

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor could not help but snorted coldly,"Jiang Feng, are you awake? Don't you have any questions about why you are here?"

Jiang Feng frowned deeply, full of doubts, pretending to be completely clueless and said,"Why?"

At the same time, he stared at Princess Longji beside him and said,"Longji, why does father look so bad? Did you make father angry again?"


Princess Longji's expression froze, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was obviously you who made my father so angry, and now you are throwing dirty water on me. You really are my good husband!

"All right, let's go pick up the third sister and her family!" Queen Mother stepped forward and hurriedly smoothed things over, ending the topic.

Last time Jiang Feng was in Taoshan in the lower world, he released Yao Ji and informed the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother afterwards.

After learning the truth that it was the Western Buddhist sect that was behind it, they felt very complicated, with hatred and self-blame, as well as a little joy and a hint of expectation.

Soon, Yao Ji came with Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

Compared with the previous meeting, Yao Ji's face was ruddy and radiant at this moment, and she had obviously recovered a lot.

"Hello, big brother and sister!"

Yao Ji smiled and bowed.

Queen Mother Yao Chi suddenly became emotional, tears welled up in her eyes, and she stepped forward and hugged Yao Ji tightly in her arms,"Third sister, you and the children have suffered over the years. It's all our fault for not taking good care of you.……"

The Queen Mother blamed herself for a while, and her tears blurred her vision like pearls that had broken off the string.

The three of them grew up together in Zixiao Palace, and they were as close as siblings. They were not sisters, but they were better than sisters.

However, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were enlightened by Hongjun Daozu and took the lead in transforming, while Yao Ji transformed on her own.

At that time, Yao Ji followed them every day like a little kid, and they also asked themselves if they were capable of protecting the third sister for a lifetime, but they did not expect to suffer such a conspiracy from the Western Buddhist sect.

"Second sister, this is not your fault, please do not blame yourself. Everything is over, aren't we all alive and well now?"

Yao Ji patted the Queen Mother's shoulder and comforted her.

Even if she had not known the truth before, Yao Ji would not have hated the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother so much. Putting herself in their shoes, she completely understood what the Jade

Emperor and the Queen Mother did. As the Lord and the Mistress of the Three Realms, how could they go back on the Heavenly Laws they had personally established?

"This matter, ah……"The Jade Emperor opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he sighed and waved his hand,"Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. Let everything that happened before go with the wind. From today on, you are still my third sister. Anyone who dares to make a move on you will be an enemy of me and the entire Heavenly Court."

"Big brother, you still love me the most."

Yao Ji smiled, and the three siblings hugged each other tightly.

But after a moment, the Jade Emperor couldn't help coughing and hurriedly broke free,"Well, the children are watching, let's not be so cheesy."

"It's okay, uncle, we can just pretend we didn't see anything."

Yang Jian couldn't help but tease, and all of a sudden, the whole room burst into laughter, and the atmosphere instantly became joyful.

Then, the whole family put aside their past grudges, happily reunited together, talked about everything, and laughed happily.

"Erlang, you are indeed gifted and have already achieved the status of Taiyi Jinxian. Brother-in-law has a yellow plum here that can help you advance to Daluo in the shortest possible time. Jiang Feng flipped his palm and immediately took out a yellow plum.

"Huang Zhongli! Thank you, brother-in-law!"

Yang Jian was stunned at first, then he was overjoyed, and took it with his hands trembling with excitement.

At the side, Yang Chan's beautiful eyes also lit up, and she couldn't help but stare at Jiang Feng with burning eyes and asked:"Brother-in-law, is there no share for me?"

Her beautiful eyes were full of expectations. She knew that her brother-in-law was always generous and he always gave her a big hand. Last time, he gave her a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow, and a gourd of elixirs.

"Of course, there is," Jiang Feng replied with a smile, but then his tone suddenly changed,"However, this Huangzhongli is not an ordinary thing, its energy is pure and violent, you are only at the Golden Immortal level, and you are currently unable to refine it."

"Your brother-in-law has prepared another gift for you. It is a magical skill called the Eternal Heavenly Scripture. I wonder if you like it?"

""I like it, of course I like it, I like anything my brother-in-law gives me." Yang Chan stood up, cheering and jumping for joy, almost dancing with joy.

Last time, her brother-in-law taught her second brother a skill called"Swallowing Heaven and Devouring Earth" and in recent days, her second brother has been practicing desperately, as if he was possessed. As a result, his combat power has increased rapidly, leaving her far behind, and she can't even see his back.

Now her brother-in-law is also going to teach her a magical skill, so Yang Chan is naturally happy.


Jiang Feng nodded, and immediately branded the Eternal Heavenly Scripture on Yang Chan's soul.

The Eternal Heavenly Scripture, if refined to the great perfection, can achieve an eternal and immortal body, able to be reborn with a drop of blood, and be immortal, which is truly terrifying.

The Jade Emperor's eyes were filled with surprise when he saw this scene. As far as he knew, Jiang Feng had been in the Miluo Palace all these days and had not been anywhere else. How did he get this Huangzhongli?

Just when the Jade Emperor was puzzled, Yang Chan couldn't help but stretch out her tender white hand to him,"Uncle, my brother-in-law has given us a gift. As the Jade Emperor, yours can't be worse than my brother-in-law's, right?"


The Jade Emperor couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Although he was the master of the Three Realms, how could he compare to Jiang Feng's generosity?

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