"Although my uncle is the master of the three realms, he is in charge of the huge heaven, and the responsibility is heavy. Moreover, now that we have torn our faces with the Western Buddhist sect, the situation is not optimistic. The precious treasures are still of great use, so I can't give them to you for the time being. However, my uncle can give you the Princess Tianchan, with the same status as Longji. How about it?"

The Jade Emperor thought for a moment and said, he originally wanted to give some small gifts, but how could they be compared with Jiang Feng's Huangzhongli and magical skills.

So he simply gave up, otherwise, it would only be embarrassing to take them out.

""Tsk, she's just a pretentious princess!" Yang Chan pursed her lips, her pretty face a little unhappy.

Yao Ji hurriedly said:"Chan'er, don't act like a child, thank your uncle quickly!"

"Thank you uncle for the reward!" Yang Chan hurriedly thanked him, but more or less reluctantly.

In this way, the whole family happily reunited, full of harmony and warmth, like a warm harbor.

In the end, the Jade Emperor rewarded a palace for Yao Ji and her two children to live in, which was considered a home in heaven.

Back to the Miro Palace.

Jiang Feng suddenly remembered an important event. Under the pavilion, Jiang Feng shook his sleeves, and the Heavenly Dao Fierce Treasure Zhentian Coffin appeared in front of him.

It's time to subdue this old dragon and make it your own mount.

"Lao Long, how have you been thinking these days?"

Jiang Feng's leisurely voice suddenly sounded in the Zhentian Coffin.


The old dragon twisted his voice and spoke word by word, still looking like he would rather die than surrender, quite a bit of backbone.

But it was obvious that under the torture of the infinite evil spirit of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Coffin, it became weaker and weaker.

If it was before, if you want to really subdue this old dragon, even if he is dying, you have to spend some means, but now, Jiang Feng can do it almost effortlessly.

"Old Dragon, the patience of this god is limited. This time, whether you agree or not, it is not up to you, I am not here to discuss with you!"

Jiang Feng's words were cold, his tone was strong, and he could not be questioned.

In the next moment, he raised his hand and rubbed two fingers together. Suddenly, a drop of bright red blood appeared out of thin air in front of him.

This was not Pangu's blood, but his own blood.

Then, Jiang Feng concentrated his mind and separated a wisp of pure spiritual power from his soul, and merged it with his own drop of blood.

In an instant, this drop of blood became red and golden inside, shining brightly, full of mystery.

At the same time, Jiang Feng's magic power surged all over his body, his expression suddenly became pious, and his lips moved, as if he was chanting some spell.

With each word, a tangible note jumped out, as if it had spirituality, and was injected into the drop of blood in the air in front of Jiang Feng.

So, this drop of blood... The blood essence became even more mysterious, full of mysteries and unpredictable.

In fact, it is called a contract imprint.

That's right, Jiang Feng wants to use the master-servant contract just rewarded by the system to bind this old dragon and take it as a mount.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng controlled the contract imprint, went deep into the Zhentian Coffin, and pointed directly at Zhulong.

This contract imprint is very magical, visible but not touchable. It seems to ignore space, unimpeded, and goes straight into Zhulong's eyebrows, deep into his soul deep in his mind.

Upon noticing this scene, Zhulong's huge pupils clearly showed a look of fear.

Although it is not clear what it is, the powerful spiritual perception of the peak quasi-saint tells him that it is extremely dangerous, which makes him feel unprecedented fear.

It was at the contract imprint that The moment it came into contact with Zhulong's soul, Zhulong's body suddenly shook, and then it let out a heart-wrenching scream.

Its soul began to struggle hard, trying its best.

However, Zhulong was previously injured by the Holy Mother Wu Dang and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and was later beaten down from the sky by the Wu clan's eldest brother Dijiang. During this period of time, he was tortured and tormented all the time in the Zhentian Coffin. He was already dying and weak.

Although it did not take his life, it almost took away half of his life.

At this moment, although the old dragon was struggling hard, he was like a grasshopper in autumn and could not jump for long.

As expected, under Jiang Feng's strong suppression, Zhulong retreated step by step, and finally could not resist, and was deeply engraved with the mark of the contract. The seal of the contract contained Jiang

Feng's blood and spiritual power, which bound the old dragon's soul tightly and was protected by the Great Dao of the Universe.

This was equivalent to putting a tight spell on the old dragon, or even more so. If he dared to have a trace of disloyalty, he would face the ruthless annihilation of the Great Dao of the Universe without any room for negotiation.

At this moment, the old dragon gradually calmed down and no longer resisted.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then put away the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin and released him. Looking at Jiang Feng again, Zhulong's red eyes were full of respect and awe.


He suddenly knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together, and said to Jiang Feng respectfully:"Zhulong greets the master. As long as the master has any orders, Zhulong is willing to go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Jiang Feng had heard such words of loyalty many times, but only Zhu Long's words were the most sincere.

From now on, Zhu Long would be the person he trusted the most, without a doubt, even more than Princess Longji.

Because no matter what the situation was, no matter what the reason was, Zhu Long would never betray him forever.

From then on, Jiang Feng completely regained Zhu Long, making him his servant and mount, and he could command him at will.

"Very good," Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then said:"Zhulong, do you have the remains of the innate treasure Hunqi Bell on you?"

"Please take a look, Master!"

Zhu Long took it out without any hesitation and held it in his hands to offer it to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up. His perception was indeed correct. A part of the Chaos Bell was indeed on Zhu Long.

It was the half of the bottom of the Chaos Bell. When combined with the bell cover that Jiang Feng got, it formed two-thirds of it. The other half of the bottom was still missing.

But what made Jiang Feng a little distressed was that after he refined the two parts of the remains, he did not sense the whereabouts of the last piece of the remains.

"What's going on? Was this last piece of debris smashed into dust? Or has it escaped from the prehistoric world? Or has it been controlled by a more powerful existence, so that even I can't sense it?"

Jiang Feng frowned, puzzled.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."Jiang Feng sighed and didn't go into it any further.

Anyway, even if he got the last part of the remains, he didn't have the ability to repair it and restore it to its original state.

"Zhulong, you stay in the Miluo Palace for now and protect Princess Longji. No mistakes can happen. Do you understand?" Jiang Feng ordered.

""Yes!" Zhulong said without a word of complaint.

Then, Jiang Feng walked out of the Miluo Palace and went straight to the residence of Shen Gongbao and other disciples of Jiejiao.

He had received countless rewards, so it was just right for him to train these disciples of Jiejiao.

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