"Master Jiang, where are you going?"

As they were walking, a gentle voice as soft as water and as gentle as jade sounded.

Jiang Feng looked sideways and saw three fairies in gorgeous clothes coming towards him. They were the Three Fairies.

"I was just looking for you guys." Jiang Feng said with a faint smile

"Looking for us?" The three fairies were all stunned.

Jiang Feng nodded, then stared at his eldest sister, Fairy Yunxiao, and said,"Yunxiao, do you recognize this thing?"

While speaking, Jiang Feng raised his hand and took out a treasure that looked like a toilet, radiating golden light and full of mysterious aura.

"This, is this the Primordial Golden Bowl?"

Seeing this, Fairy Yunxiao was so excited that her body trembled, and there was a faint sparkle in her beautiful eyes.

This magic weapon was her life magic weapon. They had fought side by side before, and it was almost like a part of her body, not just a cold magic weapon.

Fairy Yunxiao placed infinite emotions on this Primordial Golden Bowl. After millions of years, she saw it again and was a little out of control for a while.

"This is something I found by chance, and now I am returning it to its original owner.

Jiang Feng was not stingy, and without even a frown, he immediately handed this top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Hunyuan Golden Bowl, to Fairy Yunxiao.

"Thank you, Master!" Fairy Yunxiao took it solemnly, and was overjoyed.

With this life-saving magic weapon, her combat power will be increased by dozens of times.

"Here are three yellow plums. I wish you can achieve Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible!" Then, Jiang Feng waved his hand and rewarded three more yellow plums. The

Three Heaven Fairies were already Taiyi Jinxians. During the Conferred God Tribulation, they used the Hunyuan Golden Bowl to set up the Nine Bends of the Yellow River. Even if a Daluo Jinxian entered, his lifelong cultivation would be wiped out. It was truly terrifying.


After receiving the Huangzhong plum, the three fairies' beautiful eyes widened with disbelief.

Although the Jiejiao was rebuilt, it was not in disarray, but compared with the heyday of the ten thousand immortals, it had declined greatly.

However, now that the new leader had given out three Huangzhong plums, it was even more generous than when Tongtian was in power, which made them shocked.

"The three fairies thank the leader for his gift!"

After being stunned for a moment, the three fairies knelt in front of Jiang Feng, expressing their gratitude.

"There is no need to do this. As the leader, this is what I should do.

Jiang Feng shook his sleeves, and a gentle force emanated from him, dragging all the three fairies up.

"By the way, wherever Shen Gongbao is, this leader will also reward him!"

""Master, please follow me!"

Under the guidance of the Three Fairies, Jiang Feng quickly arrived at Shen Gongbao's residence.

This is a palace. Although it is not one of the 72 palaces in the Thirty-Six Heavenly Palaces, it is also magnificent and majestic.

"Shen Gongbao pays respect to the leader. I wonder what you want to tell your disciples?" Shen Gongbao bowed and respectfully

""Shen Gongbao, the leader is here to reward you, why don't you thank him quickly?" Fairy Bixiao said on the side.

Shen Gongbao's eyes lit up, and he was about to kneel down when Jiang Feng helped him up,"This is a yellow plum, take it!"

"In addition, this leader has another magical skill to pass on to you, called the Xuanhuang Immortal Sutra. If you practice it to the highest level, you can achieve the Xuanhuang Immortal Body, control the Xuanhuang Qi, be supreme, and sweep across the world.……"

As he spoke, Jiang Feng deeply imprinted the Xuanhuang Immortal Scripture in Shen Gongbao's mind.

"Practice well, and don't let this leader down."

Patting Shen Gongbao on the shoulder, Jiang Feng turned and left.

Shen Gongbao didn't come back to his senses until his back disappeared from his sight.

Looking at the Huangzhongli in his hand and the Xuanhuang Immortal Sutra imprinted in his mind, Shen Gongbao was so excited that he burst into tears.

His talent was not bad, but unfortunately, when he was in the Chan Sect, he was excluded everywhere and was not valued because his body was a leopard spirit.

But now, the scene he had dreamed of has come. The new generation of the leader of the Jie Sect actually cultivated him so much, which made him ecstatic.

"Shen Gongbao will definitely live up to the trust of the leader!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Shen Gongbao kowtowed three times towards the direction where Jiang Feng disappeared.

Wiping away his tears, Shen Gongbao stood up and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, the Taoist temple of the Chan sect. His eyes gradually became cold and a bit vicious."Jiang Ziya, you wait for me. One day, I, Shen Gongbao, will take back the revenge of the Conferred God Catastrophe double."

After leaving Shen Gongbao's residence, Jiang Feng went to look for Wen Zhong, the Thunder God of Nine Heavens.

Wen Zhong was a disciple of the third generation of Jiejiao and the Holy Mother of Fire, but he was a man of great talent and extraordinary talents, and his greatest advantage was loyalty.

In the past Shang Dynasty, King Zhou was bewitched by the vixen Daji, and was cruel and lawless, killing innocent people indiscriminately and losing his loyalty, but even so, Wen Zhong was loyal and vowed to defend the country of Cheng Tang.

Under his leadership, they also resisted the Xiqi army of Jiang Ziya for a long time.

In terms of wisdom, talent, and courage, Wen Zhong was not inferior to Jiang Ziya, but it was a pity that he lacked a bit of luck. In that era, he went against the trend of heaven, so naturally he did not end well.

But to Jiang Feng, he was a good seedling worth cultivating.

Therefore, Jiang Feng rewarded him with a Huangzhong plum and a magical skill, the Chaos Thunder Art. If it is refined to the great perfection, it can control the Chaos Thunder, and its power is even greater than the innate fire, which is so terrible that it is unimaginable.

So far, Jiang Feng has rewarded six Huangzhong plums, and there are only four left in his pocket, but Jiang Feng did not keep them, and rewarded them to the Four Heavenly Kings.

Before, Jiang Feng thought that ten Huangzhong plums were enough, but now it seems that it is far from enough. There are too many outstanding disciples of Jiejiao, such as the Four Saints of Jiulong Island, the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island, etc. In addition, he subdued Zhulong as a mount, so the descendants of the dragon clan can also be cultivated.

"In this case, I can only refine some more elixirs."

For the next period of time, Jiang Feng entered a state of seclusion, practicing the Hongmeng Creation Sutra to consolidate his cultivation and improve his Taoism, while refining the elixir.


Western Buddhism, Eight Treasures Merit Pond.

Originally, the Golden Winged Dapeng was here to guard, but after he was demoted to the mortal world, his elder brother, the Peacock King, took over.

At this moment, the Peacock King was pacing back and forth here with his hands behind his back. His eyes were deep and shining, as if he was thinking and weighing something. At a certain moment, he clenched his fists, making a crisp sound of bones cracking, as if he had made a decision.

In the next moment, he suddenly rolled up his sleeves, and a burst of colorful divine light shot out, instantly wrapping the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, and then actually put it directly into his bag.

"What a sinister Western Buddhist sect, they actually used us brothers as pawns, I won't accompany you anymore, go play somewhere else!"

After saying that, Kong Xuan used his extreme speed to escape.

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