Great Leiyin Temple

"Buddha, how should we get through this difficult situation? What should we do with Jiang Feng? Is it just going to end like this?"

"This is a great shame and humiliation! My Western Buddhist sect has never been so miserable. I am afraid that during this period of time, we have become the laughing stock of the entire Three Realms and Six Paths!"

"Buddha, you should make a decision as soon as possible. You can’t wait any longer. Sun Wukong has already achieved Daluo. If you delay any further, I really don’t know what will happen."

"Yes, we must come up with a solution as soon as possible for Sun Wukong and Jiang Feng."


In the hall, a group of Buddhist disciples were discussing, all of them were anxious and urging.

The Journey to the West was related to the interests of all Buddhist disciples, so they had no choice but to be anxious.

Unfortunately, this matter was too difficult. They had discussed it for a long time, but no decision had been made yet.

On the central throne, Tathagata Buddha frowned deeply, his face was solemn, and he could no longer remain calm.

He had made sufficient preparations before, sending out a total of six Buddhas, and joined forces with the three great masters of the Chan Sect, as well as the Zulong brother Zhulong, the ancient demon court prince Lu Ya Taoist, and the Bai Ze demon saint. There were a total of twelve quasi-saints, what a powerful force this was. It can be said that to kill any quasi-saint in the Three Realms and Six Paths, the other party would almost die, and it would be difficult for them to survive.

However, he could never have imagined that Jiang Feng's network of contacts was so wide.

Not only did the Great Immortal Zhenyuan and the Holy Mother Wudang come to his aid from thousands of miles away, but even the Wu clan's eldest brother Dijiang, who should have fallen, jumped out from the underworld.

What surprised and shocked him the most was that Jiang Feng actually controlled the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, one of the four great fierce formations in the prehistoric times, which gave him power close to that of a saint, causing the Western Buddhist sect to suffer heavy casualties.

After this battle, Tathagata Buddha immediately reported to Zhunti and Jie Yin, but there has been no clear response so far.

Obviously, Jiang Feng, an anomaly in the prehistoric times, is an extremely difficult existence for the two saints of Western Buddhism.

"Buddha, this Jiang Feng is going against the will of heaven, so contrary to the trend of heaven, why doesn't heaven take action and punish him?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked in confusion.

Hearing this, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng sighed and replied:"This Jiang Feng is an anomaly in the prehistoric world. He is one of the escaped ones of heaven. He is mysterious and unpredictable. He has the ability to conceal the secrets of heaven. Moreover, his whereabouts are secretive and difficult to figure out."

"Therefore, until now, we have only speculated that he secretly taught the Monkey King Sun Wukong, and there is no substantial direct evidence."

"Even we are like this, and the Honghuang Heavenly Dao is just a rule after all, and there is no soul that can think independently, so how can we detect that Jiang Feng is violating the trend of Heavenly Dao?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned deeply, but then said:"In this case, should we organize a more powerful force to completely kill Jiang Feng and eliminate the trouble forever!"


The Buddha Tathagata looked worried and could not respond for a moment.

This Jiang Feng was extraordinary, and no one knew if he had any other cards.

Even if the Buddha Tathagata himself came out, he might not be able to take down Jiang Feng.

"Buddha, in my opinion, Jiang Feng's greatest reliance is the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array," the Eastern Buddha Maitreya suddenly stood up, he seemed to have a brilliant plan,"However, this fierce array is not the complete version. Even if it is equally powerful and should not be underestimated, it is limited to the scope of the Heavenly Court."

"If Jiang Feng leaves the Heavenly Court and is outside the coverage of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array, we may be able to kill him!"

The eyes of the Tathagata Buddha suddenly lit up,"That makes sense, Ancient Buddha Dipankara, order Li Jing and others to keep a close eye on Jiang Feng. Once he leaves the Heavenly Court, immediately launch a second siege!"

The Buddhist disciples couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as they finally had a solution.

But at this moment, a rapid and panicked shout was heard,"Buddha, it's bad, something bad is happening!"

It turned out that the Dragon-Subduing Arhat among the Eighteen Arhats had rushed over in a hurry

"Why are you so flustered? How disgraceful!"

The Tathagata Buddha snorted coldly, radiating majesty.

The Dragon-Subduing Arhat hurriedly knelt on the ground, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, but he could only bite the bullet and tell the truth:"Buddha, the Peacock King suddenly defected and moved the entire Eight Treasures Merit Pond away."


The whole hall was shocked and in uproar.

Tathagata Buddha frowned, counted with his fingers, and was furious,"Damn it!"

His voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, extremely cold and frightening.

The Eight Treasures Merit Pond, the merit and holy water condensed in it, is the merit of the way of heaven, and is the most precious treasure in the prehistoric world.

In this period of the Journey to the West, it is destined that the Western Buddhism will flourish, so only the Western Buddhism can condense this merit and holy water.

Over the years, the Western Buddhism has condensed an Eight Treasures Merit Pond that is three meters square. On weekdays, it will be rewarded to those disciples who have made contributions to the Western Buddhism or have great potential and prospects. In terms of value, it is not a problem to create a few quasi-saints.

But now, they were all wiped out by the Peacock King and abducted. , not a drop is left.

The anger in the heart of Tathagata Buddha can be imagined, this is simply taking out all his past.

But now Jiang Feng and Sun Wukong make him anxious, and he can't spare the time to deal with the Peacock King.


At this moment, a crisp sound of footsteps suddenly came from the hall.

Tathagata Buddha's eyes condensed, and he looked carefully, only to see at the end of his sight, an old Taoist wearing a gray Taoist robe, holding a dustpan in his hand, with white hair and beard, and an immortal-like appearance slowly walked towards him.

He shrunk the ground into an inch, treating the space as if there was nothing, and only took three or two steps to the center of the Great Leiyin Temple, and appeared in front of a group of Buddhist disciples.

""Greetings to Bodhi Patriarch!"

All the Buddhist disciples greeted him without any prior arrangement, even Tathagata Buddha and Dipankara Buddha were no exception, showing due respect.

Bodhi Patriarch was the incarnation of the good corpse of Zhunti Buddha Mother, with unfathomable strength, and his status was naturally higher than theirs.

The most important thing was that at this critical moment, Bodhi Patriarch must have come with good news.

"Everyone, it is beyond my expectation that the Monkey King Sun Wukong can have such achievements and great magical powers today, but he is my disciple after all, and I must be responsible for this."

"I will take action to deal with his problem, rectify the chaos, and return everything to its original track. I will never allow him to continue to destroy the Journey to the West."

Bodhi Patriarch came straight to the point, and seemed to have made a decision, confident and full of confidence.

The Tathagata Buddha was overjoyed,"Thank you for your help, Bodhi Patriarch."

Bodhi Patriarch nodded, and then said:"But, I still need some help."

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