Heaven, Miro Palace.

Jiang Feng was refining the elixir at this time. He controlled the innate treasure Qiankun Ding and controlled the Jiumei Divine Fire. He was fully focused and more serious than ever before.

At this moment, he sat cross-legged on the ground, staring at the Qiankun Ding. On his forehead, a layer of fine sweat was faintly permeated, and circles of white air rose behind his head. It was obvious that he had consumed a lot of energy.

With his current realm of Taoism, although he was only in the late stage of Quasi-Sage, he was comparable to a half-step sage and was incredibly powerful.

According to common sense, he practiced the Chaos Alchemy Technique and had accumulated enough experience, so refining the elixir should be easy.

But this time, the elixir refined by Jiang Feng was extraordinary, and it even surpassed the Nine-Turn Golden Pill of Taishang Laojun.

The effect of the Nine-Turn Golden Pill was incomparable and miraculous, comparable to Huangzhongli, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world. If you eat one and completely absorb and refine it, you can achieve Daluo Jinxian.

This is also the most effective elixir in the entire prehistoric world.

The pills that Jiang Feng refined were even better than that, and their horror was imaginable.

However, although Jiang Feng had been conceiving for a long time and had practiced it in his mind millions of times, he did not dare to guarantee that he could successfully refine it 100%.

This difficulty was too great and difficult to describe.

During this period, Jiang Feng continued to practice the Hongmeng Creation Sutra. Through his comprehension, he had a deeper understanding of cultivation and the laws of the great way.

As his attainments in divine skills became more profound, it was natural for him to understand a magical power recorded in the Hongmeng Creation Sutra. The magical powers he had previously understood were all rewards given to him by the system, but this magical power originated from the first divine power in the prehistoric world, which was extraordinary and extraordinary.

This magical power was called Tianyuan Yiji.

It was closely related to the law of force, which ranked first among the three thousand great laws. If Jiang Feng had not reached the entry level in the attainment of the law of force, it would have been impossible for him to understand Tianyuan Yiji.

The ultimate meaning of Tianyuan Yiji is to pursue the limit and extreme of power.

Through a special method, all the power controlled by oneself is gathered together and twisted into a rope, so that it can be sublimated to form the power of Tianyuan, and then a peerless attack is made.

Originally, Jiang Feng was able to reach the realm of ten laws returning to one through the comprehension of the law of power, but after mastering the Tianyuan strike, it was a rapid progress, a full tenfold improvement, reaching the realm of a hundred laws returning to one.

Ordinary quasi-saints, even if they master dozens of laws, their power is scattered when they control them, and at most they can gather the power of four or five laws.

However, generally speaking, they will not do this, but instead pour the power they control into the magic weapon to maximize its power.

However, Jiang Feng was able to twist a hundred laws into a rope through the Tianyuan strike, and sublimate it, making it extremely powerful.

In other words, the Tianyuan strike, this magical power, allowed Jiang Feng to master a magic weapon that is no less than the innate treasure, and it is upgradeable, and its potential and value far exceeds the innate treasure.

His current understanding of Tianyuan Yiji is just a glimpse of the door. After that, as his understanding of the law of force becomes more profound, this magical power will also rise and become more powerful.

According to the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, Tianyuan Yiji is a great magical power, transcendent and far superior to any great magical power in the prehistoric world. They are not of the same order of magnitude at all and there is no comparison.

Moreover, he gradually realized that human cultivation is actually evolving in the direction of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, they absorb various energies to strengthen themselves, but as their realms are improved, they must gradually understand the laws of heaven and earth. Even quasi-saints and even saints are constantly exploring in this process.

The most typical example is Pangu, who created the world in order to transcend, and thus became a great saint, surpassing all living things.

Obviously, human cultivation is evolving in the direction of heaven and earth.

This is also reasonable. The initial state of the universe is a mass of chaos. With continuous evolution, the chaos exploded, forming one world after another.

As time goes by, the world continues to evolve, giving birth to a variety of living species.

They are all born as a blank sheet of paper. If they want to strengthen themselves and continue to grow, the only reference is the heaven and earth.

But the heaven and earth are also a cage. Since you refer to it and continue to strengthen yourself, how can you easily transcend it?

After all, everything you have comes from it. How can a person fight against the heaven and earth?

Even as powerful as Pangu, he suffered a catastrophe and died.

Therefore, many creatures in the three realms want to break free from the heaven and earth and jump out of the prehistoric world, but in fact, their fate is doomed from the beginning. However,

Jiang Feng can access transcendental things outside the prehistoric world with the help of the system's golden finger, which increases his confidence in breaking free from the cage.

Clang clang clang...

Suddenly, in front of Jiang Feng, the Qiankun Ding trembled violently, making crisp and loud metal collision sounds.

In the Qiankun Ding, it seemed that some terrible behemoth was about to surge out.

At the same time, a burst of golden light shone from it, spreading in all directions, and a surging breath came out, like ripples on water, spreading in all directions.


In the next moment, an even more terrifying energy wave came out from the Qiankun Cauldron. In an instant

, a loud sound came out, the sky shook, and the alchemy room where Jiang Feng was actually exploded directly.

His alchemy room was carefully built, and a magic array was specially arranged to reinforce it on the original basis, but now it still couldn't bear it, and it turned into powder in just an instant.

This loud noise was extremely huge, shaking the universe, piercing the sky, shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, causing the entire thirty-three heavens to shake constantly, and alarming the entire heaven.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng looked solemn, but in his deep eyes, there was a hint of joy, as if he was not far from success.

At that moment, Jiang Feng pinched his fingers and his hands sometimes flew through the air like a butterfly flying through flowers, and sometimes smashed down heavily like a broadsword, mysterious and unpredictable.

And as he controlled it, one after another divine light continued to be shot out, all poured into the Qiankun Ding and absorbed by it.

The burning Jiumei Divine Fire below was also sometimes strong, sometimes thin, and sometimes large and sometimes small. It was obvious that Jiang Feng was controlling the fire and striving for precision.

After about a cup of tea, suddenly, everything calmed down, and the Qiankun Ding stopped shaking.

In it, a pill about the size of a longan slowly rose up, with complex and beautiful pill patterns imprinted on it, and golden light shone everywhere, like a small sun, illuminating the entire Miro Palace.

And at the moment when this pill was formed, the wind and clouds suddenly changed in the sky, and strange phenomena suddenly appeared.

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