Just when everyone was wondering who was so powerful,

Luo Yu had already chosen the Thunder Space.

In an instant, the surroundings changed, and electric currents spread across the circular platform.

There was almost no place to stand.

From time to time, lightning struck the ground randomly.

【The Fifth Level Elemental War: Thunder Space!】

【Abnormal Environment - Thunder Heart: All thunder element paralysis effects increased by 3000%!】

【Challenge target: Attacked 6 times/Attacked 3 times/Not attacked at all. 】

As soon as the scene changed, Luo Qingyu was affected by the electric current under his feet.

""Brother, I'm numb."

At this moment, the lightning element kept moving around her body, making her unable to move.

Even Luo Qingyu, a second-level ninja, would have such terrible consequences if he accidentally touched the electric current.

It can be seen that this level is not easy.

Luo Yu had to raise his hand to suck her into the Shenwei space, so that she could release the electricity on her body.

The main reason was that in these challenges, my sister seemed to be paddling and did not play a big role.

Luo Yu felt that he could be the only C alone.

There was no way, my sister was still in the growth stage, and naturally she was not as useful as the double Shenwei.

After all, the double Shenwei would have a place in the later stage of the animation when conquering Kaguya.

Suddenly, a purple thunder fell.

A phoenix bathed in thunder and lightning, with its whole body made up of purple thunder, and a graceful and elegant posture appeared.

【Enemy: Thunder Judge】

【Level: Ninja Clan Level 3】

【[Potential: Legend]

This time Luo Yu did not waste time, and Shenwei mobilized the power of time and space to instantly transfer behind the Purple Thunder Phoenix.

The three magatama in his eyes rotated and turned into Shenwei's pupil patterns.

A blue Susanoo skeleton was generated all over his body, and he easily grasped the Purple Thunder Phoenix in his hands.

The purple electric current that filled the Phoenix spread over the Susanoo.

The strong electric current, with the paralysis effect enhanced by the abnormal environment, had no effect on the materialized Susanoo.

Even the damage he caused was not a direct threat to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was worried at first that the limit of passing the level without injury would be broken.

Seeing the text recording the completion of the task in the upper right corner of the field of vision, it still showed an uninjured state.

Luo Yu immediately let go of his hands and feet, urging the Susanoo hand to exert ten layers of grip.

The Thunder Judge was instantly crushed and turned into purple electric currents that rushed around.

Soon, the purple electric currents gathered again and re-condensed into the form of a phoenix.

"Not dead!" Luo Yu was stunned.

He was obviously confused.

Is there any specific condition to kill the Thunder Judge?

Luo Yu suddenly felt that it was necessary for the association to send them as an advance team to find out the situation first.

After all, the intermediate admission ticket is not cheap.

If other ninjas first see the Thunder Judge, scrape it for half an hour and finally blow it up.

Then they will be dumbfounded to find out that this thing cannot be killed. It is very likely to be killed by the first encounter, wasting an admission ticket in vain.

The next moment, the Thunder Judge hovered in the sky, and a phoenix cry resounded through the world.

The surrounding manic electric current attached to the ground immediately It transformed into a group of tiny thunderbirds, flying around Luo Yu.

At the same time, the thunderbirds continuously released the power of thunder and lightning to paralyze Luo Yu.

If it were an ordinary ninja sect, it would also be difficult to encounter so many thunderbirds.

However, Luo Yu directly became virtual and stood there watching the show.

At the same time, he was looking for a way to completely eliminate the Thunder Judge.

In this way, the group of thunderbirds went in and out of Luo Yu's body like a projection.

Luo Yu remained calm. The stalemate lasted for two minutes.

The Thunder Judge let out another phoenix cry.

The thunderbirds that besieged Luo Yu, including all the thunder elements in the thunder space, all poured into the judge's body like a spring.

【The Thunder Judge is gathering strength!】

【Get ready to unleash your finishing move to destroy the entire arena!】

【Stopping the charging can make the Thunder Judge enter a weakened state and unable to regenerate. 】

Looking at the prompts in front of him, Luo Yu understood instantly.

Sure enough, the doorway is here.

If the Thunder Judge releases the finishing move, it will definitely kill the whole screen instantly.

So Luo Yu urged his pupil power and teleported in front of it.

Then he generated Susanoo's hand and punched the Thunder Judge.

However, part of the thunder turned into a lightning barrier, blocking Susanoo's hand outside.

Susanoo's full-strength attack caused cracks in the barrier.

But due to the charging of the thunder space, the barrier quickly recovered.

The main reason is that the barrier is composed of thunder elements, and it is really difficult to break through with brute force alone.

If there is a high-level wind ninjutsu that can restrain the thunder escape, it should be easy to break.

Now the only thing is to drag the Thunder Judge into the Shenwei space so that it cannot absorb the thunder element.

After deciding, Luo Yu's eyes consumed his pupil power frantically.

The space where the Thunder Judge is located began to twist and twist into a ball.

Even a dark void fluctuation appeared.

Then the spiral space returned to its original state, but the Thunder Judge had disappeared.

In the Divine Power Space, the Thunder Judge had fainted on the square stone because his energy storage was terminated.

Luo Qingyu, who was recovering on the side, was nervous and was about to take action.

【The finishing move has been terminated, and the Thunder Judge is stunned for five seconds! 】

Instantly, Luo Yu also returned to the Shenwei space.

The blue Susanoo hand smashed down heavily.

The Thunder Judge let out a desolate wail and turned into dust and dissipated.

The next moment, Luo Yu and Luo Qingyu were forcibly teleported back to the Thunder Space.

The other three space options were all crossed out, and it was written next to them that they had been perfectly cleared.

The fourth space option appeared in the diamond-shaped magic circle.

Heavy Rock Space.

The surrounding thunder elements turned into a full moon in the abyss, nourishing Luo Qingyu's delicate body.

Luo Yu suddenly felt that he was just a tool.

He worked hard to fight monsters, but in the end, he was intercepted by his sister who was slacking off.

Forget it, just think of it as being filial to his sister.

When she recovers her full strength later, let her return everything!

In the future, my sister will be fully transformed into Kaguya, and let her wear all kinds of good things.

It's exciting to think about it!

As expected, the Abyss Corridor prompted that my sister had learned the Origin of Thunder Lv.3.

For details, please refer to the previous Origin of Fire.

After eating a full meal, Luo Qingyu patted his belly and said with satisfaction,"It's really strange. I didn't do anything."

"What great will? Why do you always reward me?"

Seeing her innocent face, Luo Yu sighed.

"I'm tired, why not take a break and go to Chongyan Space"

"I have a feeling that the final level, which is unlocked after passing through three spaces, will definitely be a big battle."

Luo Qingyu smiled and knelt down, patting his knees at the same time,"Come and rest, Xiaoyu."

Luo Yu blushed and pretended to be tough,"I'm grown up, forget it."

Luo Qingyu then attached a small amount of ice element to his thigh.

Since the origin of ice has not yet reached the third level, this is not ice element.

But cooling is enough

"It's very cool, are you sure you don't want to try it?"

Luo Qingyu said softly

"It's really too hot. Those three beasts are quite good at fighting. They made me sweat."

Luo Yu grinned and rested her head comfortably on the ice pillow.

She felt cool all over!


Outside the Deep Realm Corridor, news came that the Thunder Space was permanently open.

Zhuo Jun excitedly punched the wooden table in front of him.

"Go and investigate which challenger did this!"

If it was one of those old ninjas who have been in society for many years, it would be fine.

But if the perfect speed passer was a college student from school.

In the future of Dragon Country, it is very likely that another outstanding Kage-level strongman will appear, or even a super Kage!

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