After a short rest, Luo Yu and Luo Qingyu chose the Heavy Rock Space.

The venue changed instantly, as if the floating rocks in the fairyland were floating all over the sky.

The round platform under their feet also turned into a huge floating rock with a simple style.

The whole environment seemed to be in another world.

Luo Yu and Luo Qingyu were stunned.

This place is suitable for them to settle down and live a shameless and happy life.

【The Fifth Level of Elemental War: Heavy Rock Space!】

【Abnormal Environment - Heart of Perseverance: All earth elemental defenses increased by 300%!】

【Challenge goal: Defeat the enemy's first form/Defeat the enemy's second form/Defeat the enemy's third form. 】

The change in the challenge goal immediately aroused Luo Yu's vigilance.

The last level really changed the routine.

However, it was good not to worry about passing the level without injury.

He looked around and was ready to hit the enemies who jumped out head-on.

"Why haven't you come out yet?" Luo Qingyu frowned slightly, obviously getting a little impatient.

Then, she focused her eyes and looked around, but still didn't find any living creatures.

"No one?" Luo Qingyu was stunned.

Luo Yu suddenly had an idea,"The enemies in this space should be earth element creatures, maybe they are hiding underground."

Thinking of this, he condensed the initial Susanoo, and the hand of Susanoo hammered the ground fiercely.


Every time he struck, the huge rock platform on which he stood trembled.

The ground was covered with dense cracks like a honeycomb, and with each hammering, it continued to collapse.

In order to verify Luo Yu's guess, Luo Qingyu opened his white eyes again and stared into the depths of the ground under his feet.

"This is it!"Suddenly, Luo Qingyu's face changed.

As if he saw something surprising.

Luo Yu stopped Susano's hand and asked curiously,"What did you see?"

Since she turned into a moon beast, her sister's personality has always been domineering and arrogant.

Under normal circumstances, she would never show such an expression.

"What a huge monster!"Luo Qingyu gestured with his hands.

"Well……"Luo Yu was about to say something but stopped.

He had often fed his sister wisdom fruit, so why was her ability to express herself in such an abstract way?

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound under his feet.

Then, the huge rock he was standing on began to shake, as if the world was about to end.

"Why are you disturbing me?"

An old and dull voice sounded from below.

The next moment

"Earth escape - Super Heavy Rock Technique!"

A heavy voice came from below again.

A huge amount of earth escape chakra poured into the two people from bottom to top.

Super Heavy Rock Technique is a three-star earth escape, and the mysterious enemy's practice is obviously at the pinnacle.

Soon, Luo Yu and Luo Qingyu's bodies began to petrify from bottom to top.

And the weight of the two people's bodies reached an unimaginable degree. It was impossible to move at all, and Luo Yu was forced to release Susanoo and use the power of God to transfer himself and Luo Qingyu into the God of Power space.

Without the infusion of earth escape chakra, Luo Yu's body, which was stiff just now, became soft again.

Luo Qingyu also returned to his original state.

"Sister, what did you see?"

Before finding out the enemy's situation, Luo Yu dared not go out rashly.

"It's a turtle……"

Luo Yu coughed lightly and said,"Don't say the last word."

Luo Qingyu looked innocent. She didn't say anything.

"The place where we were just now was on the shell of a giant turtle!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Yu immediately paid attention.

"That's really big."

"Anyway, I'll go observe it first."

As he said that, Luo Yu poked his right eye out again.

This time, he appeared directly below the platform. He met a pair of huge eyes.

The owner of the eyes was a giant turtle with a shell like a mountain.

Not only the shell, but also the surface of the turtle's limbs and head also showed a lot of petrified skin.

【Enemies: Hill Stompers】

【Level: Peak of Ninja Clan】

【Potential: Quasi-divine Beast]

Luo Yu's mouth twitched.

It is also a quasi-divine beast.

But its size is too big!

How to fight it?

Just now, Susanoo's hand pounded its back, which was just a scrape.

By the way, didn't my sister comprehend the third-level origin of thunder?

Thunder Earth.

Otherwise, let her try with 100,000 volts?

What if the effect is outstanding?

Just as Luo Yu was thinking, the mountain turtle discovered the peeping one-eyed and snorted.

Countless floating rocks in the sky smashed towards the one-eyed.

Then Luo Yu turned on the virtual transformation as usual, and remained unscathed.

"Sister, you go out and transform into a lightning element later, stand on the field and output"

"I will assist you in the Divine Power Space."

Luo Qingyu smiled. The little guy finally knew that his sister was his biggest supporter.

"Whatever you do, think about how to reward me tonight."

Luo Yu smiled slightly. After all, her sister was a rabbit spirit, and she loved to eat radishes the most.

If she wanted to reward her in the evening, it would definitely be a full radish banquet, and she would be very satisfied!

Soon, the composition of Luo Qingyu's body changed from flesh and blood to purple thunder, and she rushed out of the divine space with thunder all over her body.

She looked down at the mountain turtle with a disdainful look,"It's big enough, I hope you can resist a little."

Since her brother has begged her to do it, she naturally can't slack off.

She can't let her brother down.

"You are the one mentioned in the prophecy of the Six Paths Sage True Lord!"

Feeling the original aura bursting out of Luo Qingyu's body, the mountain tortoise showed a look of horror.

Then, he looked at Luo Qingyu respectfully, bowed his head and said,"I was really rude just now, please don't take it as an offense."

After the voice fell, Luo Qingyu was stunned.

He was so polite all of a sudden that she was embarrassed to take action.

""Brother, are you still going to fight?"

Although she felt embarrassed, she still had to listen to Luo Yu's words.

""Cease the fighting for the time being." Luo Yu ordered.

Then, he walked out of the divine space and looked at the mountain turtle.

"Have you ever seen the Six Paths Sage?"

The mountain tortoise nodded slightly,"Yes, this challenge secret realm was originally established by him when he organized the Moon Worship Sect."

"A large amount of the Moon Mother Goddess's original power is sealed here."

"The Moon Worship Sect is to protect the origin, and they usually use this place for training."

Luo Yu took a deep breath. It turned out that this place was also established by the Six Paths Manifestation True Lord.

"I am following the orders of the Six Paths Sage True Lord and have been stationed here to protect the three elemental origins."

"Waiting for the day when the prophesied reincarnation of the Moon Mother Goddess will come and take away this power."

"Colleagues guarding other hidden levels on the upper level also guard some origins"

"The hidden level in the Abyss Corridor was built for this purpose."

The mountain turtle looked at Luo Yu,"It's just that you don't seem to be in the prophecy of Master Liudao."

"Are you the servant that Lord Moon God has subdued?"

Luo Yu:???

Hearing this, Luo Qingyu lightly raised her jade finger and lifted his chin.

Then she pursed her lips and smiled,"My little servant, give me a smile."

"What a mess! I am her brother and master!"

Luo Yu slapped the jade finger away very firmly.

""Okay, Master." Luo Qingyu said softly.

Seeing that the Moon God's reincarnation did not refute, but agreed with a look of enjoyment, the mountain tortoise was instantly confused.

Something that Master Liudao did not expect happened!

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