
After Jiang Feng had hammered him for two hundred times, the giant spirit suddenly knelt down towards Jiang Feng.

"Captain, Captain Jiang, I admit my guilt. Stop knocking. Stop it now.……"

The giant spirit was hammered so hard that he cried and knelt down to beg for mercy. He was no longer arrogant and domineering.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, he swung the purple electric hammer in his hand and started hammering again.

"If you don't beg for mercy, I will still respect you as a man. If you beg for mercy, I will beat you even more!"


"You know why? Because you're a coward, a piece of shit, and you deserve to be hammered!"


"Maybe you don't remember me, so I'll remind you. When I was building Zixia Palace, you dragged me up and made me look bad in public just because I looked at Fairy Zixia a few more times. Do you think you should have hit me?"


"You are just a golden immortal, why are you so overbearing and unreasonable? Did Liang Jingru give you the courage?"


"Also, why don't you take a piss and look in the mirror? With your big round face, you dare to pursue Fairy Zixia, are you worthy?"


"What's even more abominable is that you actually molested Fairy Zixia after drinking. I think if you don't get punished for three days, you will tear the roof off the house!"



In this way, Jiang Feng listed the crimes of the giant spirit one by one, and every time he said a word, he struck the giant spirit with a heavy hammer.

For a moment, screams were heard one after another, and blood was splattered everywhere. It was so miserable!

Jiang Feng seemed to have vented all the humiliation and pain he had suffered for millions of years, and he felt more comfortable than ever before.


Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, the discussion on the Journey to the West was over, and Tathagata Buddha and other Western Buddhists had all left.

The immortals in the heavenly court also gradually dispersed.

As soon as they walked out of the Lingxiao Palace, an urgent shout was heard,"Li Tianwang, something bad has happened, you should go and have a look, the giant spirit is about to be beaten to death!"

The head of the guard reported hurriedly.

"What! The giant spirit is about to be beaten to death!"

"Who dares to beat the giant spirit?"

"Could it be that there is a big monster in heaven?"


All the immortals were shocked and started to discuss.

""Who is so bold? How dare you attack the giant spirit?"

A strong and majestic voice came out. He was wearing a golden battle armor, with a square face, clear contours and sharp edges. He held a seven-story pagoda in his hand. It was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing.

""Replying to Li Tianwang, it's a captain of the Law Enforcement Hall, his name seems to be Jiang Feng!"

The guard leader trembled and said, he could feel Li Tianwang's rage, which was about to break through the clouds and burn the sky.

""Jiang Feng!"

Beside Li Jing, Jin Zha and Nezha could not help but frown.

One of them looked gloomy, while the other was surprised and happy.

""Jin Zha, my son, go and take care of it. Bring this Jiang Feng here. I want to see how strong he is."

Li Tianwang ordered.

""Yes, father!"

Jin Zha clasped his fists and accepted the order, then hurried over with the chief guard.

Nezha also hurriedly followed behind him.


Zixia Palace

"General, stop it, stop it now, someone will die if you continue to fight!"

Fairy Zixia couldn't bear it any longer, and hurried forward to stop him.

Just now, Jiang Feng's hammering down made her tremble with fear.

With such force and cruelty, she suspected that Jiang Feng was not only punishing the giant spirit for her, but was also seeking revenge.

""Hmm? Are you done?" Jiang Feng was stunned and couldn't help but stop.

At this time, the giant spirit was lying on the ground, his mouth was crooked, his jaw was broken, his nose was collapsed, his eyes were swollen like a panda, and his head was swollen as big as a millstone, completely deformed.

As for other parts, they were also bloody and shocking.

The purple electric hammer in Jiang Feng's hand was now completely dyed bright red and was still bleeding.

The giant spirit had already closed his eyes, his breath was weak, and he fainted.


Too miserable!

Fairy Zixia had never seen such a tragic scene, so she didn't even have the courage to look at the giant spirit.

"Um, Fairy Zixia, are you sure you have finished fighting and have enough?" Jiang Feng stared at Fairy Zixia and asked seriously.

"Ah?" Fairy Zixia couldn't help but frowned,"What do you mean enough?"

""One thousand! This giant spirit god must be whipped a thousand times for multiple crimes!" Jiang Feng replied.

Fairy Zixia was stunned,"I, I didn't count."

Are you kidding? She didn't even dare to look, how could she remember the exact number?

"Oh, it's bad, it's bad, something bad is going to happen," Jiang Feng sighed immediately,"I was so excited just now that I forgot to count, what should I do?"

Jiang Feng frowned, then seemed to have an idea, and said,"There is no other way, I can only count again."

"Fairy Zixia, I forgot the previous ones, so they don’t count. Let’s start over again. Please help me count!"

"What! Start over again?"Fairy Zixia's eyes widened, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

The crime of the giant spirit god is not punishable by death. If you keep hammering him like this, even if the giant spirit god has ten lives, he will not be able to withstand it!


At this time, the giant spirit suddenly stood up, spurted out a mouthful of black blood, and then lay down again.

He seemed to have heard Jiang Feng's words and was so angry that he sobered up for a moment!


Suddenly, Jin Zha came rushing over and dropped from the sky.

"Lord, Lord, Lord……"

The chief guard trotted to the giant spirit and called out to him, but the giant spirit did not respond.

"Sir, the giant spirit god will him, he……"The guard captain cried so hard that those who didn't know would think his parents had passed away.


Jin Zha clenched his fists tightly, and a crisp sound of bones cracking could be heard."You Jiang Feng, you dare to beat the general? I will tear you apart!"

Jin Zha was furious, and his magic power surged instantly, pouring into his right fist, and then smashed down at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng, however, remained calm in the face of danger. With a thought, he activated the power of Hongmeng, and with a light hand, he blocked Jin Zha's punch.

"Captain Jin Zha, you can't hurt me, don't make a mistake!"

Jiang Feng brushed off the dust on his body and said calmly.

Although Jin Zha is the son of Li Jing, he does not have the talent and qualifications of Nezha. His cultivation is on par with that of the giant spirit. Jiang Feng is not afraid at all.

In mid-air, Nezha happened to arrive and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

He was able to beat the giant spirit like that and easily took Jin Zha's punch. This is the strength of a golden immortal!

"Being able to achieve the Golden Immortal in such a short time, this Jiang Feng is not simple!"

Nezha muttered to himself, casting an admiring look at Jiang Feng.

"you……"Jin Zha's face froze, and he turned extremely pale. At the same time, he was shocked.

He clearly remembered that not long ago in the Heavenly Army Camp, Jiang Feng was just a Xuanxian. How could he grow to this level in the blink of an eye and have such a powerful strength?


A crisp metal collision sound was heard, and Jin Zha suddenly took out a long sword, obviously he was serious.

"This captain wants to see how strong you are."

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