"Stop! Big brother, you are acting before we have figured out the situation. Aren't you a little hasty?"

Nezha arrived just in time and stopped Jin Zha with his flaming spear.

"You dare to stop me?"

Jin Zha frowned, his rage surging.

""Two young masters, please wait!"

At this time, a gentle and old voice sounded.

Jiang Feng's eyes fixed and he looked at it carefully. He saw an old man walking in a hurry.

His hair and beard were all white, and he looked old and frail. He held a dust in his hand, with kind eyes and a kind face.

Although Jiang Feng saw him for the first time, he recognized him immediately.

This old man was the peacemaker in the heaven, Taibai Jinxing.

"My two lords, His Majesty has summoned Jiang Feng. Please go with us. If there is anything, you can talk about it in the Lingxiao Palace. His Majesty will make his own judgment!"

Taibai Jinxing stepped forward to convey the order.

Previously, the chief of the guards hurriedly reported the news in front of the Lingxiao Palace, so that the news of Jiang Feng's beating of the giant spirit spread throughout the heaven. The Jade Emperor could not sit idly by.

After all, the giant spirit was also a general of the heaven and a subordinate of Li Jing. There must be an explanation for this matter.

""Sir, the emperor has summoned you. Let's go and have a discussion!"

Jiang Feng made an invitation gesture to Jin Zha. He was not at all flustered. Instead, he was full of smiles and looked very proud.

""Okay," Jin Zha nodded, his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, extremely cold,"I will make you die ugly!"

Then, under the leadership of Taibai Jinxing, the group all went to the Lingxiao Palace.

The Lingxiao Palace, located on the 33rd floor of the sky, is the highest meeting center of the heavenly court.

As soon as you enter, it is radiant with light, and various colors are intertwined, dazzling you.

It is magnificent here, with fairy air curling. Several dragon pillars are inserted straight into the sky, magnificent and magnificent, supporting the entire hall.

Here, Jiang Feng saw many great figures who were famous in the three realms in legends.

There are the barefoot immortal, the Wu Qu star god, the four heavenly kings, the tower-holding king Li Jing, the Tianpeng Marshal, the Taishang Laojun and so on.

And right in front, on a magnificent and domineering emperor chair, the Jade Emperor The emperor was sitting on it.

He was wearing a nine-dragon robe, which was exquisite and luxurious, and he was wearing an imperial crown. His face was serious, and there was no aura emanating from his body, but he was domineering and full of majesty.

This was the ruler of the Three Realms, the Nine-Nine Supreme, the Jade Emperor, whose full name was the Supreme Supreme Jade Emperor of Haotian Jinque.

Beside the Jade Emperor, sat a gorgeous woman. She was graceful and elegant, and she was the mother of the world. She was the mistress of the Three Realms, Queen Mother Yaochi. It was Jiang Feng's first time to come to the Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, facing the gazes and inquiries of many famous immortals and gods, Jiang Feng's face was calm, and he did not show any timidity.

"Oh my god! What is this? Take it away quickly. The Lingxiao Palace is an important place in the heaven. How can such a bloody thing be allowed to stay there?"

"Could this be the giant spirit?"

"How did it become like this? Wasn't it fine yesterday?"

"Who is so heavy-handed?"

"What kind of blood feud is this? It's so tragic!"


With the arrival of Jiang Feng and others, the immortals saw the giant spirit god who looked like a bloody corpse, and they couldn't help but talk about it.

""Your Majesty," Jin Zha suddenly spoke first,"Jiang Feng beat the giant spirit without reason, violated the heavenly rules, resorted to private punishment, and committed treason, causing the giant spirit to faint. I beg Your Majesty to punish him!"

""How dare you, Jiang Feng!"

Sitting on the Emperor's chair, the Jade Emperor slammed the table, furious,"How dare you defy the laws of heaven like this? Come, drag him away, take him to the Immortal Execution Platform, and execute him immediately!"

"Hmm?"Jiang Feng frowned. How could the Jade Emperor be so confused and indiscriminate?

But after thinking about it, he seemed to understand something.

I'm afraid this was just for show.

"Wait a minute!" Nezha stepped forward and said,"Your Majesty, Jiang Feng is my subordinate. He has always been clear about right and wrong and has performed his duties conscientiously. I believe that he must have a reason for beating the giant spirit. Your Majesty, why don't you let him explain it clearly?"

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor nodded, and then said,"Jiang Feng, tell me what happened."

"Your Majesty, I am Jiang Feng, the captain of the 9th Squadron of the 1st Corps of the Yulin Army of the Law Enforcement Hall. I was on routine patrol today and suddenly heard a cry for help in front of the Zixia Palace, so I went forward to investigate."

"It turned out that this giant spirit was drunk and broke into Zixia Palace, and even molested Zixia Fairy in broad daylight."

"Xiaoxian is the captain of the law enforcement team. Seeing this illegal thing, how can he remain indifferent? So he tied up the giant spirit with the immortal rope as soon as possible."

"I wanted to let it go, but I never thought that the giant spirit would speak wildly, ignore the laws and rules, and repeatedly insult me. I had no choice but to punish him!"

Jiang Feng told the story in detail.

Even when facing the Jade Emperor, his heart did not beat, his mind was not confused, and he was calm and composed.

"Jiang Feng! It's really you. It's only been a short time, and you've already broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm. Even the Giant Spirit God can be controlled by you at will.

Suddenly, a light, pleasant and surprising voice came out. The only one who could casually intrude into the Lingxiao Palace was Princess Longji.

""Golden Immortal!"

Sitting on the Heavenly Emperor's chair, the Jade Emperor's eyes fixed, and he immediately looked up to Jiang Feng.

He stared at Jiang Feng, his eyes were deep, like a bottomless pit, as if he wanted to see through Jiang Feng.

"Longji, stop interrupting and come here quickly!"

The Queen Mother scolded lightly, but the love for Longji in her eyes could not be concealed.


Long Ji stuck out his tongue and hurriedly stood beside the Queen Mother.

"You bastard, how could the Giant Spirit do such a despicable thing? It's obviously you who are full of nonsense and deceive the emperor. In front of His Majesty, you still don't admit your guilt?"

Jin Zha stared at Jiang Feng, his voice was fierce, as if he wanted to eat him.

""Sir, although Jiang Feng's position is low, every word he said is true. Otherwise, even if Jiang Feng had a hundred guts, he would not dare to beat a heavenly general!" Jiang Feng said calmly.

"You are clearly seeking personal revenge and flouting the Heavenly Law! The Giant Spirit God is almost beaten to death by you, is there anything else you dare not do?"

Jin Zha asked rudely and unreasonably.

Jiang Feng sneered inwardly and was about to speak, when suddenly, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King who had been silent in front of him, walked aside and suddenly asked:"Fairy Zixia, Jiang Feng keeps saying that the Giant Spirit God will molest you. This Heavenly King asks you, is this true?"

He stared at Fairy Zixia coldly, with an overbearing and oppressive aura.

Immediately, Fairy Zixia's pretty face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on her fair forehead.

She was just a fairy, equivalent to a palace maid, with a humble identity and low status. How could she withstand the power of the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King?


Fairy Zixia's lips trembled and her expression was terrified. She was caught in a dilemma for a moment.

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