"Xiaobai, Xiaobai……"

Soft calls came from afar, the sound was light and pleasant, like big and small pearls falling on a jade plate, like the sound of nature, clear and pleasant, making people intoxicated.

Just one sound, it makes people have endless reverie.

As he got closer, under the bright moonlight, Jiang Feng finally saw the face of the fairy Chang'e.

She was wearing a white fairy dress, her skin was as white as cream, her face was like peach blossoms, her manners were varied, and her beauty was breathtaking.

That face seemed to be carefully carved by God with his magic pen, without a single flaw, it could be called the most perfect masterpiece.

Her temperament was even more unique in the world, cold and holy, like a snow lotus on a thousand-foot ice cliff, which could only be viewed from a distance, but could not be approached, sacred and inviolable.

There is a beauty in the north, isolated from the world and independent, one look can make the city fall, another look can make the country fall, this is the most true portrayal of the fairy Chang'e.

The most beautiful woman in heaven was indeed not just a saying. Jiang Feng was almost conquered by her the first time he saw her.

Her ethereal and otherworldly temperament perfectly interpreted the meaning of a fairy to Jiang Feng.

""Fairy Chang'e, are you looking for it?" Jiang Feng came forward with the Jade Rabbit in his arms and suddenly spoke.

Fairy Chang'e looked over, and when she saw the Jade Rabbit in Jiang Feng's arms, her anxious expression disappeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

At this moment, Jiang Feng felt that the entire Taiyin Star seemed to be bright.

That smile made the sky and the earth pale, and the sun and the moon dim, as if nothing in the world could compare to it.

Fairy Chang'e had lived in the deserted Guanghan Palace for a long time, and the Jade Rabbit was almost her only companion, and it was her spiritual sustenance. She was naturally happy.

"Thank you, General, for sending it home."Fairy Chang'e walked up to Jiang Feng with lotus steps and took the Jade Rabbit back from Jiang Feng's hands. She couldn't help but smile even more.

After a short pause, Fairy Chang'e turned around and walked towards Guanghan Palace.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown. As expected of the most beautiful woman in heaven, she really has personality.

If it were someone else, they would definitely invite Jiang Feng into their home and entertain him, showing their hospitality and gratitude.

But Fairy Chang'e has lived in the deep palace for a long time and rarely interacted with people. She didn't understand the ways of the world, so this was so unique.

"Judging from the look of it, she probably doesn't even know who I am." Jiang Feng smiled bitterly, but he had come here with great difficulty, and it was impossible for him to return empty-handed.

Since the fairy Chang'e remained silent, he would take the initiative to create opportunities.

At this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly saw that behind the Guanghan Palace, stood a towering tree.

The tree was very thick and silver-white in color. It rose from the ground and pierced straight into the sky, reaching deep into the clouds to an unknown height.

The most important thing was that the tree was vaguely shrouded in a layer of white halo, and just looking at it made people feel cold all over and shiver uncontrollably.

A bright light immediately flashed through Jiang Feng's mind,"This is the Taiyin Laurel Tree, one of the ten great spiritual roots in the prehistoric world!"

Although the laurel tree is not as effective as the peaches and ginseng fruit, it is also very unique. It grows in the coldest and coldest place. The white halo is condensed by the power of the moon, which is very helpful for the immortals who practice the ice technique and comprehend the ice avenue.


Suddenly, a breeze blew past, and a large piece of white laurel flowers fell from the laurel tree, floating on the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's mind suddenly flashed, and he suddenly had an idea.

""Fairy Chang'e, please stay!" Jiang Feng hurriedly called out.

Fairy Chang'e turned around, frowned and said,"General, is there anything else?"

Jiang Feng walked forward, pointed his finger at the ground and smiled,"Fairy Chang'e, can you lend me some osmanthus flowers?"

Under the laurel tree, a thick layer of osmanthus flowers had accumulated. No one cared about them, and they would eventually become nutrients for the laurel tree.

Although she was puzzled, Jiang Feng returned the jade rabbit to her. Fairy Chang'e couldn't refuse. She waved her hand, and a soft fairy power floated out, which immediately rolled up a large piece of white osmanthus flowers.

"Of course," Fairy Chang'e personally gave the osmanthus flowers to Jiang Feng, and finally couldn't help but asked in confusion,"I wonder what the general wants to do with this osmanthus flowers?"


"Oh," Jiang Feng had already responded,"I have a secret brewing technique here that can brew the most delicious fairy wine in the world, but I'm missing some raw materials. This laurel tree is one of the ten great spiritual roots in the ancient world. Its flowers are extremely nutritious and valuable. If I use it to brew, I guarantee that the taste will be even better than the Queen Mother's nectar!"

"Is that true?"The fairy Chang'e's eyes lit up.

She lived in Guanghan Palace and had nothing to do all day, except for her love for fine wine, so she was very interested.

"Of course, as the God of Justice, I, Jiang Feng, never tell lies. The secret nectar made by the Queen Mother is of extremely high value and amazing efficacy, but it is a little worse in taste. My wine is called Zuixian Niang, not the drunken..."

"No problem." Jiang Feng said very straightforwardly.

After staying for a while, Jiang Feng left happily.

He originally wanted to use the system to squeeze the surplus value of Fairy Chang'e, but the moment he saw Fairy Chang'e, he gave up the idea.

Fairy Chang'e was too perfect and holy, so Jiang Feng could not have the slightest blasphemous heart and could not tolerate destroying this beauty.

However, although there was no substantial gain, he got the opportunity to continue to contact her, there is still a long way to go!


Just as Jiang Feng was about to leave Taiyin Star, a cold shout suddenly came from the front, which was obviously unfriendly.

Jiang Feng's expression sank. Who was so blind that he dared to pick a fight with him? Didn't he want to get out of this mess?

Looking closely, he saw a man fully armed with golden armor, standing in front like a javelin, blocking Jiang Feng's way.

He was outstanding, handsome, and powerful, and looked quite extraordinary.

This heroic spirit was only slightly inferior to Jiang Feng's.

Even the three sons of Li Jing, the King of the Tower, Jin Zha, Mu Zha and Nezha, could not compare with him.

At first, Jiang Feng was extremely confused. Which immortal was this? Why didn't he have an impression of him? But when he saw the other party's weapon, Jiang Feng suddenly realized it.

He saw that the man in front of him was holding a rake that looked like a civilian rake, with nine teeth on it, with a cold metallic luster, which was frightening!

"Nine-toothed Rake, could this be Marshal Tianpeng who is in charge of the 100,000 Tianhe navy in the Heavenly Court?"

Jiang Feng smiled and understood everything in an instant. Marshal Tianpeng, he came so aggressively, obviously for the fairy Chang'e!

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