"Excuse me, who are you?" Jiang Feng asked knowingly.

Marshal Tianpeng glared at him and said in an extremely majestic voice:"I am Marshal Tianpeng!"

""Oh," Jiang Feng nodded calmly, his expression calm, and then asked,"May I ask why Marshal Tianpeng blocked my way?"

Marshal Tianpeng frowned. This man didn't even have the slightest respect for him.

You know, he is in charge of 100,000 Tianhe naval forces, and he is also the direct disciple of Master Xuandu, the eldest disciple of Laozi, the Taoist Master of Daode. His status in the Heavenly Court is very important. Even Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Tower, has to respect him.

"Why do you say that? This is Guanghan Palace, is it the place you should come to?"Marshal Tianpeng said sternly. Jiang Feng was puzzled.

"I am the God of Justice, personally appointed by the Jade Emperor, in charge of the criminal law of the three realms. There is no place I cannot go in such a vast world. Is this Guanghan Palace a lawless place?"

""Haha," Marshal Tianpeng sneered and didn't care."You are just a judicial god, and you dare to be arrogant in front of this marshal! This marshal tells you, I don't care about you elsewhere, but from now on, you are not allowed to take a step into Guanghan Palace. Do you understand?"

Marshal Tianpeng was very domineering and overbearing. With that attitude, he didn't take Jiang Feng seriously at all.

Jiang Feng was immediately amused. He understood the intention of Marshal Tianpeng, but he never thought that the other party would be so arrogant.

"Do you really think that I, Jiang Feng, am a soft persimmon that you can squeeze whenever you want?"Jiang Feng's face suddenly darkened.

"Marshal Tianpeng!" Jiang Feng suddenly yelled,"Why don't you take a piss and look in the mirror? With your pig face, you want to pursue the fairy Chang'e. Where do you get the confidence? Is it Liang Jingru who gave you the courage?"

"Well, now that things have come to this, then this God of Justice is warning you that from now on, you are not allowed to set foot in Guanghan Palace, otherwise, you will be punished for violating the laws of heaven!"

"What!"Marshal Tianpeng's pupils bulged, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, full of disbelief.

For so many years, he, the Marshal Tianpeng, was used to being domineering and arrogant. No matter where he went, he was always respected. Now, a mere God of Justice dared to confront him. He really didn't know how to live or die!

"Take this rake from me, Marshal!" Marshal Tianpeng roared wildly, furious.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the nine-toothed rake in his hand, and the magic power in his body surged, and then smashed it down on Jiang Feng's head.

Marshal Tianpeng is a disciple of the Human Religion and a disciple of the Saint. His nine-toothed rake is extraordinary and is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

With this, few people of the same level can compete with him.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng stood with his hands behind his back, calm and unmoved.

Just when the nine-toothed rake was about to hit him, Jiang Feng suddenly moved. He raised his right hand and gently stretched out two fingers, and at the critical moment, he steadily blocked the attack of Marshal Tianpeng.

"Huh?"Marshal Tian Peng was stunned for a moment, and then he used his magic power again, trying to break free from Jiang Feng's two fingers.

However, what Marshal Tian Peng could not have imagined was that Jiang Feng's two fingers, like an iron hoop, tightly clamped his nine-toothed rake, and he could not move at all.

"ah……"Marshal Tianpeng roared wildly, exerting all his strength, sweat on his forehead, and desperately urged the nine-toothed rake.

At this moment, Jiang Feng loosened his fingers and released his immense strength.

Marshal Tianpeng was caught off guard, and all his strength was in vain. His center of gravity was unstable, and he rolled to the ground with the rake, falling in a mess.

Although Marshal Tianpeng's nine-toothed rake was of the best quality, it was only at the level of a Golden Immortal, and Jiang Feng had already been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal, a realm higher than Marshal Tianpeng, so it was easy for him to deal with him.

"That's it……"Jiang Feng looked down from above, with a disdainful smile on his face.

Marshal Tianpeng climbed up, his face was extremely ferocious. How could he, the great Marshal Tianpeng, have ever been so embarrassed?

""Jiang Feng, little boy, I'll beat you to death!"

Marshal Tian Peng shouted, and attacked again with the Nine-toothed Rake.

Swish... a stream of light flashed, and in a flash, Jiang Feng flew behind Marshal Tian Peng, as fast as an antelope hanging on a horn, leaving no trace.

""Hey! Where are the people?" Marshal Tianpeng rushed to the front, but suddenly found that Jiang Feng had disappeared.


At this moment, a huge force surged from behind his head.

Marshal Tianpeng was slapped on the back of his head by Jiang Feng. He felt dizzy instantly, his whole head was buzzing, and then he stumbled and fell to the ground.

After this promotion, Jiang Feng's speed, strength, spiritual perception and other aspects were far beyond the past. It was incomparable. Beating Marshal Tianpeng was like beating his grandson.

In the face of absolute power, all skills are in vain.

The gap between the two is really too big. , not enough to count.

After a pause, Marshal Tianpeng stood up with difficulty, but his head still hurt.

He was very unconvinced, but at this time, many immortals who passed by heard the sound and came, and stopped to watch.

Marshal Tianpeng was afraid of losing face, so he said a harsh word to Jiang Feng and then left in disgrace.

Jiang Feng smiled and ignored him.

This is Marshal Tianpeng. Although he is heroic and glamorous, he is no different from Zhu Bajie in later generations. They are all strong on the outside but weak on the inside. They believe in the Thirty-Six Stratagems and believe that running away is the best strategy.

Jiang Feng did not stay for too long and immediately returned to Miro Palace.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Marshal Tianpeng and obtained a gold-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

The system's crisp and pleasant voice sounded in Jiang Feng's mind, and Jiang Feng opened it without hesitation.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the gold-level treasure chest and obtaining ten top-grade innate spiritual treasures, an escape talisman, a top-grade innate spiritual root, and violet!"

"Escape Talisman? What is this thing?"

Jiang Feng had no great interest in the gold-level treasure chest, but when he saw the escape talisman, he couldn't help but frown. If he remembered correctly, this was the first time the system rewarded him with something that was not from the prehistoric times.

With a thought, the reward was distributed.

On Jiang Feng's right palm, there was a yellow talisman in the shape of a diamond, with the word"escape" written on it, as if it contained some kind of Taoist essence, mysterious and unpredictable.

At the same time, relevant information suddenly emerged in his mind.

The escape talisman is also a life-saving talisman. If you crush it with magic power, you can teleport hundreds of millions of miles away, and there will be no trace. It can save your life at a critical moment. Even a saint can't catch up with it.

""Good stuff! This is a good thing!"

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he was ecstatic.

After the Conferred God Calamity, the prehistoric continent was shattered. In order to avoid further destruction, Daozu Hongjun issued a ban, not allowing saints to step into the prehistoric world.

In other words, with this talisman, no one in the prehistoric world can kill Jiang Feng.

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