Realizing the importance of this escape talisman, Jiang Feng hurriedly collected it with great respect.

The third reward was a top-grade innate spiritual root, violet.

Jiang Feng held it in his hand. This violet had three fairy flowers, full of purple, shining brightly, and faintly exuding an inexplicable innate spiritual energy.

After looking at it for a while, Jiang Feng's throat suddenly rolled, and he felt like salivating.

At this moment, he suddenly had a desire to devour, just like the first time he devoured the innate spiritual treasure.

In a flash of thought, Jiang Feng suddenly realized that he could devour the innate spiritual treasure and absorb the innate laws on it, so why couldn't he devour the innate spiritual root?

The innate spiritual root was also born before heaven and earth. In those endless years ago, it was unknown how much innate spiritual energy it had absorbed and how long it had grown. Its efficacy would never be worse than that of the innate spiritual treasure.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but quicken his pace home.

""Hey, where have you been? Why did you come back so late at night?"

As soon as he returned to Miro Palace, a somewhat unhappy questioning voice rang out.

In front of Jiang Feng, a graceful figure stood tall and graceful. She was young, beautiful, pretty and smart. It was Princess Longji.

But at this moment, Princess Longji crossed her arms and stared at Jiang Feng with her beautiful eyes, as if interrogating him.


Oh, Princess, I just went out for a walk." Jiang Feng answered casually.

But Princess Longji was not so easy to get rid of, and she kept asking,"Did you go to Guanghan Palace?"

Seeing Zhao Xiaowu, Fairy Nishang and others lowering their heads, Jiang Feng understood everything in an instant, so he no longer concealed it,"I went to Guanghan Palace. Fairy Chang'e's Jade Rabbit was lost, and it happened to be in our Miluo Palace, so I went there on the way."

"So, you have seen the fairy Chang'e. Then tell me, who is more beautiful, me or the most beautiful woman in heaven?"Princess Longji stared at Jiang Feng's eyes without blinking.

"this……"Jiang Feng frowned, hesitating. This was not a problem at all, it was simply a bolt from the blue. If he was not careful, it would be a bolt from the blue.

"Come on, tell me the truth!" Princess Longji's tone was like interrogating a criminal.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Jiang Feng organized his words and replied,"Fairy Chang'e is known as the most beautiful woman in heaven, and her reputation is well-deserved. She is peerless, the most beautiful woman in the world, mature and holy, but Your Highness is also not bad."

"Your Highness, you are noble and smart, graceful, youthful and beautiful, like a perfect purple elf, impeccable"

"You and Fairy Chang'e, one is youthful, the other is mature, one is young, the other is charming, you are in two different stages of life, each has its own beauty, and you cannot compare the two."

After saying this, Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang on the side were horrified, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground, the adult is worthy of being an adult, this answer is perfect, watertight, and simply impeccable.

As for Princess Longji, at first, when she heard Jiang Feng praising Fairy Chang'e, her expression was sullen, but gradually she suddenly became enlightened, her eyes lit up, and in the end she turned around and muttered happily,"That's more like it"

""Ah? Princess, what did you say?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but ask.

Princess Longji turned around immediately, but her smile was hidden. She said seriously,"Jiang Feng, this princess warns you that there are rules in heaven that forbid the seven emotions and six desires, and intermarriage is not allowed. If you violate them, you will have to go to the Immortal Execution Platform."

"Princess, you misunderstood. I just wanted to send a Jade Rabbit. I had no other intentions.……"

Before Jiang Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Princess Longji,"You don't have to explain to me, I'm just reminding you, you can take care of yourself."

Then, Princess Longji left with her hands behind her back.

"Oh my god, who offended Her Royal Highness the Princess? Why did she come to me to vent her anger?"Jiang Feng was puzzled. Didn't he just go to Guanghan Palace? Why did Marshal Tianpeng pick on him, and even Princess Longji came to question him?

"My Lord, I have something to say but I don't know if I should say it or not." Just then, Fairy Nishang beside him suddenly said

"Go ahead." Jiang Feng waved his hand.

Fairy Nishang immediately said:"Sir, I think Her Royal Highness the Princess is jealous."

"What? Jealous? Jealous of whom? Jealous for whom?" Jiang Feng was confused.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaowu couldn't help but said anxiously,"Boss, how can you be so smart all your life and so confused at the moment? Needless to say, anyone can see that the princess is jealous of you because of the fairy Chang'e."

"What the hell? Is the princess jealous of me?"Jiang Feng was shocked, and suddenly he seemed to understand something,"Xiao Wu, you mean, the princess likes me?"


Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang replied in unison, nodding their heads like chicks pecking at rice.

"Don't be ridiculous. How could I, Jiang Feng, be so favored by the princess? This is a joke! Jiang Feng didn't dare to think too deeply.

He was just a nobody without any sect or school. Even if he had made great progress, he was still far from being great.

Princess Longji was the daughter of the Jade Emperor. She had a very high status and a very noble identity.

The two of them were totally unrelated in that aspect. Jiang Feng had imagined marrying any fairy, but not Princess Longji. The gap between them was too big.

"Okay, let's talk business. Nichang, here are some peaches and some osmanthus flowers. You can use them to brew some fairy wine and make some soup. Don't forget to bring them to my room every morning."Jiang Feng immediately changed the subject and ordered

""Yes, sir." Fairy Nishang took it quickly, and her heart was filled with joy.

With these rare ingredients, she would surely be able to make something better and please the sir.

"Xiaowu, here are dozens of top-grade innate spiritual treasures. I'll leave them to you to deal with."

Last time in Miro Palace, he fought against the eight golden immortals and obtained eighty top-grade innate spiritual treasures. He only used thirty to break through Taiyi, so he still had dozens left.

Now, these top-grade innate spiritual treasures are of no use to him, so it's better to give them to his subordinates.

"What! Dozens of top-grade innate spiritual treasures!"

When Zhao Xiaowu took it, he was completely stunned.

Top-grade innate spiritual treasures are so precious that even a golden immortal may not be able to own one. Now the boss is giving out dozens of them at once. This is so rich and powerful that people who don't know would think they are cabbages on the roadside.

Jiang Feng ignored him and immediately pushed the door open. In just a moment, he entered the state of cultivation.

Taking out the top-grade innate spiritual root violet, Jiang Feng swallowed it in one gulp without any hesitation.

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