Not long after, Jiang Feng had digested the violet completely.

He licked his lips with satisfaction, his eyes full of joy.

During this refining, he unexpectedly discovered that the innate laws contained in the top-grade innate spiritual root were better than those of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, both in quality and quantity.

This was also reasonable. In a sense, the innate spiritual root was alive after all. It was born and raised by nature, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and constantly absorbing the innate spiritual energy every moment. Compared with the innate spiritual treasure, which was a dead object, the laws condensed by it were naturally superior.

This discovery made Jiang Feng full of confidence in the future, as if he had found the direction to move forward.

Since the top-grade innate spiritual treasure was of little use, and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure was too rare and precious to be used, the top-grade innate spiritual root was a wonderful choice.

After breaking into the Golden Immortal, he ascended to heaven step by step, and the breakthrough of each realm was closely related to the laws.

But the laws were the most difficult to comprehend. Even the most basic laws took tens of thousands of years to comprehend.

However, Jiang Feng's cultivation of the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, the first divine skill in the prehistoric world, can seize the fortune of heaven and earth, and can absorb the laws of innate spiritual treasures or innate spiritual roots and use them for his own benefit, which greatly improves the speed of cultivation.

After a pause, Jiang Feng wanted to continue his cultivation, but suddenly a burst of hurried footsteps came from outside.

"Captain Nezha, you can't go in. The boss is in seclusion practicing, don't disturb him."Zhao Xiaowu tried his best to stop Nezha from breaking into the Miro Palace.

""Get out of here!" Nezha yelled angrily and pushed Zhao Xiaowu away,"This matter is a matter of life and death, it's extremely urgent, I must see Jiang Feng."

In the room, Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown, full of confusion, what made Captain Nezha so anxious?

"Captain Nezha, what happened?" Jiang Feng opened the door and walked out.

Nezha came forward and said anxiously:"Jiang Feng, my father wants to kill you, leave here quickly!"

"Hmm? Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, wants to kill me?" Jiang Feng's eyebrows jumped, but he didn't take it seriously. He waved his hand lightly and said,"It doesn't matter. If he really dares to kill me, this god will make him come and never return."

Jiang Feng was confident and well-prepared.

Now that he has been promoted to Taiyi, he has made rapid progress and is no longer the same as before. How could he take the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, who is at the same level, seriously?

"Jiang Feng, you are too naive. This matter is not that simple. If it is just Li Jing, it is easy to deal with. He has sent people to Lingshan Mountain in the West to invite Lingji Bodhisattva. If he comes, you will definitely die!"Nezha frowned into a mess, like an ant on a hot pot, more anxious than Jiang Feng himself.

"Even if this old bald donkey comes, what can he do? This is the heaven, Your Majesty……"

When Jiang Feng heard about the Jade Emperor, he was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he suddenly understood the source of his previous bad feeling.

"Your Majesty has been in seclusion for many days, and it is unknown when he will be able to come out. You'd better leave the Heavenly Palace as soon as possible. This is your only way to survive."

After the voice fell, Nezha pulled Jiang Feng out.

Jiang Feng was stunned on the spot, his mind was blank. All this happened too suddenly, and he was caught off guard. He was not mentally prepared at all.

He was very unwilling and extremely reluctant to leave. This Miro Palace, everything, was the result of his desperate efforts. He didn't know how much hardship he had spent to have his current status and position.

But now, he was asked to leave the Heavenly Palace and give up everything. How could he be willing?

But otherwise, when Lingji Bodhisattva came, he There is only one way out, which is death.

His previous actions towards Lingji Bodhisattva and his disrespect to Western Buddhism are enough to be killed ten times.

However, Lingji Bodhisattva is a genuine Daluo Jinxian, and even if Jiang Feng is extraordinary, he is no match for him.

Before, with the protection of the Jade Emperor, Lingji Bodhisattva did not dare to act rashly, but now that the Jade Emperor is in seclusion and does not even care about the government, Lingji Bodhisattva has nothing to fear.

The dead are worthless. After Jiang Feng is killed, no matter how angry the Jade Emperor is, he will not touch Lingji Bodhisattva.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up, Jiang Feng. As long as the green mountains remain, there will be no shortage of firewood. Don't worry, I will take care of your subordinates for you, and no one will touch them at all."

Nezha persuaded and dispelled Jiang Feng's worries.

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly saw that in the direction of the Marshal's Mansion, several rays of light shot out, the aura was surging, and then it was like a tidal wave, pressing towards his Miro Palace.

"Hurry up, Jiang Feng. If you delay, something bad will happen. It will be troublesome if you are held back by Li Jing and the others." Nezha was extremely anxious.

"No, I am unwilling to leave like this, I want to go find the Jade Emperor……"

After saying that, Jiang Feng used the Golden Light of the Thirty-Six Changes of the Heavenly Gang, and instantly disappeared at the fastest speed, leaving Nezha without a trace.

In a short while, Jiang Feng arrived at the Lingxiao Palace, but the scene of the gathering of immortals and gods in the past was no longer there. Instead, it was like the Guanghan Palace, silent and deserted, and not even a single figure could be seen.

Jiang Feng frowned, and without stopping, he turned into a golden light and disappeared in a flash.

He came to the Jade Emperor's bedroom again. Since the Jade Emperor's Palace was in seclusion, it was most likely that the Jade Emperor was here.

""Stop! His Majesty is in retreat, no one is allowed to disturb him, please go back!"

At the gate of the Jade Emperor's Palace, a rough and heavy voice was heard, which was extremely cold.

In front of Jiang Feng, four heavenly generals in armor stopped him.

Jiang Feng had also attended several morning court sessions and was not unfamiliar with them. These four people were the Four Great Marshals of the Lingxiao Palace, equivalent to the imperial guards of the Jade Emperor, guarding the safety of the Jade Emperor all day long.

And these four people also had a great origin. They were originally disciples of the Jiejiao under the seat of Tongtian Sect Master. They were the Four Saints of Jiulong Island, named Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Youqian, and Li Xingba.

After the Conferred God Tribulation, they joined the Heavenly Court and were named the Four Great Marshals of the Lingxiao Palace.

However, Jiang Feng knew very well that they, like the Four Heavenly Kings, were also people of Li Jing, the Tower-Bearing Heavenly King.

"Get out of the way! This God of Justice has something important to ask for your Majesty's attention!" Jiang Feng said coldly with his hands behind his back.

However, the Four Saints Marshals did not give way.

""God of Justice Jiang, did you not hear me clearly? His Majesty is in seclusion and does not see guests, not to mention a small judicial god like you, even if the Tathagata Buddha comes, he will not see you."

Wang Mo twisted his voice, he seemed to know what was going to happen, and the look he gave Jiang Feng was extremely cold, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"You don't know how to live or die, you dare to block the way of this god!"

Jiang Feng snorted coldly, and immediately slapped him mercilessly.

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