Jiang Feng's move was too swift, like a tiger descending from a mountain or a dragon emerging from an abyss.

The demon king didn't even have time to react, and was slapped away by Jiang Feng on the spot.

"You actually dared to attack me!"

The other three were all shocked, and then immediately distanced themselves from Jiang Feng and started fighting.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Three violent sounds of breaking through the air rang out. Yang Sen, Gao Youqian and Li Xingba all went all out and used their own magic weapons.

They were three round beads, namely the Kaitian Bead, the Hunyuan Bead and the Pidi Bead. They were all top-grade innate spiritual treasures, with the power to destroy mountains and split mountains, and overturn rivers and seas.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's eyes were full of disdain. A few little golden immortals also wanted to compete with him, overestimating their own abilities!

With a thought, At the same time, a vertical eye slowly opened between Jiang Feng's eyebrows, which was as black as ink, and was surrounded by circles of magic patterns, mysterious and unpredictable.

In the next moment, a large piece of destructive light shot out from the eye of delusion, presenting a scene of devastation on the spot, destroying everything along the way, and nothing could stop it.

The four great marshals of the Lingxiao Palace were no match for them at all, and they all vomited blood and were swept away.

Time was running out, Jiang Feng did not continue to pursue the matter, and hurriedly stepped into the Jade Emperor Palace.

""Your Majesty, I have something important to ask you to do!"

Jiang Feng called out loudly, but there was no response.

The Jade Emperor's Palace was magnificent and majestic, but it was completely empty, without even a single person in sight.

Jiang Feng walked around three times, but he didn't find even a hair of the Jade Emperor.

"Hmm? How could this happen? This shouldn't be the case!"Jiang Feng frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, even if the Jade Emperor was in seclusion, he should have stayed in Heaven! There is no place safer than here in the Three Realms and Six Paths.

"If not in the Jade Emperor Palace, then where on earth could it be?"

Jiang Feng frowned, and suddenly had an inexplicable feeling that the Jade Emperor seemed to be hiding from him, deliberately not letting him find him.

The fact was just as Jiang Feng expected. At this moment, the Jade Emperor was hiding in a void somewhere in this palace, watching Jiang Feng unnoticed, with a smile in his eyes.

"If you want me to accompany you to fight against the Western Buddhism, I must know your trump card. Otherwise, I am afraid I won't even know how I died in the end."

"That is the Western Buddhist sect with two saints in charge. The prosperity of Buddhism is the will of heaven and the trend of the times. I have to be cautious!"

"This time, I will force out the master behind you to see how capable he is and whether he can help me turn the tide."

The Jade Emperor who was hiding in the dark thought to himself, and then he folded his arms and stared at Jiang Feng with interest to see how he would break the deadlock.

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, dozens of powerful auras suddenly rose up from all directions and surrounded the Jade

Emperor Palace. It was Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, who came with his men.

After understanding the situation, Li Jing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know where the Jade Emperor was and what he was doing, it didn't matter. Killing Jiang Feng was the top priority right now.

"Jiang Feng, this Marshal has received a report that you privately accepted bribes from immortal officials and sought huge profits, violating the heavenly rules. This is a heinous crime. This Marshal advises you not to make a meaningless struggle and return to the Law Enforcement Hall with me for trial."

Li Jing stood in mid-air, holding the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in his hand, looking down from above, staring at Jiang Feng with a pair of eyes like the god of death, cold and piercing.

Around him, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Water Virtue Star Lord, the Fire Virtue Star Lord, the Four Saint Marshals of the Lingxiao Palace, and many immortals gathered together, like a net laid out to trap Jiang Feng in it

"I'll give you my grandma's leg……"

Jiang Feng cursed angrily, and then without stopping, he immediately used the Golden Light to shoot out of the Jade Emperor Palace like an arrow from a bow.

He knew very well that if he went back to the Law Enforcement Hall with Li Jing, he would be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth, and there would be no return.

"This little bastard is so fast!"Li Jing was shocked and worried.

Jiang Feng, this little bastard, has no idea where he came from. His cultivation speed is incredible. He is getting stronger day by day. If this continues, what will happen ?

"Chase him, even if this little bastard escapes to the ends of the earth, we must kill him!"

Li Jing immediately gave a death order, with a strong murderous intent hidden deep in his eyes.

After leaving the Jade Emperor Palace, Jiang Feng's mind flickered, racking his brains to think of a way out.

The Jade Emperor was gone, and there was no one to protect him. It seemed that he could not stay in the Heavenly Palace any longer.

"Well, saving your life is the most important thing, so just leave. But before that, there are a few important things to do."

Jiang Feng quickly came up with an idea.

Not long after, Jiang Feng turned into a golden light and flashed in front of the Heavenly Prison.

He had been planning to take advantage of the Nine Infants Demon Commander for a long time, but there was no suitable opportunity. In this situation, he simply went all out and did it directly.

""God Jiang Tianshen, welcome you!"

As soon as he landed, the Southern Dipper Star Lord, who was like a leech attached to his bones, came up with a smile.

Jiang Feng looked impatient,"Get out!" He spat out a cold word. At the same time, Jiang Feng waved his sleeves, and a huge force surged out of his body, pushing the Southern Dipper Star Lord aside on the spot. The Southern Dipper Star

Lord fell to the ground, dizzy, and couldn't tell the directions for a while.

Extraordinary times require extraordinary means. Time is running out. Jiang Feng did not stop at all. He immediately opened the sky prison with the key, then turned into a beam of light and rushed in, heading straight to the bottom of the sky prison.

Jiang Feng stopped at the seventh level of the sky prison. The

Nine Infants Demon Marshal was tied to the holy chain, and his nine heads were pierced, unable to move. From time to time, he made bursts of creepy baby cries.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say,"May I ask if you are the Nine Infants Demon Marshal of the Ancient Demon Court?"

Hearing this, the Nine Infants Demon General did not respond. He just raised his eyelids and glanced at Jiang Feng lightly, with disdain in his eyes.

Obviously, he did not take Jiang Feng seriously at all and treated him as air.

Jiang Feng was not angry, and continued:"Your silence means you agree. Oh my God, I didn't expect that you are really the Nine Infants Demon General. In the past, you and Bai Ze, Bifang and other ten demon generals followed the Demon Emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to establish the ancient demon court, ruled the heaven, and dominated the world. How majestic and domineering!"

"I admire you so much that even today, when I hear all the rumors about you, I can't help but feel excited.……"

Jiang Feng praised him endlessly, almost praising the Nine Infants Demon Marshal to the sky.

But in the next moment, Jiang Feng's tone suddenly changed,"However, you are now imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, with the Holy Chain on your body, it is difficult for you to even move. If nothing unexpected happens, you will be imprisoned here for eternity, a waste."

"Since you are no longer useful, why don't you let me break your bones and use them to make soup? This will be considered as making use of your surplus value. What do you think?"

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