Silence, deathly silence, unprecedented silence.

But in the next moment, suddenly, the Nine Infants Demon Commander, who had been disdainful and indifferent, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were originally listless and dim, but at this moment they were extremely bright, like a small sun, illuminating the entire sky prison.

It can be seen that there are clearly two fires burning, and they are angry flames.

Angry to the point of madness, wanting to burn the heavens and drown the three realms.

What kind of existence is the Nine Infants Demon Commander? He is an ancient great power, a capable general under Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun. He is in a high position and has a pivotal position in the demon court.

But now, he is ridiculed by a little-known junior who is not taken seriously by him at all, and he dares to break his bones and boil them into soup.

This is a naked provocation, a supreme humiliation, almost to the point of no return.

A tiger in a flat land is bullied by a dog, and a dragon in a shallow beach is played by shrimps.

How could the arrogant Nine Infants Demon Marshal endure this?


Then, the Nine Infants Demon Marshal roared wildly, venting all his anger.

The voice was deep, heavy, hysterical, and crazy, like a roar from the distant ancient times, which was completely different from his usual voice.

Immediately, sand and rocks flew, and the earth shook.

Under the roar of the Nine Infants Demon Marshal, the entire sky prison was faintly trembling.

At the same time, a hurricane took shape, as if it was blowing from the depths of chaos, cold and piercing, full of destructiveness, blowing past, causing the fences of the sky prison to tremble.

Jiang Feng's pupils bulged, and he was horrified, but this scene was too abrupt. He had no time to react, and was caught in the hurricane and was instantly blown away.

This power was too huge, and Jiang Feng felt as if he was alone in the ocean overnight, extremely insecure.

The terrible waves, any impact could take his life.

After a while of dizziness and upside down, Jiang Feng felt the ground touch him. He shook his head and woke up after a while.

Standing up, Jiang Feng found himself outside the prison.

"Good fellow! He is worthy of being the Nine Infants Demon Marshal. Even though he is bound by the Holy Chain, his roar is so terrifying!"

Jiang Feng covered his aching chest and forcibly suppressed the surging blood in his body, with a lingering fear in his heart.

Fortunately, the Nine Infants Demon Marshal was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, otherwise, Jiang Feng would not even have any bones left.

At this moment, the Heavenly Prison was still shaking, and the ground was trembling, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred.

From the depths of the Heavenly Prison, there were bursts of crisp metal collisions and angry roars.

This was the sound of the Nine Infants Demon Marshal struggling with the Holy Chain. It wanted to break free from the restraints and tear Jiang Feng into pieces to relieve its hatred and wash away the shame.

"What's going on? Why is there an earthquake in heaven?"

"It’s the Heavenly Prison. Something strange has happened in the Heavenly Prison!"

"Listening to this sound, it seems to be made by the Nine Infants Demon Commander imprisoned on the seventh floor of the Heavenly Prison."

"What happened? Why did the Nine Infants Demon Marshal keep breaking free from the Holy Chain?"

"I don’t know. We have been stationed in the Heavenly Prison for a million years, and this is the first time we have encountered such a situation. What should we do?"


The soldiers stationed outside the prison were all panicked and at a loss.

At the same time, the Jade Emperor, who was watching Jiang Feng in secret, saw everything.

He frowned deeply, full of doubts.

"What on earth is Jiang Feng up to? Being hunted by Li Jing and the Western Buddhist sect, shouldn't he seek help or flee from heaven? Why did he go to the Heavenly Prison to provoke the Nine Infants Demon Marshal?"

"What good can he get from doing this? What on earth is this bastard up to?"

The Jade Emperor was confused, but no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out Jiang Feng's thoughts.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Nine Infants Demon General and obtained a black gold treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

Outside the sky prison, the system's crisp and pleasant prompt sound suddenly sounded.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but raise an arc at the corner of his mouth, and snapped his fingers excitedly,"Done."

Although the process was difficult, it was a safe and sound one, and he got what he wanted.

This was the second time that Jiang Feng had obtained a black gold treasure chest. The last time he received a reward from Lingji Bodhisattva, it was so generous that it would benefit Jiang Feng for the rest of his life. It was simply amazing. The

Nine Infants Demon Commander was an ancient great power. Although he was also a Golden Immortal, his Taoism and combat power must be far greater than that of Lingji Bodhisattva.

Therefore, it can be expected that the reward Jiang Feng received this time must be even more generous.

He was full of expectations.

But at this moment, a sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

Jiang Feng frowned and looked up. He saw that the whole sky was dark, wrapping the entire Tianlaodi Realm in it, and it was dark.

Above Jiang Feng's head, there was a huge and fierce energy condensing, forming a momentum of Mount Tai pressing down on his head, and it was coming towards Jiang Feng in a mighty way.

Jiang Feng was somewhat familiar with this energy, and in an instant, he understood everything.

It was the Tota Heavenly King Li Jing came to kill him, but this time the opponent showed no mercy and directly used the Seven Treasures Linglong Tower to suppress him.

After weighing the pros and cons, Jiang Feng did not confront him head-on, and immediately used the Golden Light to escape again.

Now, in his eyes, Li Jing is just a clown who can be manipulated at will.

This kind of small character is not worth wasting his time, and he has more important things to do.

After leaving the prison, Jiang Feng went straight to Yaochi again.

That's right, Jiang Feng was going to find the Queen Mother.

He wanted to see what the Queen Mother's attitude was and whether he could seek asylum.

Even if it didn't work, he had an escape talisman to save his life, and most importantly, he could take the opportunity to use the system to cause trouble.

You know, the Queen Mother is the doorman under Hongjun Daozu. Although she is not as good as those saints, now that countless years have passed, she is also a genuine quasi-saint.

If he is successfully rejected by her, the reward he will get will be so rich that Jiang Feng dare not even dream of it.

While running, Jiang Feng immediately communicated with the system and opened the black gold treasure chest

"Congratulations to the host for opening the black gold treasure chest and obtaining ten top-grade innate spiritual roots, ten drops of ancestor witch blood, and three Dutian Shensha flags."

"Ah this……"

Jiang Feng was stunned and petrified on the spot.

He looked calm on the surface, but his heart was full of shock and excitement.

This reward was really generous!

Needless to say, the ten top-grade innate spiritual roots can greatly improve Jiang Feng's realm of Taoism. The most important thing is the last two rewards.

The essence of the ancestor witch, the most essence of the blood in the ancestor witch's body, contains so much energy that it is simply unimaginable.

The witch clan, this race is extremely unique, and is condensed from Pangu's essence.

They do not respect the sky or the earth, but only respect Pangu the Father God. Even the Taoist Hongjun is not taken seriously by them.

This race is too flawed because it is too against the sky. They are born without a soul and only cultivate their physical body.

Therefore, their physical body is so strong that no one in the whole prehistoric world can match it.

They are the most successful race in practicing the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

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