"Jiang Tianshen, you should go back. Although I am the Queen Mother, I cannot go beyond the laws of heaven. I can't help you with anything."

"But don't worry, Li Tianwang is not an unreasonable person. If you are innocent, he will not dare to do anything to you. You can rest assured about this.

Seeing Jiang Feng didn't speak, the Queen Mother couldn't help but say, and then waved her hand and ordered him to leave.

"Peace of mind? How can I be at ease? Going back now is like going to die!"

Jiang Feng was full of resentment, and his lungs were about to explode. He came here with high hopes, but he didn't expect such a result.

There is a problem, there must be a big problem. Jiang Feng was very sure of this at this moment.

The Jade Emperor was in seclusion and the Queen Mother had such an attitude. This was obviously directed at him.

"Could it be that the Western Buddhism secretly put pressure on the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother to change their attitude again?"Jiang Feng was suspicious, but he felt that it was unlikely.

If that was true, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother would lean towards the Western Buddhism and no longer protect him, so why would they do this? They could just kill him with a flip of their hands, and they could also show their courtesy to the Western Buddhism.

After thinking about it, Jiang Feng could not guess the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother's thoughts for a while, so he could not help but get angry.

"Damn it, since you are so unkind, don't blame me for being ungrateful. I am not without temper!"

Jiang Feng stamped his feet, gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and went out

""Your Majesty, I have one more thing to ask of you!" Jiang Feng said, cupping his hands again.

The Queen Mother frowned,"What else?"

Jiang Feng grinned,"Your Majesty, I fell in love with your beloved daughter Princess Longji at first sight. I love her so much that I have no appetite."

"Therefore, I would like to ask the Queen to marry Princess Longji to me, so that we can be together and live together happily."

"It's better to order as soon as possible, and have the wedding night tonight!"

When Jiang Feng finished speaking, Queen Mother's pupils widened, and she suspected that she had heard it wrong, and she was stunned for a moment.

"What did you say?"


In the next moment, the Queen Mother was furious. She slapped the table hard with her palm and stood up.

The table was made of a kind of chaotic stone and was extremely hard, but under the palm of the Queen Mother, it was instantly turned into powder, as if it had never existed.

From this, the Queen Mother's inner anger was strong.

She was almost mad with anger. At this time, her body was trembling, and she didn't even care about her image as a noble mother of the world. It was she who set the heavenly rules of prohibiting the seven emotions and six desires, and the immortals and gods were not allowed to marry.

However, at this time, Jiang Feng made a request to her that violated the heavenly rules. It was so bold, Don't know how to live or die.

That would be fine, the most infuriating thing is that the person Jiang Feng wants to marry is actually her precious daughter, Princess Longji.

Princess Longji is regarded as a forbidden delicacy by the Queen Mother, and is the apple of her eye. It can be said that she is more precious than her own life.

So far, the Queen Mother has no intention of marrying her daughter off. She does not think that there are talents in the Three Realms and Six Paths that can match her daughter.

However, Jiang Feng threatened to marry her daughter and asked her daughter to marry him. He also said dirty words about tonight's bridal chamber. This is really infuriating.

The Queen Mother has lived for who knows how many years, but there has never been a moment when she was more angry than now.

"Jiang Feng, come out and die!"

At this moment, a roar that reached the sky and the earth was heard, extremely loud, spreading throughout the thirty-three layers of heaven.

"Oh no, it's Lingji Bodhisattva coming." Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, and his nerves were instantly tense.

There was boundless anger in that voice, shaking the world.

It can be imagined that if he was caught by Lingji Bodhisattva, he would definitely be destroyed and his soul would be scattered.

At this time, Lingji Bodhisattva's roar made the Queen Mother sober up a little.

With her mind racing, the Queen Mother couldn't help but shout,"Bastard, I will give you a death sentence!"

After saying that, the Queen Mother raised a jade hand and pressed it hard on Jiang Feng's chest at lightning speed.

This change was too sudden, happening in a flash, and Jiang Feng had no time to react.

In front of the Queen Mother, he was no different from an ant.

Immediately, Jiang Feng felt a terrifying force surging in and enveloping his entire body.

This force was vast and majestic, like the universe, boundless, endless, mysterious and unpredictable.

Jiang Feng could not resist it. In an instant, he felt an endless pain attack, and then he was swept away by the boundless force and flew out of Yaochi like an arrow from a string. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Feng lost consciousness.

Seeing this scene, the Queen Mother couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Not long after, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, rushed to Yaochi with a large number of troops.

"Madam, the God of Justice Jiang Feng……"

Before Li Jing finished speaking, the Queen Mother interrupted him and said in an extremely cold voice,"Li Tianwang, Jiang Feng's outrageous words are a violation of his superiors and a great crime of treason. His crime is unforgivable!"

"I order you to lead a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to capture Jiang Feng immediately. If he dares to resist, you can execute him first and report to me later!"

"ah……"Hearing this, Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, was stunned.

He was originally worried that the Queen Mother would protect Jiang Feng, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Li Jing smiled happily,"Jiang Feng, you little bastard, from now on, there is no place for you in heaven or on earth."

""I obey your command!" Li Jing was overjoyed, and then he walked out of Yaochi with great force.

He did not stop for a moment, and immediately dispatched troops and led them personally to capture Jiang Feng everywhere.

""Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, this time, I will definitely find out your background!" In the hall, the Queen Mother's eyes revealed a hint of conspiracy.

Just now, the reason why she"saved" Jiang Feng was not for the purpose of protecting him.

She felt that a mere Lingji Bodhisattva was not enough to show Jiang Feng's true trump card.

Since the plan has been implemented, let's start from the long term and see what means Jiang Feng has to deal with it and what his real trump card is.


In the human world, in a forest.

On a spacious lawn, a young man was lying. His clothes were ragged and torn, mixed with dark red blood, which looked shocking.

This young man was Jiang Feng.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng woke up slowly. He first moved his fingers, and then his eyes opened and closed.

But this simple action was extremely difficult for him.

It can be seen that he was seriously injured.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain and sat up, then took out the Three Lights Divine Water and poured a few drops on his body.

After just ten breaths, Jiang Feng recovered as before, as if nothing had happened.

"Why do I feel like the Queen Mother is not trying to kill me, but is trying to save me?"

Jiang Feng asked himself after changing into a clean and tidy Taoist robe and standing up.

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