His previous words, according to the Queen Mother's anger level, Jiang Feng might not be able to be killed even if he had ten lives.

But in fact, although the Queen Mother's palm was terrifying, it was mostly gentle. The purpose seemed not to kill him, but to send him out of heaven.

Jiang Feng only suffered some external injuries, and his soul was not damaged at all.

""It's intentional, it must be intentional, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are definitely targeting me." This further confirmed Jiang Feng's guess.

However, he couldn't guess what they were up to.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by the Queen Mother and obtained the Supreme Treasure Box. Do you want to open it?"

At this time, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.


Jiang Feng's head exploded, and in an instant, his whole body became hot and boiling.

His eyes were hot, bloodshot, passionate, unprecedentedly excited, and ecstatic.

The Supreme Treasure Box, this is the highest reward of the system.

The Black Gold Treasure Box has made Jiang Feng very reaping, allowing him to have the top-level cultivation footing and giving him precious cultivation resources, which can make him advance by leaps and bounds.

Then, how rich will the highest level of the Supreme Treasure Box be? Jiang Feng couldn't imagine it.

""Open, open." Jiang Feng said with a trembling voice.

He was so excited that every nerve ending was filled with impatience.

The system's crisp and pleasant reminder sounded immediately,"Congratulations to the host, you have opened the supreme treasure chest and obtained a marriage talisman!"

Jiang Feng pricked up his ears and listened carefully with expectation.

However, after the system finished speaking and announced a reward, it did not speak for a long time.

Jiang Feng could not help but get anxious, thinking that this naughty system was teasing him, and immediately said,"System, stop it, just say it all in one breath, I'm waiting anxiously, don't make fun of me!"

"That’s it!" The system replied immediately.

"Say, it's over.……"Jiang Feng was stunned, almost petrified on the spot,"System, are you kidding me? The highest level supreme treasure chest only has one reward, are you kidding me?"

"Indeed!" the system replied again.

"What! I……"Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, and he was stunned.

At this moment, his expression was extremely ugly, and he almost cried.

Just now, he was so excited and passionate, but now he was so frustrated and disappointed.

The contrast between the past and the present was extremely sharp, like falling from heaven to hell.

"You are such a jerk system, you are deceiving my feelings! I treat you like a father, but you treat me like a fool. Every treasure chest has at least three rewards, but now the highest level black gold treasure chest only has one reward."

"One item is fine, but you also gave me a broken marriage talisman. You think I lack love, right? I'm going to fuck you, you immortal board……"

Jiang Feng was furious and scolded the system.

If it was an ordinary immortal, he would have been drowned by Jiang Feng's saliva in a moment.

Fortunately, the system is a programmed thing and has no emotional color.

"Host, please stay calm. This marriage talisman is a supreme reward, but it is not as simple as you think."The system suddenly said.

But Jiang Feng could not calm down for a while,"You are kidding, you think I am a three-year-old child, what can be extraordinary about a marriage talisman?"

"Believe it or not, if I work hard, I can capture the most beautiful girl in heaven, the fairy Chang'e."

"I, Jiang Feng, am so handsome and heroic, am I someone who lacks women?@#*……"

Jiang Feng cursed again. But the system said calmly,"Host, your vision is too narrow. This marriage symbol has an unimaginable mysterious power. As long as you use your magic power to carve a name on the marriage symbol, you can achieve a love that lasts until death, never leaves, and lasts forever.""

"The most important thing is that the object of engraving can be anyone in the wild world."

"Anyone? Hmm, that's interesting." Jiang Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and then asked,"Saints are no exception?"

"Of course," the system responded crisply, but then changed the subject,"However, there is a prerequisite."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng's face changed immediately,"I knew there was a prerequisite. You are such a jerk of a system. You are such a jerk. My fantasy that just arose has been shattered by you, isn't it?"

"The prerequisite is that it must be a normal sexual orientation. The system will never allow other crooked ways.

"Isn't that nonsense? My sexual orientation has always been normal, but I'm still doing evil things. Are you disgusting? You dog system……"

As Jiang Feng was cursing, his voice suddenly stopped.

"So this is the prerequisite." Jiang Feng suddenly realized something and a smile appeared on his face.

"So, as long as I want, I can marry any woman in the prehistoric world and live together with her."

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng's mouth slowly opened up to his ears.

In just a few dozen breaths, Jiang Feng's face was like the weather, changing from cloudy to sunny.

This time, the system remained silent, obviously acquiescing.

"Wow, awesome! My good system! You are really my mascot! You are like my real father!……"

Jiang Feng was so excited that he stood up and almost danced.

If the system was a physical object, even if it was a piece of cow dung, Jiang Feng would hug it and kiss it.

After a long time, Jiang Feng suppressed his excitement and slowly calmed down. Then he began to think,"

Who should I choose as my other half? The most beautiful woman in heaven, Fairy Chang'e, Princess Longji, Fairy Sanxiao, Queen Mother……"

Fairies flashed through Jiang Feng's mind one after another like slides. Jiang Feng carefully considered and selected them.

If this scene were known to the outside world, it would surely cause an uproar and shake the nine heavens and ten earths.

Any of the fairies he mentioned was breathtakingly beautiful, with a noble temperament and otherworldly. Most importantly, they were of extraordinary status and noble identity. Overtly or covertly, countless people regarded them as goddesses in their hearts, thinking about them day and night, and dreaming of seeing them.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng selected them one by one, which was enough to scare people to death.

However, in the end, Jiang Feng rejected all the fairies he had come into contact with on a daily basis, and chose a woman who only existed in legends and had an extremely transcendent and noble status. After taking a few deep breaths, Jiang Feng immediately picked up the marriage talisman, and then mobilized his magic power and wrote two words on it very seriously, Nuwa!

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