"Great Immortal, what did you say?"

Six-eared Macaque was stunned, suspecting that he had heard it wrongly, and couldn't believe it.

Over the endless years, he had begged countless people to accept him as a disciple, but in return he was ridiculed and looked down upon, so he was a little unconvinced for a while.

"Get up, from today on, you are my disciple, Jiang Feng!"Jiang Feng replied again

"Daxian, no, Master, you are finally willing to accept me as your apprentice"

"Master, please accept my three kowtows!"

Six-eared Macaque's eyes welled up with tears. He immediately knelt at Jiang Feng's feet and kowtowed three times solemnly.

Then, he stood up, dancing and clapping his hands happily like a child.

"God has eyes, someone is finally willing to take me in as a disciple, I, the Six-Eared Macaque, finally have a master, ahahaha……"

The six-eared macaque laughed almost crazily, with his mouth wide open, just like the wise stone monkey Sun Wukong when he escaped from the Five Elements Mountain. After a long time, the six-eared macaque calmed down, knelt in front of Jiang Feng again and said:"Master, I want to learn some Taoist magic skills, please teach me." There was a gleam of desire in his eyes, this has always been his wish.

At the beginning, people of his generation had all become Daluo, free and easy, galloping across the world.

And now he is only a Golden Immortal, when thinking of this, the six-eared macaque felt bad.

His qualifications are not inferior to others, but he suffers from the lack of guidance, and he does not know where the direction of the road ahead is. He has been practicing all the way, like a blind man touching an elephant. It is not easy to become a Golden Immortal.

"It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. The so-called Taoist magic is just a small Taoist skill. You will comprehend these by yourself in the future. What your master wants to give you is the bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape!"

Jiang Feng said in an unfathomable way.

Liu'er Macaque was confused, but his expression was still full of expectations. No matter what, it was good that the master was willing to teach him.

Then, Jiang Feng did not stop, and immediately communicated with the system, and gave the Chaos Demon Ape bloodline he had just obtained to Liu'er Macaque.

This Chaos Demon Ape bloodline is of no great use to him, so it is better to give it to Liu'er Macaque and make the best use of it.

In fact, this Chaos Demon Ape bloodline is perfect for Liu'er Macaque.

Chaos Demon Ape was one of the three thousand demon gods in the chaotic period before the heaven and earth. After a fierce battle with the great god Pangu, the world was opened and the three thousand demon gods also fell.

The blood of the Chaos Demon Ape scattered and turned into the four monkeys of the later generations, namely the Red-butt Horse Monkey, the Tongbi Ape Monkey, the Lingming Stone Monkey and the Six-ear Macaque.

It can be said that the Chaos Demon Ape is the ancestor of Liu'er Macaque. If he inherits his bloodline, he will revert to his ancestors. In time, The Chaos Demon Ape of the past may not be unable to reappear in the world.


Above the head of the six-eared macaque, the dark passage opened, and then, a mysterious and unpredictable secret power of heaven and earth poured down, completely wrapping the six-eared macaque. The six-eared macaque suddenly floated up, and was attracted by this secret power of heaven and earth, and his body kept spinning.

This was the deepest transformation of the secret power of heaven and earth on him. During this process, the six-eared macaque had a painful and somewhat hideous expression.

In the end, the six-eared macaque gradually calmed down, and then showed a comfortable expression, as if he was enjoying something.

Finally, the mysterious passage closed, and the six-eared macaque floated down and stood on the ground. At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, it seemed as if two lightning bolts flashed across, illuminating the entire world.

In just an incense stick of time, the six-eared macaque was like a completely different person, completely different from before, and there were earth-shaking changes inside and out.

"Thank you for the teaching, Master!"


Six-eared Macaque knelt on the ground again, his excitement was beyond words, he couldn't hide it at all.

He was so excited, so excited. The bloodline teaching from the Master was incomparable to any other Taoist magic.

At this moment, his talent and qualifications were further improved. He had the foothold of the Chaos Demon God, unprecedentedly terrifying, and no less than those famous saints.

Moreover, in his bloodline, there was also the inheritance of the Taoist magic that belonged to the Chaos Demon Ape, which was incredibly powerful.

Six-eared Macaque was already fantasizing that after many years, he would reach the pinnacle and become a real Chaos Demon Ape. In the dark and lonely starry sky, with a pair of iron fists, he would fight against heaven and earth and sweep across the wilderness.

"Liu Er, get up quickly. Since you have become my disciple, I should teach you these things.

Jiang Feng helped Liu Er Macaque up, and then said,"Go find a secluded and safe place, concentrate on practicing, and don't be negligent. Remember, you can't come out before you become Daluo. Otherwise, I will not forgive you."

Jiang Feng was against the Western Buddhist sect, so that Liu Er Macaque would not participate in the Journey to the West and disrupt the fortune of the West.

"Disciple will follow the master's teachings!" How dare the six-eared macaque disobey?

"Well," Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand,"You go."

""Yes, Master!"

Liu Er Mihou stood up immediately, but the moment he turned his head, his heart was shocked and his eyes were red.

"Master, you……"The expression of the six-eared macaque was full of reluctance and nostalgia.

Although he had only been in contact with his master for a very short time, his master was the one he respected and revered the most, without a doubt.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng knew what was going on, and couldn't help but say,"Six-eared macaque, don't worry. Our relationship as master and disciple is not over yet, and we will meet again in the future."

Hearing this, the six-eared macaque's expression relaxed, and then he smiled and left. Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was now being hunted by the Heavenly Court and the Western Buddhist Sect, and there was a risk of killing at any time. There was really no way he could take the six-eared macaque with him.

"Let's go. I should find a quiet and safe place to avoid the limelight for a while."

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng arrived at the Southern Continent and entered a deep valley.

This place was very remote, uninhabited, and desolate. Even monsters were not seen, and birds did not shit. It was very suitable for Jiang Feng now.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Feng entered the deepest part of the valley and dug a cave as a place to stay.

He covered the entrance of the cave with rocks, and then sat cross-legged in the center, with his five hearts facing the sky, and slowly entered the state of cultivation.

He stretched out his hand, and a yellow-orange fruit jumped on it. , crystal clear, exuding a surging power, it is the Huangzhongli.

Jiang Feng has obtained this Huangzhongli for some time, but before that, he had no time to refine it because of various things in the heaven.

Now, he can take the opportunity to eat this fruit and concentrate on cultivation.

Huangzhongli is the most top-level innate spiritual root. It takes four Yuanhui to mature. Eating one can achieve Daluo Jinxian.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but be full of expectations,"Old bald donkey Lingji, when I achieve Daluo, I will make you bleed five steps!"

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