Taking a deep breath, Jiang Feng picked up the Huangzhong plum and put it into his mouth without hesitation. The Huangzhong plum melted in his mouth, but at that moment, Jiang Feng suddenly felt a burning sensation, as if he had eaten a landmine.

Then, the Huangzhong plum turned into a stream of juice, slid down Jiang Feng's throat, entered his lower abdomen, and then shuttled through his meridians.


Jiang Feng's face was grim, and beads of sweat kept falling from his forehead. He couldn't help but scream in pain.

The energy of the Huangzhongli was too powerful, like a prehistoric beast that had entered Jiang Feng's body, trampling and destroying his meridians wantonly.

The cool juice seemed to be condensed from thousands of sharp blades, sharp and indestructible.

Wherever it passed, it cut everything and destroyed everything, unstoppable.

At this time, it was vaguely visible that under the surface of Jiang Feng's skin, there were dark red blood threads, and they were constantly increasing, spreading all over his body.

This was a sign that his meridians were scratched or even cut open.

However, within a few dozen breaths, Jiang Feng was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his body was constantly shaking.

His face was extremely grim, and he was obviously enduring endless pain.

Huangzhongli is indeed effective. Eating one can be promoted to Daluo, but not everyone has this blessing.

Every moment, thousands of sharp blades cut Jiang Feng's body, causing him to suffer from piercing pain, as if his heart was being eaten by thousands of ants, which was too terrible to imagine.

However, Jiang Feng was extraordinary after all. His forehead was throbbing with veins, and he gritted his teeth. With his strong will, he endured the severe pain and used the last bit of his reason to frantically activate the Hongmeng Creation Sutra.

Rumble, rumble...

Suddenly, it was as if a super-large machine started working.

As the Hongmeng Creation Sutra was running, a strong energy was born from within, sweeping away everything, and nothing could stop it. The

Hongmeng Creation Sutra was worthy of being the first magical skill in the prehistoric world. Not long after, Jiang Feng gradually calmed down.

The violent and sharp power attributes in the yellow plum were all worn away by the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, and finally became neutral and peaceful, like a docile sheep, harmless to humans and animals.

In this way, it became easy and handy for Jiang Feng to refine and absorb it.

Just like that, everything was on track. Jiang Feng's face was calm, like an old monk in meditation, he slowly refined and absorbed the Huangzhongli, gradually transforming it into his own magic power.


The South Gate of Heaven.

Many heavenly soldiers and generals are guarding here. There are two people standing in the front, both wearing silver armor.

At this moment, one of them pricked up his ears, looking at the human world below, as if listening to something. The other one stared with his eyes, also constantly patrolling.

These two are the guards of the South Gate of Heaven, the Clairvoyance and the Wind-Hearing.

Their status is equivalent to the vanguard of the emperor on earth, and they are the eyes and ears of the Jade Emperor.

However, these days, they have been following the orders of Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, to monitor the human world at all times and search for Jiang Feng's traces, but there has been no progress.

"Sister Baihua, this trip with you to the human world to collect nectar is really worthwhile. I didn't expect there is such a delicious thing in the world!"

At this time, a cheerful and joyful voice sounded.

At the door, two beautiful and charming figures came together. They were Princess Longji and Fairy Baihua.

"Princess, although the human world cannot compare to the heaven, it also has many unique features."The Fairy of Flowers said with a smile, holding a flower basket in her hand.

"Qianli, have you found anything? My ears are almost deaf, and I don't have any clues."Shunfenger rubbed his red ears and complained.

"My eyes are almost numb from looking, and I didn't even see a hair of Jiang Feng." The Clairvoyant also shook his head, and then said,"Forget it, let's take a break first. Looking like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's not a solution at all."

"Anyway, Li Tianwang has already dispatched 100,000 heavenly soldiers to capture Jiang Feng, so we are not the only ones needed."

Princess Longji, who was passing by the South Gate of Heaven on her way back to Heaven, happened to hear the conversation between Qianliyan and Shunfenger. She was shocked for a moment, and her pretty face changed from joy to surprise.

"What are you talking about? Who dares to arrest Jiang Feng? Who gave you the courage?"

Princess Longji immediately stepped forward and questioned with her clairvoyant eyes and sharp ears.

The two of them were frightened and said in fear and trepidation,"Your Highness, it is, it is the Heavenly King Li who holds the pagoda."

"No, it was the Queen Mother's order to kill Jiang Feng without mercy."

"What! Kill without mercy! An order from my mother?"

Princess Longji was shocked and asked immediately,"What happened? Tell me the truth. If you dare to lie, be careful of your dog heads."

"Princess, calm down, it's like this……"

At that moment, the two of them told each other everything that had happened before. However, they did not know what happened in Yaochi that day, and why the Queen Mother wanted to kill Jiang Feng.

"How could this happen?"Princess Longji frowned deeply, confused.

She could never have imagined that after she and the Fairy of Flowers had been playing in the lower world for a few days, such a huge change happened in the Heavenly Palace, and her mother actually wanted to kill Jiang Feng.

The next moment, without caring about the Fairy of Flowers, Princess Longji turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the Yaochi Lake as fast as possible. She wanted to ask her mother clearly.


Princess Longji rushed there in a hurry, and immediately asked impatiently:"Mother, what happened? Why do you want to kill Jiang Feng?"

Seeing this, the Queen Mother frowned. She didn't expect her daughter's reaction to be so strong.

After a pause, the Queen Mother couldn't help but reply,"Longji, this Jiang Feng is too bold and too hateful,

���, he actually said that he fell in love with you at first sight and wanted you to marry him, and also said that he wanted to get married and consummate the marriage as soon as possible. This is simply treasonous and he doesn't know how to live or die!"

The Queen Mother tossed her sleeves and mentioned this matter with a belly full of anger, wishing to tear Jiang Feng into pieces.

Hearing this, Princess Longji was not angry at all, but her beautiful eyes lit up, and she was a little happy

""Mother, did Jiang Feng really say that?"

Princess Longji hugged the Queen Mother's arm, her pretty face filled with joy, and asked with some anticipation.

Seeing her daughter like this, the Queen Mother's pupils widened,"Longji, what's with that expression on your face? Could it be that you really like that Jiang Feng?"

As if her thoughts were seen through, Princess Longji quickly turned her back and said shyly,"How could that be?""

"I just think that even if Jiang Feng said that, he is not guilty of death! Mother, you are making a fuss, please take back your decision!"

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