The people of the Kingdom of Women were extremely enthusiastic and unrestrained. They rushed forward and surrounded Jiang Feng in the middle. They were like stars in the sky, and he attracted everyone's attention.

For a moment, no matter old or young, they all stared at Jiang Feng, and even drooled, as if they wanted to eat him.

Since the founding of the Kingdom of Women, there have been only women, and no men have ever come.

They are all normal women, and naturally have endless fantasies about men on weekdays.

Now that a real man has appeared, and he is so handsome and powerful, they can't control themselves. They all scrambled to marry Jiang Feng and work for him like a cow and a horse.

If it weren't for the fact that they were in public, these women still retained a trace of reserve, and they would probably throw themselves directly into Jiang Feng's arms, and even do more inappropriate things.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a headache. He had also imagined a scene of being surrounded by flowers and stars, but it was not this scene.

Some pretty girls would be fine, but the key point is that a woman with big arms and waist, who is three times bigger than Jiang Feng and looks more manly than a man, also came up and winked at Jiang Feng.

If it weren't for the fact that her chest was bulging and her gender characteristics were obvious, Jiang Feng would have suspected that a man had sneaked into the country of women.

For a moment, even though Jiang Feng was a Taiyi Jinxian with great magical powers and boundless magic power, he was a little overwhelmed by such a scene.

"Well, ladies, may I ask where the Imperial City is? I have something important to ask Her Majesty the Queen!" Jiang Feng hurriedly said business, his lower abdomen was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, although these women were unrestrained, they were also simple and enthusiastic, and were very happy to serve Jiang Feng. At that moment, many people came forward to lead the way for Jiang Feng.

Not long after, Jiang Feng arrived at the Imperial City of the Kingdom of Women.

During this period, the news that a man had come to the Kingdom of Women, and that he was a handsome and elegant young man, quickly spread throughout the Kingdom of Women.

In front of the Imperial City, someone had already been waiting there in advance.

"Sir, do you want to see Her Majesty the Queen?"

A heroic female officer came forward and asked with a smile.

Jiang Feng nodded,"Yes, please introduce me to her, sir.""

"Come with me!"

The female officer was gentle and smiled, and then she led Jiang Feng into the imperial city.

She led the way in front, but she kept looking back, couldn't help but look at Jiang Feng, and a shy smile rose at the corner of her lips, and I don't know what she was thinking.

Not long after, Jiang Feng arrived at the palace.

In a magnificent and splendid hall, Her Majesty the Queen sat on the throne, obviously waiting here for a long time, with a fair and pretty face full of anticipation.

Although Jiang Feng was not in good condition at the moment, he was still amazed by the Queen of the Kingdom of Women..

Her eyebrows are like emerald feathers, her skin is like mutton fat, her face is lined with peach petals, her temples are piled with golden phoenix silk, her eyes are charming, and her figure is seductive.

Although Her Majesty the Queen is an ordinary person in the mortal world, she has an extraordinary temperament and is not worldly. She is like a fairy from the sky.

She sat there quietly, elegant and dignified, wearing a royal robe, noble and prominent, and people dared not blaspheme.

It is no exaggeration to say that even many fairies in the sky would feel ashamed in front of Her Majesty the Queen.

""Greetings, Her Majesty the Queen!"

After a moment of distraction, Jiang Feng quickly reacted and saluted.

However, on the high seat, Her Majesty the Queen's clear eyes were fixed on Jiang Feng, and she kept looking at him. For a moment, the air seemed to be still.

Her Majesty the Queen seemed not to hear Jiang Feng's greeting, and her eyes were still wandering.

Her eyes were like appreciating a landscape painting, revealing an obsessive look, immersed in it, unable to extricate herself.

""Your Majesty!"

Upon seeing this, the imperial teacher at the side hurried forward and tapped Her Majesty as a reminder.

Her Majesty then came to her senses, but she was very generous and not shy at all.

Then, she slightly opened her cherry lips, vaguely revealing her crystal teeth, and said softly,"May I ask your name, sir? What brings you to my Xiliang Women's Kingdom?"

Jiang Feng hurriedly replied,"Your Majesty, my name is Jiang Feng, and I like to travel around the world. I accidentally entered the Women's Kingdom a few days ago, but I drank the water of the Mother and Child River by mistake. After a while, I felt uncomfortable in my stomach. After asking, I learned that this river water is magical and drinking it will make you give birth to a child."

"Please, Her Majesty, show us the way!"

"Ah! You drank the water from the Zimu River, haha……"

Her Majesty the Queen was startled at first, then she couldn't help but laugh with her hands covering her mouth, making a sound like a silver bell.

At this moment, Her Majesty the Queen was in her full glory, as if even the heaven and earth melted in her smile, the sun and the moon dimmed, and all the flowers lost their color.

"How can you drink the water from the Zimu River? That's for us women."

"Yes, if you drink it, you will have babies, and they will all be girls."

"It's so funny. I've never seen a man give birth to a child. To be honest, I really want to see it."

"I'm really curious, where do men give birth to children?"


In the hall, Her Majesty the Queen and the others were all laughing and having a blast.

Jiang Feng frowned and smiled bitterly. He really had no way to deal with these defenseless women.

"Please show me a way, Your Majesty!" Jiang Feng said again.

Seeing this, the Queen raised her hand and everyone stopped laughing. Then she couldn't help but say:"Don't panic, Mr. Jiang. There is a way to solve this problem. In the south of our city, there is a Jieyang Mountain. There is a Juxian Temple in the mountain. There is a spring there that can cause miscarriage. As long as you drink a sip of the water from the spring, you will be safe."

"However, this Juxian Temple……"


Before Her Majesty the Queen finished her words, Jiang Feng had already turned into a flash of lightning, casting a golden light, and rushed towards the Juxian Temple impatiently.

Immediately, his ghostly speed stunned everyone.

The beautiful eyes of the Queen of the Kingdom of Women were full of surprise. The next moment, the corners of her lips could not help but slightly curl up, revealing an intriguing arc, and she murmured to herself,"It turns out to be a young immortal!" The

Kingdom of Women is a mortal country, and magical powers and magic all exist in legends. But as the ruler of a country, Her Majesty the Queen has extraordinary experience and has witnessed the immortals with her own eyes.


Heaven, Yaochi.

After Fairy Baihua came back, she rushed here immediately to report Jiang Feng's situation to Queen Mother.

"Sister Baihua, you actually met Jiang Feng in the human world. Where is he? How is he? Is he okay?

Princess Longji was very excited, and her pretty face showed a full of concern. She kept asking questions.

"Don't worry, Princess, he's fine. It's just that," Fairy Baihua suddenly changed her tone,"we unexpectedly ran into the ancient demon prince Lu Ya, who wanted to ask Jiang Feng for the key to the prison.……"

"What! Taoist Lu Ya, how could he encounter such a terrifying existence? How is Jiang Feng now? Sister Baihua, please tell me quickly!"

Princess Longji's heart tightened instantly, and even her breathing became heavy.

The Queen Mother beside her also frowned, with a hint of worry. Jiang Feng would not be killed by Taoist Lu Ya!

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