"Don't worry, Princess. He's fine. At the critical moment, he used some kind of magical power to tear the space apart and instantly transferred us from Nanzhanbuzhou to Xiniuhezhou without leaving any trace!" Fairy Baihua said hurriedly.

"It's good that you're okay, it's good that you're okay." Princess Longji patted her chest, and a huge stone in her heart suddenly fell.

The Queen Mother opened her eyes wide, suspecting that she had heard it wrong, and immediately confirmed,"Baihua, are you saying that Jiang Feng took you away from under the nose of a quasi-saint? And it was an ancient powerful being like Lu Ya Taoist?"

"Although I can't believe it, it is indeed the truth!" Fairy Baihua said affirmatively.

Hearing this, even the Queen Mother couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, feeling incredible.

Jiang Feng is now just a small Taiyi Golden Immortal. In front of the Quasi-Saint, he is as weak as an ant and can be easily controlled.

But he escaped openly, which was too shocking and completely beyond the Queen Mother's understanding.

"This brat is indeed extraordinary. If there is no unimaginable super existence behind him, how can he achieve this?"

The Queen Mother was more certain of her original guess, and even inferred that the supreme existence behind Jiang Feng was definitely a terrifying figure beyond her and the Jade Emperor.

"Who is it? Wait and see. I want to see how he can escape the Buddhist killing order issued by Tathagata Buddha himself if the existence behind him does not take action."The Queen Mother was full of expectation.

"Madam, Jiang Feng asserted that the Taoist Lu Ya had been secretly eyeing the Heavenly Court and wanted to rescue the Nine Infants Demon Commander imprisoned in the depths of the Heavenly Prison. We'd better be careful!" Fairy Baihua reminded

"It doesn't matter," Queen Mother waved her hand nonchalantly,"Although Taoist Lu Ya is strong, our Heavenly Court is no pushover. If he really dared to rescue the Nine Infants Demon Marshal, he would not have waited until now to find Jiang Feng."


The human world, the Kingdom of Women.

Jiang Feng galloped all the way, heading towards the south of the city.

In just a moment, he arrived at Jieyang Mountain. Under the powerful coverage of his divine thoughts, he quickly locked onto the location of Juxian Temple.

Jiang Feng immediately leaned down. This was a somewhat dilapidated Taoist temple. About the center, there was a very conspicuous spring, and layers of magical white water vapor were steaming from the mouth of the spring.

There is no doubt that this is the Luotai Spring.

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and a look of joy appeared on his face. He immediately stepped forward, bent down, and prepared to scoop a mouthful of spring water to drink to solve the urgent problem.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng frowned, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart, as if there was a thorn in his back.

Without time to drink water, Jiang Feng quickly dodged to the side.


At the moment he dodged, a golden light came from behind, as sharp as a knife, slashing beside the Luotai Spring, leaving a deep gully on the ground.

"Hmm?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frowned,"Who dared to attack me from behind?"

Turning around, a Taoist priest came into view. He had black hair and beard, a star crown on his head, a golden robe, cloud shoes on his feet, and a precious belt around his waist. He looked like a decent person.

"Who are you? Why did you come here uninvited and plot against my abortion spring?"The Taoist stared at Jiang Feng, his eyes showing a cold look.

"Ruyi Zhenxian!"Jiang Feng suddenly remembered that in the Journey to the West, the one who guarded the abortion spring was Ruyi Zhenxian.

This person is the brother of Bull Demon King and the uncle of Red Boy.

"Great Immortal, I accidentally drank the water from the Zimu River, so I came here to borrow some abortion spring water to save myself." Jiang Feng clasped his hands together and spoke kindly.

However, Ruyi Zhenxian had a stern expression and didn't seem to appreciate it. He replied indifferently,"If you come here with sincerity and ask for advice humbly, I can give you some spring water. But you trespassed without permission and wanted to drink my spring water, which is a theft. I can't agree to it even if I ask you."

Jiang Feng frowned and thought for a moment, then said,"I am rude, Great Immortal, please calm down."

""Excuse me, Immortal, how much can you give me this abortion spring water?" Jiang Feng asked straight to the point.

As far as he knew, this Immortal Ruyi was a person who sold water for profit. As long as there was enough profit, there was nothing that could not be done.

Sure enough, Immortal Ruyi immediately changed his words,"If you are willing to take out a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, this abortion spring water is at your disposal."

"What! A top-grade innate spiritual treasure, aren't you asking for too much?"

Jiang Feng replied coldly, with an unhappy look on his face.

Top-grade innate spiritual treasures are so rare that many Golden Immortals don't even have them. Even if Jiang Feng is rich, he can't be so generous. This is a waste of money!

"Since you don't have it, just go back to where you came from. Forget about the abortion spring water."

Ruyi Zhenxian waved his hand, as if he was sending away a beggar, with a firm attitude and an appearance that would not tolerate negotiation.

Jiang Feng was immediately furious. A mere Ruyi Zhenxian really thought he was an important person.

Moreover, the abortion spring water was formed naturally, not created by Ruyi Zhenxian.

In the ancient world, one thing subdues another. There is the mother and child river water, and there is naturally the abortion spring water that can save people. They are born and raised by nature, not created by individuals. Ruyi

Zhenxian was just the first to discover it, and he took it for himself to make a profit.

At this time, he actually opened his mouth and wanted to kill Jiang Feng. That was absolutely impossible.

""Ruyi Zhenxian!" Jiang Feng suddenly yelled,"I see you are not willing to accept my toast, so I will ask you one last time, will you give me this abortion spring water or not?"

"How dare you! You can't run wild in this Juxian Temple!"

Ruyi Zhenxian also shouted angrily, and then suddenly attacked.

With a thought, a Ruyi Golden Hook appeared, and then the magic power surged, pouring into it, and hit Jiang Feng like a rotten wood.

Jiang Feng didn't care, and didn't use any magic weapon at the moment, only using his physical body to fight.

Clang clang clang...

The crisp sound of fine iron clashing rang out, and in just three punches and two kicks, Ruyi Zhenxian was repelled by Jiang Feng.

Ruyi Zhenxian and Jiang Feng are in the same realm, but the Ruyi Golden Hook he uses is just a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. How can it be compared with Jiang Feng, who has reached the fifth turn of the Nine Turns Profound Art.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Ruyi Zhenxian and obtained a diamond-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

""Open!" Jiang Feng said without thinking, dealing with a mere Ruyi Zhenxian is not enough to make him spend too much time.

"Congratulations to the host for opening a diamond-level treasure chest and obtaining a fragment of the Zhuxian formation map, a Tongtian Order, and a great killing technique!"

""Huh? What kind of reward is this?" Jiang Feng's heart skipped a beat, he was horrified, this time the reward seemed a little bit out of the ordinary.

At this time, the defeated Ruyi Zhenxian was unwilling to give up, and drove the Ruyi Golden Hook again, coming towards Jiang Feng to kill him.

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