
Suddenly, the wind howled in the Vajra Demon Subduing Circle, cold and piercing, as if a gap had opened in the sky, surging with a surging devouring force.

It turned out that it was the Bag Arhat who made the move. He offered up the Qiankun Treasure Bag, facing the sky, and aimed the bag at Jiang Feng, wanting to take him in.

Jiang Feng didn't care,"You want to take me in with this little trick? Well, I'll let you see what the Qiankun technique is!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Feng urged the power of Hongmeng. In an instant, the cuff of his right hand swelled up, vaguely seeming to be infinitely expanding, like a prehistoric beast opening its bloody mouth.

After being promoted to the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, Jiang Feng's magic power became even stronger and more powerful, like a bottomless pit, and at this time it was poured into Jiang Feng's cuffs in an endless stream.

In an instant, Jiang Feng's cuffs became a world of their own, recreating the world.

Under the mighty and terrifying power of heaven and earth, the monk felt as if he was facing the world, feeling unprecedented loneliness and helplessness.

Jiang Feng's figure stretched infinitely in his eyes, making him feel like he was looking up to a mountain, majestic and boundless.

There was no suspense. In just a few breaths, the cloth bag arhat and his treasure bag of heaven and earth were put into Jiang Feng's sleeves.

Although he was at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Jiang Feng used his peerless magical power of the art of heaven and earth in his sleeves to completely crush the opponent, leaving him without any resistance.

At the same time, the laughing lion arhat and the tower-holding arhat attacked one after another. The laughing lion arhat made seals with his hands, and like a butterfly flying through flowers, he drew a mysterious trajectory in the air in front of him. At a certain moment, he suddenly blasted out with a palm and hit a fearless lion seal.


Immediately, a mad lion rushed out from his palm, roared to the sky, and shook the earth.

The voice was vigorous and powerful, deafening, and full of power, as if it came from the roar of a giant beast in the chaotic period, with waves of air rushing into the sky and breaking the earth.

The giant lion was huge, with a body length of more than a thousand feet, standing tall like a giant mountain. It was covered with a layer of bright red hair, which was shiny and oily, like the finest silk, and like a raging flame, ready to burn the world.

This is a great magical power, lifelike and vivid, like a giant mountain of chaos suppressing, with great force and power, unstoppable.

On the other side, the Pagoda-Bearing Arhat waved his hand, and a seven-story pagoda suddenly appeared, and then it swelled up in the wind, and infinite Buddha light shone on the world, suppressing Jiang Feng mightily.

Jiang Feng's eyes were like torches, and his mind moved. In the middle of his eyebrows, a vertical eye slowly opened and closed, surrounded by mysterious patterns. It was the great magical power to break delusion.


Jiang Feng uttered a word lightly, and the next moment, a large amount of destructive light suddenly shot out from the eyes of the Devil-Breaking God.

This destructive force was black and gray, representing despair and destruction. It was endlessly gathered together, like a destructive storm, so powerful that it seemed to be able to destroy even light.

With Jiang Feng's current cultivation, he was fully capable of releasing the power of this great magical power.

At this time, the destructive storm swept out, destroying everything in its path. There was nothing to stop it.

The Laughing Lion Arhat's Fearless Lion Seal collided with it, and it instantly disappeared, crumbling as if it had never appeared.

Moreover, the Destruction Storm continued to rush forward, sweeping over the Laughing Lion Arhat, causing him to be seriously injured on the spot, spitting blood and flying backwards. The Laughing

Lion Arhat usually had a smiling face, an optimistic and positive attitude, and he would always smile even when he encountered great setbacks and failures. But at this moment, his face was gloomy and extremely blue, as ugly as if he had eaten a pile of shit.

""Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!"

Jiang Feng did not stop, and immediately shouted again, and sacrificed this top-grade innate spiritual treasure that the system rewarded from Taiyi Zhenren.

There was no other way. At present, there were powerful enemies all around, and several Arhats attacked at the same time. Although Jiang Feng was not afraid at all, he did not dare to underestimate them, and how could he hide his weakness?


As soon as the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover came out, suddenly, there was a loud and high dragon roar that resounded through the world, breaking the sky.

It can be clearly seen that above Jiang Feng's head, nine fire dragons soared into the sky, each of which was a thousand feet tall, with raging flames and surging endlessly.

As soon as they appeared, they surrounded the Pagoda-Bearing Arhat in the middle as if they had spirituality, and then attacked in groups.


For a moment, nine fire dragons flew up and down towards the Pagoda-Bearing Arhat in the middle, and they all sprayed flames wildly at the same time.

This flame is not an ordinary fire, but the Samadhi True Fire. As long as ordinary Golden Immortals are stained with a little spark, they will be It was reduced to ashes in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, nine fire dragons spewed flames from their mouths, and instantly turned into a raging sea of fire, engulfing the Pagoda-Bearing Arhat.

How could his seven-story pagoda resist? Not only that, but it was also burning and melting.

As for the Pagoda-Bearing Arhat, he had disappeared, and only a shrill scream was heard, as if a pig was being slaughtered, heartbreaking.

In this way, Jiang Feng showed his divine power. Facing several Arhats attacking at the same time, it should have been a situation where two fists could not defeat four hands, but he used various means to defeat them all.

This scene stunned the Eighteen Arhats and the Eight Vajra. Under the blessing of the Vajra Demon Subduing Circle, the Eighteen Arhats were all at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm. Any one of them could stand alone. However, facing Jiang Feng alone at this time, they were defeated one after another, one more miserable than the other, which made them shocked.

""Pagoda-holding Arhat, don't panic, we are here to save you!"

As the voice sounded, the Deer-sitting Arhat, the Joyful Arhat, the Bowl-holding Arhat, the Meditation Arhat and the Gate-guarding Arhat all went out, biting the bullet and going deep into the sea of fire, desperately trying to rescue the Pagoda-holding Arhat.

Jiang Feng ignored them, he raised his arm, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the Bag-holding Arhat out of his sleeve.

He grabbed the collar of the Bag-holding Arhat, exerted force, and pulled the Bag-holding Arhat out like a chicken.

"You bald ass, you dare to mess with me, a country boy like you!"

"Did Liang Jingru give you the courage? Or do you think you can do whatever you want just because you have more people?"

"Go back and tell that old bald donkey, Buddha Tathagata, that no one can mess with me. One day, I will rush to Lingshan Mountain, destroy the Leiyin Temple, and twist off the bald head of that old bald donkey!"



Jiang Feng said as he stretched out his palm and slapped the big face of the cloth bag arhat one after another.

Each slap was solid, and the sound was earth-shaking and shocking, like a thunder.

Jiang Feng's Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art has been cultivated to the fifth revolution. His physical body is so strong that he is superior to the top-grade innate spiritual treasure. You can imagine how powerful he is.

After just a few slaps, the cloth bag arhat was swollen like a pig's head, and his appearance was quite miserable.

He was furious, but he was caught in Jiang Feng's hand, and his whole body was soft and he couldn't use any strength, so he could only let Jiang Feng hit him.

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