"Master, Master, no, Master Jiang, I was wrong, please stop hitting me. Please stop hitting me.……"

The cloth bag arhat puffed up his swollen cheeks and squeezed out a voice with difficulty.

After only ten or eight palms, this arhat was actually beaten to tears by Jiang Feng.

It was not that his bones were not hard enough, but Jiang Feng's slaps were too painful.

Each slap was like a top-grade innate spiritual treasure hitting his face, burning and painful, the feeling was beyond words.

At this moment, the news here had already spread. The Western Buddhist sect mobilized a large number of troops and dispatched 26 Taiyi Golden Immortals to capture one person. This was unprecedented in the past.

During Jiang Feng's fight, the cultivators of various sects and many monsters around him stood by and watched, looking like they were watching the excitement.

Originally, they thought that Jiang Feng would definitely be executed, and the Buddhist killing order issued by the Buddha himself could finally come to an end.

However, they never expected that Jiang Feng would show his divine power and defeat them one by one.

At this time, he even picked up the cloth bag arhat, like a grandfather beating up his grandson, and slapped him one after another, rudely and directly.

Jiang Feng even spoke wildly, and insulted the Tathagata Buddha, the master of the Great Leiyin Temple. This is simply treason!

Since the Conferred God Tribulation, the power of Western Buddhism has been unprecedentedly large, and it has never suffered such a humiliation!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Feng is the number one madman in the Three Realms.

At this time, several arhats tried their best to rescue the Pagoda-Holding Arhat.

However, the Pagoda-Holding Arhat was charred all over, as if he had turned into a piece of black charcoal, emitting a strong smell of burnt, and his appearance was as miserable as it could be.

A dignified Buddhist arhat was almost burned to death

""Everyone, come together!"

The Dragon-Subduing Arhat suddenly roared loudly, his voice hoarse.

In the next moment, many Arhats and the Eight Vajra attacked at the same time, and their magical powers and magic weapons were fully displayed.

There was the terrible power of the Vajra to subdue the demons, as well as the power of many magical powers and magic weapons, which condensed together and combined into an energy storm, sweeping across the world and engulfing everything.

"It's time to end it all!"

Jiang Feng smiled lightly. These people in front of him were not worth mentioning, but Jiang Feng knew that he could not linger in the battle and had to fight quickly.

Otherwise, if it was delayed until the Bodhisattva or the Buddha came, it would be really difficult to escape.


In an instant, Jiang Feng's fighting spirit soared, his magic power surged, and his momentum rose sharply. In an instant, he was as vast as the starry sky and as vast as the ocean.

Then, Jiang Feng stretched out his hands, and two top-grade innate spiritual treasures, the Immortal-Slaying Sword and the Sun-Shooting Bow, leaped on it.

Under his mobilization, the power of Hongmeng was madly poured into it, inexhaustible, like a surging river, rushing endlessly.

Soon, a little chill condensed on the tip of the sword. Under the sunlight, it was extremely cold and sharp.

At the same time, Jiang Feng bent his knees and bowed, and with his other hand pulled the Sun-Shooting Bow, which instantly became a full moon shape.

Under the surging magic power, A sun-shooting arrow suddenly took shape, shining brightly like a small sun, illuminating all directions, dazzling people so that they could not open their eyes. At this moment, Jiang Feng held his breath, and when his energy and spirit were condensed to the peak, he drew his bow with both hands and launched a thundering attack.

It is not easy for an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal to manipulate a top-grade innate spiritual treasure and use it skillfully, but Jiang Feng has cultivated the first magic skill in the prehistoric world, which is extraordinary and powerful. He can control the two treasures as easily as his own arms and at will.

It can be clearly seen that Jiang Feng is very familiar with it, and seems to be at ease and relaxed.


A sword beam like a silk thread passed by, rubbing violently with the space, and a sharp sound was heard at the moment, as if to tear the space apart.

This sword beam is a thousand feet long, like a huge waterfall, pouring down from the sky, carrying an unparalleled The impact was so great that it shook the world.

On the other side, the Sun-Shooting Arrow shot out and turned into a golden lightning, leaving a long tail flame in the sky, aiming directly at the Vajra Demon Subduing Circle. The

Immortal-Slaying Sword and the Sun-Shooting Arrow were sharper and sharper than each other. At this moment, Jiang Feng used them to the extreme. He was like a god who could kill gods and Buddhas who could kill Buddhas. He had the momentum to sweep across the world and be invincible.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world seemed to be frozen.

In this whole world, there was only the dazzling cold light emitted by the Immortal-Slaying Sword and the Sun-Shooting Arrow. It was extremely dazzling, making the world pale in comparison, the sun and the moon dim, and nothing could compete with it.

The terrible killing power and penetrating power, just a glance at it would make people feel dead and cold all over.

Rumble, rumble...

Before long, a shocking explosion was heard.

The two collided, shocking the world. The ground instantly turned into a sea of energy, and all kinds of turbulent currents shot out, drowning the world. It was a blur, and no one knew what the battle was like.

Not long after, everything gradually calmed down, and suddenly there was a shrill howl in the field, heartbreaking, as if one's parents had died.

A group of spectators raised their heads, looking at the center of the battlefield, staring at it without blinking.


The breeze blew away the smoke and dust, and the scene in the center of the battlefield gradually appeared.

Immediately, a group of spectators were dumbfounded, their eyeballs almost fell out, and they were all petrified on the spot.

The solid Vajra Demon Subduing Circle had long disappeared, and the eight Vajra fell in eight different positions, all holding their chests, vomiting blood, and in a miserable state.

On the other hand, Jiang Feng still stood there, motionless as a mountain, as calm as ever, without even a hair being hurt.

As for the Eighteen Arhats, the result is also imaginable.

Once the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle was broken, they lost the power of Vajra Subduing Demons and were all beaten back to their original forms. They were like a pile of loose sand in front of Jiang Feng. How could they have the strength to fight?

"What happened? How could this happen? This shouldn't happen.……"

"Was it my eyes that were blurry? Jiang Feng was not hurt at all?"

"How is this possible? Jiang Feng fought against 26 Taiyi Golden Immortals and actually defeated the Western Buddhist Sect!"

"The Eight Vajras and the Eighteen Arhats are all well-known names in the three realms. But now they look like they are made of paper and so vulnerable!"

"This is too unreasonable and illogical. When twenty-six Taiyi Golden Immortals join forces, who among the same level can compete with them?"

"What is the origin of Jiang Feng? Could he be the reincarnation of a Chaos God or Demon? Otherwise, how could he be so terrifying?"


After a moment, the crowd suddenly exploded, and there was a commotion that could not be calmed down for a long time.

The strength displayed by Jiang Feng was too overwhelming, which made their hearts tremble wildly, and their souls were trembling.

This scene was beyond their comprehension!

How could they be so powerful as Taiyi Jinxian? This was incredible.

At the same time, the Heavenly Court was also paying close attention.

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