The sudden appearance of the monstrous karma alarmed everyone in Lingshan

"What's going on? Where does all this karma come from?"

"Such a strong karma, what a huge sin this must have been."

"Oh no, hurry up and clear these karmas, otherwise the whole Lingshan will be polluted."


The faces of all the practitioners on the Lingshan Mountain changed drastically, and they looked at the black karma fire that covered the Lingshan Mountain in horror.

They could feel the endless evil power coming from above, which was an evil power that polluted the soul.


The ancient Buddha Ran Deng appeared, chanted the Buddha's name, and looked solemnly at the fire of karma that spread throughout the Lingshan Mountain.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Black spiritual energy flowed along Lingshan Mountain to a group of ancient Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and others.

They were all Buddhists, and when Lingshan Mountain was eroded by karma, it would naturally be shared by them.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The entire western sky suddenly became gloomy, black flames rushed into the sky, and waves of black air were emitted into the sky.

"What's going on? The karma in the West is so strong?"

"The West is the territory of Buddhism. Could it be that something major has happened to Buddhism?"

"hiss...Such a heavy karma! How many lives have been slaughtered by Buddhism?"


The karma rising from Lingshan Mountain was sensed by the great monks in the Three Realms, and their faces suddenly changed.

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng looked at the blazing karma fire on Lingshan Mountain and deduced with a solemn face. He did not believe that the dark clouds on Lingshan Mountain would cause such terrible karma. There must be a reason.


After a while, Randeng got the result. The root of the matter appeared in Tathagata. It was he who brought these karmas to Lingshan.

Randeng Ancient Buddha looked to the east. He naturally knew that Tathagata went east to subdue Sun Sheng and prepare for the spread of Buddhism to the east.

"Could it be that these karmas are related to Sun Sheng?"

As a past Buddha of Buddhism, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng naturally knew about Sun Sheng's affairs, and thought to himself

""Ancient Buddha, what should we do now?"

A Bodhisattva walked up to the ancient Buddha Ran Deng and asked.

Everyone looked at the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, hoping that he could stand up and take charge of the situation. After all, the Lingshan Mountain was in trouble, and someone had to stand up.

"Amitabha, our Buddhism is facing a major crisis right now. These karmas are also the calamities of our Buddhism. We should respond to the calamities and use the Dharma to save these karmas."

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng chanted the Buddha's name, and the Buddha's light rose from his body, and he walked towards the center of Lingshan.


Seeing this, a group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats followed Changsong and chanted the Buddha's name, following behind the ancient Buddha Dipankara, with extremely solemn expressions.

A moment later!

"Namo Amitabha!"

""Om, Mani, Padme Hum!"

The chanting, accompanied by the six-syllable Buddhist mantra, resounded throughout the Lingshan Mountain.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

Buddha's light shines everywhere. Lingshan suddenly rises with endless Buddha's light, which dispels the black fire of karma.

Although Lingshan is a holy place of Buddhism, it is afraid that it cannot eliminate so much karma in a short time.......


Lingxiao Palace!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother felt the infinite breath of karma coming from the west, and their faces changed at the same time. They finally understood why Tathagata had just stopped the karma from flying away from him.

It turned out that the black fire of karma left Tathagata and burned all the way to Lingshan.

Looking at Tathagata who was entangled in black karma in the field, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, their eyes full of relief and fear.

Now even a fool can understand that the appearance of these karmas is definitely related to Sun Sheng. If Sun Sheng had just thrown these karmas to the Heaven, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this time, the disaster of Buddhism might have fallen on the head of the Heaven.

"Fortunately, Tathagata was invited."

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were afraid, but they were secretly delighted, looking at Tathagata with sympathy.

This wave was definitely a bloody profit. It not only diverted the great crisis that the Heavenly Court might face, but also threw this great crisis to Western Buddhism.

This is karma, the source of evil that all gods and immortals are afraid of. Just throwing it to Lingshan like this will have a huge impact on Buddhism.

The Jade Emperor felt that even if Sun Sheng was captured by Tathagata at this time, he would not have much objection in his heart.......

Tushita Palace!

"What a heavy karma!"

Taishang Laojun was stunned, looking towards the west, feeling the endless karma coming from there, and his expression was also a little stunned.

He wanted to use Sun Sheng's hand to destroy Buddhism. His original plan was to let Sun Sheng rush and kill for a while to make Western Buddhism upset, but now these karmas have come out, Western Buddhism is more than upset, and probably their faces are green. The

Laojun on the stage calculated in his heart that even with the power of Buddhism, it would take at least hundreds of years to completely resolve the karma on Lingshan.

"This monkey is beyond my expectation. Where did he get so much karma?"

Taishang Laojun chuckled in his heart, and at the same time he was very curious about where Sun Sheng got so much karma.

After all, karma is what practitioners fear the most. Did Sun Sheng carry it with him? And finally threw it to Tathagata?.......

Lingxiao Palace!

Sun Sheng didn't know how big a stir those karma pills he threw out had caused in the Three Realms.

He walked in front of Tathagata, looked at Tathagata who was still surrounded by black air, and said lightly:"Tathagata, did you lose the bet between us?"

""Sun Sheng, you won dishonorably and plotted against my master."

Nanhai Guanyin Shengsheng said, her face full of anger.

She is also a Buddhist. Because Lingshan was polluted by karma, a faint black aura appeared on her body. This is karma.

Don't underestimate this faint karma. It can affect cultivation. What's more terrifying is that it can also cause practitioners to have demons in their hearts. In severe cases, it can even affect their mental state, which is the so-called"devil's possession".

"Haha, how can you say there is a conspiracy? Everyone relies on their own strength. Isn't it because my cultivation is not as good as his that your master used the palm of the universe?"Sun Sheng glanced at Nanhai Guanyin and said lightly

"you...You actually know the universe in your palm."

Nanhai Guanyin was shocked. Many people in Buddhism did not know this magical power, but now Sun Sheng recognized it. How could she not be shocked?


Tathagata opened his eyes and used the power of faith to suppress the karma on his body. He stood up and chanted the Buddha's name, then said lightly:"Amitabha, Sun Sheng, when did I say that our bet would determine the winner in one game?"

"Hmm? Hehe..."

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