When they arrived at the Heavenly Palace, the Queen Mother was unwilling to recognize Cowherd, the grandson-in-law of this world, and refused to let the Weaver girl come out to see him. Instead, she found seven women who were all tall, short, fat and thin, and said to Cowherd: If you are right, let you meet each other."

Niu Lang was dumbfounded, but the two children in his arms rushed towards his mother. It turned out that the blood relationship between mother and child could not be separated by anything!

The Queen Mother had nothing to do, but she was still unwilling to return to the world of Weaver Girl, so she ordered the Weaver Girl to be taken away.

Niu Lang was in a hurry, leading the two children to catch up quickly. They ran, and they didn’t want to stop when they were tired. When they fell, they got up again, and they were about to catch up. The Queen Mother eagerly drew the golden hairpin on her head with a stroke, drawing a wide width between them. Of the Milky Way.

From then on, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl could only stand at the opposite ends of the Milky Way, looking at each other.

And on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar every year, thousands of magpies flew up and built a long magpie bridge on the Milky Way to reunite the Cowherd and Weaver Girl family again.

When the story was over, the audience in the live broadcast room was silent.

Obviously, they were all stunned by this story.

It turned out that it was true that a fairy married a mortal or something?

The Queen Mother above the Heavenly Court is not too vicious, she even agreed to reunite the Cowherd and Fairy Huangyi once a year.

If...cough cough, it's just that if, ah, I can have such an adventure, how good it would be to make a certain fairy tempted!

Isn't there a total of seven fairies!

Now that mobile phones are popular, they are no strangers to immortals.

You can see the gods in the live broadcast room at will. What else is impossible?

Of course, what everyone cares about most is the Seven Fairies, that is, the Ziyi Fairy.

She is the youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor, kind and lively.

"Fairy in Green, can you tell a story about the Seven Fairies?"


"That is, the host of the live broadcast room. She is not here today. This is a rare opportunity!"

"Ahem! Is this to arrange people behind while the master is away?"

"Everyone is not malicious, just want to know some stories about her!"

"Just tell everyone!"

Seeing the upsurge in the live broadcast room, the green fairy hesitated.

She wanted to make up a story about the Seven Fairies on the spot, but she was still hesitating.

The divine mind turned rapidly, and within a short time, the legendary story of Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies was formed in his mind.

She wanted the seventh daughter of the Jade Emperor to be impressed by the filial son Dong Yong who "selled her to bury her father", and yearned for a happy life in the world, privately going down to the world to combine with it.

Then, the Jade Emperor sent a heavenly soldier to chase her back to the heavenly court.

In her vision, these characters are the honest and honest Dong Yong, the kind and beautiful seven fairies, the fairy sisters who help each other, the tricky and mean Fu Yuan,

Vivid images such as the ruthless and vicious Jade Emperor, coupled with beautiful dancing posture and beautiful background music, will surely remain deeply in people's memory.

She believes that from today onwards, the folklore story of "Dong Yongyuxian" will be more fascinating, and the artistic image of "Seven Fairies" will be known to everyone.

But-does she dare?

I have finished the arrangement of the fairy in yellow clothes, and then arrange the seven fairies. These two best-tempered fairies have been arranged by her. Is she a bully?

However, the voice in the live broadcast room was too high. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and began to make up stories.

"It is said that the seven fairies, the daughter of the Jade Emperor, longed for life on earth because of the loneliness and loneliness of the heavenly palace.

One day, he went to Lingxu Terrace with six sisters to play, and occasionally saw Dong Yong, a young farmer who sold his body to bury his father in the lower realm. He was moved by his honesty and admiration.

The eldest sister sees through the younger sister's thoughts, and helps her descend to the world regardless of the strict rules of the palace.

When she was leaving, she gave another incense stick so that the little girl could burn the incense for help when she was in a hurry.

The seven fairies came to the world, and after the land master agreed, the huaiyin tree acted as a matchmaker, and married Dong Yong.

In order to help her husband redeem her life, the Seven Fairies went to work outside Fu Yuan's house.

The staff deliberately made things difficult for her to weave ten brocades overnight.

If it succeeds, Dong Yong's long-term work period will be changed from three years to 100 days, otherwise three years will be changed to six years.

Seven fairies lit up a hard incense in the computer room to ask for help.

Fu Yuanwai had to fulfill his promise.

After Dong Yong's work period expired, the couple returned home happily.

On the way, Dong Yong found that his wife was pregnant, and hurried to ask for water to quench her thirst.

At this time, a violent wind suddenly rose, the heavenly soldiers appeared in the sky, and the Jade Emperor's decree was passed down, and the seven fairies were restricted to return to the heavenly palace at three noon.

The Seven Fairies couldn't bear her husband's innocent victimization, so she had to explain her origin to Dong Yong, and carved the oath of "Heaven-Up-Human-Heart-Heart" on the locust tree, and returned to the heavenly court with grief and indignation.

There is another version of this story, that is, the fairy in Ziyi, that is, the seven fairies are unwilling to live a boring life imprisoned in the palace, yearning for the fireworks in the world, she sees the poor young man Dong Yong who is hardworking, kind, simple and honest, and treats him deeply. Deeply sympathetic story.

Not counting the sympathy, the Seven Fairies went down to the world in spite of the Tiangong’s ban, turned into a village girl, and met Dong Yong at the intersection and asked the old locust tree as a matchmaker to form a couple.

The young couple love each other, the male farming and the female weaving, lead an ordinary and fulfilling happy life.

However, the Emperor of Heaven could not allow her daughter to elope, strictly ordered her to return to the palace, and even threatened to kill Dong Yongxiang.

The seven fairies had to give up their love with Dong Yong and leave the world. A year later, she sent her son under the old locust tree, giving Dong Yong a little comfort. "

When this beautiful story was finished, there was another silence in the live broadcast room.

In the silence, what was faintly uncontrollable was obviously expectation.

They really hope this story happened to themselves!

Huo De Xingjun: "Fog Grass! I have admired the Seven Fairies for many years. I never knew that she had a mortal heart and liked poor mortals! Should I go down to the earth to experience and become a filial son who sells his body to bury his father?"

Seven fairies admirer: "You should go practice while practicing, such a beautiful thing will definitely happen to me!"

Mortal Dong Yong: "Fogcao! The man the Seven Fairies likes has the same name as me. Does it mean that I have the hope of getting the fairy's heart?"

Looking at the barrage, the fairy in green laughed secretly. These people are really funny. They know that they are the stories they made up, but they take them seriously.

What she didn't know was that not only in the live broadcast room, but in the next few years, the two stories she casually made up, a fairy in a yellow dress and a fairy in a purple dress, that is, the story of the seven fairies, turned out to be a story that has been passed down for a long time. , Passed on from generation to generation.

Even in Qin Hao's time, the story of the goddess and the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl are also hot-selling dramas on the screen.

When many film companies can't survive, they will make a similar movie or TV series to earn the audience's attention.

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